The villa where Li Hao and the others settled in this town was completely destroyed when Hades led a group of Death Gods to attack. Of course, if Hades is killed and there is no one to compensate him for, it is better not to send the bill to the Greek pantheon and ask them to compensate!

In this regard, Li Hao and the others have been temporarily staying at Rias's place in the human world these days. It must be said that Rias is worthy of being a high-ranking demonic Gremory family. They are not ordinary rich, or to be precise, they have long surpassed the standards of rich people. The Gremory family's territory is about the same size as Honshu, the largest island in the island country. , the temporary residence in the human world is a villa as luxurious as a castle.

In the early morning, a ray of bright sunshine passed through the window and directly illuminated the room that was as big as a hall. At the same time, several figures appeared on the bed, which could sleep about ten people.

Li Hao slowly opened his sleepy eyes and couldn't help but yawned. At the same time, he looked at Himejima Akeno who was standing next to him, leaning over and looking at him with a smile.

"What are you doing? Haven't you been fed enough yesterday?"The corners of Li Hao's mouth curled up deeply, and he said with a half-smile.

"——Meow meow~!"

Before Himejima Akeno could respond, something moved in Li Hao's lower abdomen. Immediately, he got out between Li Hao's legs, hung on her body and slid down. He was wearing a white shirt as pajamas, half-covering and half-exposing his smooth skin as white and smooth as milk, looking extremely charming.

"Meow~......"The Tacheng kitten rubbed its sleepy eyes, its cat ears moved back and forth, and its white tail also waggled. Then, he hugged Li Hao's chest and prepared to fall asleep again.

As if they had already discussed it, Tashiro Kuroka and Rias on the left and right held one arm each. Aisha, below, hugged one leg tightly, as if swearing authority.

Not willing to lag behind, Aisha was no longer content with waking up Li Hao in the morning. At night, while everyone was doing loving exercises, she angrily rushed in to join in. As a carnivorous person, Li Hao naturally would not refuse and would eat her up completely without hesitation.

"Ah la ah la~~~, I can’t do it if I don’t get up~, you have to eat breakfast while it’s hot."Seeing this, Himejima Akeno resisted the urge to join in and said with a smile.

"Look at me, can I get away?"Li Hao responded with a smile. Even so, with a happy look on his face, it seemed that he would have another loving exercise in the morning and had no intention of getting out of bed.

"We can't delay today until a big shot comes to visit." Himejima Akeno said

"Big shot? Who? Li Hao asked."Is it Azazel, the leader of the Black Crows?"!"

After that battle, the leaders of the three forces left long ago. To maintain the 'System' left by God, we cannot leave the heaven for a long time. And the underworld is busy with affairs, and the two Zechs and Serafall , and cannot stay in the human world for too long.

As for the fallen angel governor Azazel, just when Li Hao wanted to settle the score with him, he had already disappeared somewhere. Of course, Li Hao had no intention of letting him go. However

, when Li Hao rushed to the fallen angel world to settle the score with Azazel, Sirzechs stopped him and told him to wait for a few days and Azazel would satisfy him. Only then did Li Hao give up the idea.

"It was Lord Azazel." Himejima Akeno said

"Then let’s wait!"Li Hao said evilly

"Forehead......"Himejima Akeno was stunned and asked the leader of a force to wait. This really made people don't know what to say. However, he understood that Azazel owed Li Hao, so he probably wouldn't have any complaints!

"OK Himejima Akeno responded with a smile, but did not say anything to dissuade her, just like Yamato Nadeshiko who gently supported her husband.......................................

On the sofa in the living room, Azazel was drinking tea very leisurely, but there was no trace of waiting anxiety or trouble on his face, but an expression of contentment. After waiting for a long time and having a long breakfast, Li Hao and the others finally appeared in his eyes.

"Azazel, if you still dare to appear in front of me, aren't you afraid of being stabbed to death by me?"As soon as they met, Li Hao's eyes flashed with cold light, his murderous intention seeped out without concealment, and he asked Azazel aggressively.

"Of course, you have the confidence to satisfy yourself."Azazel shrugged and said with a smile. He was calm on the surface, but no one knew what was going on inside.

"Yeah?"Li Hao pulled out a mocking smile.

"Your Highness Ophis, please welcome me!"Azazel turned to say hello to Ophis in a very respectful manner.

"Hello!"Orpheus responded. She already has a general understanding of the daily life in the human world, and she will respond politely when others say hello.

"I'm so frightened."Azazel's submissive attitude has not changed at all.

At this time, Samael, the natural enemy of the 'Infinite Dragon God (Ouroboros·Dragon)', has also fallen. It can be said that he is truly the strongest person in this world who cannot be shaken. No other pantheon dares to challenge him. She is so powerful. Unless she has another dragon god as her backer, she will not be afraid of Ophis.

However, the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)' has been wandering in the interdimensional space, and it is not as difficult to find it as Den. Damn it. Even if it is found, it will probably be useless. It clearly has no intention of leaving the interdimensional gap. After all, there is nothing in the world that can attract the 'True Red Dragon God Emperor (Great Red)'.

"I said! Azazel, stop procrastinating and come up with an explanation that satisfies me. otherwise......"The corners of Li Hao's mouth curled up, showing a ferocious smile, and said:"You should know the consequences."

Azazel shrugged nonchalantly, took out two items confidently, and showed them in front of Li Hao.......................New book is on the shelves. Please add it to your favorites. Please subscribe. Please send it automatically............................._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading - close

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