Chapter 488 Kojiro’s invitation to fight

At this moment, Tohsaka Rin hugged Sakura, and at this moment, Sakura whispered in Tohsaka Rin’s arms,"Sister.……"

Hearing Sakura's murmur, Tohsaka Rin finally breathed a sigh of relief. She kissed Sakura's forehead gently, and then said lovingly,"Sakura, you can rest."

Looking at this warm gesture In this scene, Lin Ye couldn't help but sigh and said,

Lin Ye,"Kariya, your spirit in heaven can rest in peace."

Matou Kariya"…………I'm not dead yet.

Lin Ye:"I'm not talking about you, don't make so many dramas.""

Lin Ye was talking about the Matou Kariya in the original timeline. Of course, 29 is not the Matou Kariya in front of him.

Matou Zangyan"Haha, what a pity. He was originally a good seedling. If you let me cultivate it,……"

Lin Ye:"That's useless! Don't even think about this idea."

After all, it's not you who makes Sakura suffer? Really, when will I get the ability to kill people completely? When the time comes, I will be the first to deal with this old bug.

The battle has reached the other side.

At this moment, on the stairs, my king and Kojiro have also reached the final decisive battle!

With the fierce battle, Kojiro's sword was slightly deformed due to the super strong collision. But Kojiro doesn't care, he only has one action at the moment, and that is to use his most powerful trump card!

"Secret sword skill... Yan Hui!!!"

Kojiro waved the sword in his hand, and the next second, the same three signature swords appeared again! Facing these three swords, my king could not resist with the sword of victory, she could only use the sword in her hand. The sword met him head-on!

At this moment, three swords formed an encirclement, and my king was about to be cut into three pieces by one sword! However, my king did not feel any nervousness.

Intuition! Activate!

In an instant, my king looked in front of him With the three swords, she was looking for everything, and then she swung out one sword!


As a crisp collision sounded, the two figures staggered directly! The picture seemed to be frozen for a while, and a few seconds later the picture appeared There was a change.

Red blood flowed from the corner of Kojiro's mouth. At this moment, Kojiro could only say with his last breath

"What I thought was a beautiful bird turned out to be a terrifying lion?……"


Kojiro's body fell on the steps, and then he turned into a point of light and silently disappeared in mid-air.………

Assassin Kojiro, defeated and retired. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Lin Ye"Oh... the gatekeeper failed again. Really, why have I never seen Kojiro win a battle?"

Lin Ye thought. After thinking about it, it seems that I have never seen Kojiro win...

Alas, he is always a defeated general.

Medea"How is it possible? How is it possible? Something is wrong, this is unreasonable? Why did Assassin lose? I specially sealed Saber's Noble Phantasm!"

Lin Ye"It's not surprising that he lost. Didn't you notice that in the end? In a duel, has Kojiro's sword deformed?"

Medea" saw it, but……"

Lin Ye"Missed by a thousand miles, it was that little gap. My king predicted it with his own intuition, and then found Kojiro's flaw and killed him from that single gap."

Medea"Alas.………What a pity, what a pity."

Kojiro""It's nothing to regret. It's all my own battle, and I am convinced that I lost." But I originally thought that I was quite accurate in seeing women, but... I can only say that the King of Knights is indeed the King of Knights, but... 793 Artoria, although after watching the live broadcast, I feel that I am not your opponent, but I still want to fight you with my own hands."

Kojiro is still unwilling to admit defeat just because of a live broadcast. He wants to have a real duel. Even if he loses, he must lose realistically.

My king,"Okay, I also want to experience the first sword of RB in person. The strength of soldiers."

Kojiro""Okay!" It’s a deal!"

My king" is settled in one word."

Matou Zouken""Haha, I didn't feel much about your battle, but I guessed it right this time. Kojiro, Kuzuki Soichiro and Medea will all die, and they will also die in Saber, Emiya Shirou and Tohsaka." Rin's hand. Haha, I want to take the treasure chest this time."

Matou Shinji:"Haha, grandpa deserves to be a grandpa, he is awesome! But grandpa, how did you guess the final result?".

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