"Kokbol was killed, which was a major event that shocked the three worlds. Himejima Akeno glanced at Li Hao with a smile and couldn't help but said."Hao, I'm afraid all the gods and demons in the three realms know your name now.""

Kokobol, the fallen angel cadre who survived that war, had demon king-level terrifying combat power comparable to many important gods in the pantheon. No one denies his power.

However, he was killed by Li Hao. From then on. , Li Hao's name is resounding throughout the three realms, an existence that no god or demon dares to ignore. Of course, no one knows the news of Li Hao's killing of many members of the"Khaos·Brigade", not even the Nordic evil god Loki. There are very few people who know the truth about the death in his hands, otherwise, it may cause a greater sensation.

"so what?"Li Hao smiled frivolously and said nonchalantly. He has always had an indifferent attitude towards reputation. He doesn't care at all what others think of him. The most important thing is to live according to his own wishes.

"......"Hearing this, Rias and Himejima Akeno looked at each other and shook their heads helplessly. I really don’t know what to say about him.

However, Rias understood that the aftermath would be a bit troublesome.

After all, Kirkbolt was also a cadre of the"Grigori", the central organization of the Fallen Angels. To kill him, he must at least give an explanation to the Fallen Angels. No, that's the opposite. It was Kirkbolt who started the war without authorization, and he deserved to die.

To be precise, the fallen angels should give an explanation to both angels and demons. But this involved a high-level issue that was beyond her authority and could not be solved by her. Rias decided to report it to her brother Sirzechs, the Demon King Lucifer, and he would handle it.

"——Oh hoo!"Ophis rubbed his sleepy eyes, holding a white rabbit doll in his arms, walking slowly with light steps. Under her feet, Fenrir followed her closely.

If Azazel He stepped back slowly, and when he saw Ophis' petite figure, he would definitely fall from the tree in horror. Unlike Rias and the others, he had seen Ophis before. Even if the appearance of Sri Lankan people changes, the feeling will not be wrong.

"Did it wake you up?"Li Hao grinned, tilted his head and asked

"Um."Orpheus nodded.

"It's still early before dawn, go back to bed quickly."Li Hao rubbed Ophis' little head and said with a smile.

"......"Ophis was silent for a long time, his dark pupils looking tightly at Li Hao, his expressionless and cute face changed slightly, he tilted his head and asked,"Do you need the power of a snake?"

Li Hao squatted down, He picked up Ophis, smiled frivolously, and said,"I can solve this little trouble by myself. I don't need your strength."

Rias beside her smiled and said nothing, only feeling Ophis is quite interesting, a really cute kid who always wants to help adults. Just thinking about her past, I'm afraid she even thought about helping her brother Sirzechs, who is the Demon King.

Rossweisse was dumbfounded. Li Hao was so powerful. If he could get the 'Infinite Dragon God (Ouroboros·Dragon)' to increase Orpheus' power, it wouldn't be a problem to be so terrifying that he could sweep across the three realms.

When he heard that it was not necessary, Ophis' delicate and pretty face remained expressionless, but her pupils dimmed. I don’t know why, but I really want to hear that he needs her. What is it like? I have never experienced it before, and I really don’t understand it.

"Can I pre-save?"Li Hao said with a playful smile.

"Pre-save?"Orpheus tilted his head and said with a blank look on his face.

"I just keep it with you first, and you can give it to me when needed. Li Hao said with a smile.

"Um!"Ophis nodded heavily and said very seriously."I'll save it for you."

"Thank you very much!"Li Hao responded with a smile.

"Ah la ah la~~~, Hao is really good at coaxing children. Himejima Akeno said with a slight smile.

"——child?"When Heige heard this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch. Ophis is many times older than you, even if your ancestors combined for eighteen generations are probably not as old as you! However, her personality is innocent and ignorant. Things in the world are simpler than anyone else, and the mental age is about the same as that of a child

"——No! No! Where is the 'Holy Sword Excalibur'? Where?!"Kiba Yuuto knelt at the place where Kokobol fell, becoming a little scary and crazy, even turning to signs of collapse. Kokobol was killed, what about the other 'Holy Sword Excalibur'? Could it be, The clues are now cut off!

"Yuto......"Rias said worriedly

"......Well, he should still be somewhere in this town, one of the Black Crow cadre's men."

Li Hao said casually, then turned to look at Jenova and Irina Wisteria, who were still on the verge of collapse. Their spirits were so severely damaged, even Aisha's artifact 'Twilight Healing', The healing effect should not be great.

It seems that there is no way to ask for the reward, which is the two holy swords they have. Of course, they can still wait until they wake up, and they can't run away anyway. Take back the other holy swords, otherwise you will be in trouble if Kirkbol's men find out that the situation is not good.

"Hello! Dahui, you have a very good nose. You should be able to track the scent of the Black Crow cadres, right?"Li Hao lowered his head slightly and said to Fenrir. When Kokbol went here, he should have left a smell along the way, even if it was just a little bit.

I'm not a dog! Fenrir glanced at Li Hao angrily. , turned his head away and treated Fenrir, the godly wolf feared by the gods, as an ordinary dog. Rias and the others couldn't help but look at Li Hao.

"obedient!"Li Hao kicked Fenrir casually and his tone was a little tough.

"——Ouch~~!"Fenrir roared reluctantly, but still obeyed obediently. Others may be able to ignore it, but it believes that Li Hao's status is still above it and it should obey his orders.

"Kiba, just follow Fenrir to retrieve the holy sword."Li Hao said with instructions.

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