"you......,Hello. My master has not returned yet......"

Facing the controller of a large force, the fallen angel governor Azazel recorded in the Bible, Rossweisse did not dare to be careless or rude at all, and will work hard to do the best in etiquette.

"Then I'll wait for him to come back."Azazel smiled frivolously and said without politeness at all.

"——Please come in!" Rossweisse opened the door and made an inviting gesture.

It didn't look like the visitor was evil.

After all, no matter what, Kirkbolt was a fallen angel cadre under Azazel. Hao killed him without saying a word. Moreover, after killing Kokbol, Li Hao did not give an explanation to all the fallen angels of the fallen central organization"Grigori", not even a small excuse or reason. He just ignored them as if he was going to kill them.

It was only natural that the other party came to visit him.

However, Li Hao was still in the"Supernatural Research Department" and had not returned yet, so the invitation was powerful. , it would be too responsible for someone with an unknown attitude to enter the house.

However, Rossweisse didn't care at all. Even Azazel, or to be precise, let alone the mere fallen angel governor. A stronger and more numerous enemy with malicious intentions would not be able to overturn the situation and would definitely be suppressed without hesitation.

Azazel walked into the room casually and glanced at Rossweisse. He smiled frivolously and said:"I didn't expect that beside the host of 'True Longinus', there would be a Valkyrie from the Nordic god system."

"Please take a seat! Rossweisse led Azazel into the living room and said,"Wait a moment, I'll make tea!""

"Um! Azazel nodded and asked casually:"When will your master come back?""

"At this time, Hao should be back soon. Rossweisse said seriously.

At this time, Fenrir, who had finally had enough sleep after sleeping under the sofa for most of the day, opened his hazy eyes with sleepiness, stood up lazily, and shook his body.

"Fenrir, don't scare the guests!" Rossweisse said reproachfully

"——Ouch~" Fenrir raised his head proudly and glanced at Rossweisse with contempt, not caring about the idea of a creature inferior to himself.

——Scared?! interesting!

Azazel raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stared at the shaking puppy, and muttered secretly.

The Valkyrie from the Nordic rural pantheon is a joke, right?! Wasn't it just a puppy that scared the fallen angel governor? He’s not dog-phobic!.......wait wait wait! she......, what did she call this dog? Finn....., Fenrir......, this name sounds quite familiar!

No! No!! No!!! It’s not that it’s familiar anymore, it’s simply famous, and its reputation spreads far and wide. I’m afraid not many people among the gods and demons of the three realms have not heard of it! And, be afraid of it!

——Fenrir, the godly wolf!!!

Is that it?

Azazel was stunned and stared at the small dog in front of him. However, when he touched those bloodthirsty eyes that seemed to devour a person's soul, he couldn't help but shudder, and a drop of cold sweat slipped down his forehead.

"That's it! It really is it! ——Fenrir, the godly wolf!!!"

In an instant, Azazel confirmed. He couldn't help swallowing and moisturizing his dry throat. The frivolous and playful smile on his face no longer showed up, but instead became the nervousness he had seen so far, which instantly enveloped his whole body.. There is a feeling of being in trouble.

The legendary God-killing Wolf is predicted to be the culprit of the destruction of the gods in Norse mythology. A huge threat. No matter how powerful the body is, it will be as soft as paper and be easily punctured.

By the way, not long ago, Loki, the evil god of the Nordic system, was attacked by an unknown person. He died in the attack, and the god wolf Fenrir has disappeared. The murderer has not been found yet.

Now it seems that the shooter may be Li Hao, the host of True Longinus. But think about it, it really is. After all, there are not many gods in the Three Realms who can kill the evil god Loki and escape before the Nordic gods can react. It sounds like a good match. It seems that his master, Li Hao, needs to be re-evaluated. He already has the power to shake up a force and is someone who cannot be underestimated.

"Hao, haven't you come back yet?"Suddenly, without a trace of emotional ups and downs, it was like the sweet sound of silver bells, slowly approaching.

"Master, you haven’t come back yet!"When it comes to the word 'master', there is obviously grit in it, and there is obviously shame in it.

"——oh~!"Ophis blinked his eyes, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

"Master Ophis, do you want to watch TV? Rebel said inquiringly towards Ophis. Rebel was very curious about this cute creature and mascot of Li House. For some reason, Tacheng Heige and the others seemed to have a strange kind of respect for her. Even the gods The wolf Fenrir was no exception.

Maybe it was because she was recognized as his sister by that evil bastard master! Rebel secretly murmured.

"OK! Ophis nodded,"I want to see Xi Yangyang and Big Big Wolf."......"

"yes!"Rebel responded.

Ophis? It sounds very familiar!

Azazel turned his head subconsciously. In an instant, his whole body stiffened, his jaw dropped, and he felt that his heart was about to burst and explode. After a while, he came back to his senses, suppressed his shock, and asked cautiously,"Orpheus."......, His Highness......"

"It’s Azazel, long time no see!"Ophis' face was expressionless, his pupils were as calm as the lake level, his tone was very calm, and he responded to Azazel, who he had met once before......................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically...............................

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