Chapter 108: Moving forward in the dark.

After more than two hours of driving, the train finally arrived in Xidu.

After getting off the train, I walked towards the sightseeing bus boarding area with the chill on my skin.

Entering late autumn, the temperature in Xidu has dropped a lot, and it will get even colder next.

On the way to the tour bus, Kawasaki suddenly pulled Hayata, leaving the two of them lagging behind the others.

Regarding Kawasaki’s sudden move, Hayabusa asked in confusion.:

“What’s wrong?”

“What happened in the car?”

People are gossips. Kawasaki couldn’t help but ask Hayata about it in the end.

“In the car?”

“Is it just about Ebina? I saw you guys winking at each other.”

Kawasaki had an expression like”I already know everything, don’t try to lie to me.”

“Oh, you said this.”

Kawasaki noticed something unusual. This was something Hayabusa never expected.

But this is not a problem. As long as Tobe doesn’t know about it, everything else is not a problem.

Hayata put his arm around Kawasaki’s shoulders and leaned into her ear. Said in a low voice:

“Actually it’s nothing. It was Ebina who found out that Tobe liked her and wanted to confess to her, but she didn’t want to do this, so she came up with this idea.”

Shunta is just trying not to let others hear. This is not for any other purpose.”

“Like This.”

After understanding what was going on, Kawasaki immediately broke away from Hayata, walked forward quickly, and returned to the team.

【This is really burning a bridge across the river. ]

Hayabusa complained in his heart.

But what he didn’t notice was that Kawasaki’s face was completely red at this time.

After getting on the tour bus, they were sent to a temple, which was the place they were going to visit today.

After getting off the bus, they followed the team in front and entered the temple.

But although this temple is quite big, there are more than a thousand people in the entire second grade of Sobu High School.

There were so many people rushing in all at once, and of course there was a long queue.

Just when Hayabusa was lining up with peace of mind, Dango, who had run off to nowhere with Miura and the others, suddenly ran over and pulled Hayabusa out of the opposite team.

“What’s wrong? Hayabusa asked puzzledly.

“Yuko and I found a good place.”

As he said that, he pulled Hayata and walked towards the side hall of the temple.

Soon, they came to a small gate, where a middle-aged uncle was soliciting tourists.

There, Miura and Ebina were already Waiting there.

After arriving here, through the explanations of the three people, Hayabusa realized what was going on.

It turned out that this was a [womb tour]. Well, this was actually the first time Hayabusa heard of this term.

It’s very simple, just walk around in the completely dark Buddhist hall, saying that you can get the blessing of the Buddha.

Although Hayata is a staunch atheist, in his opinion, even if there is a god, it is just more. It’s just a high-level life.

But looking at the three girls who were so excited, he could only follow them around.

Well, there was a fee here, 100 Sakura coins for each person.

After the four of them paid, they took off their shoes and walked towards them. Walk inside the Buddhist temple

“Wow, it’s so dark down there, which makes me feel even more excited!”

“Hmm~ah, darkness…if I let Hayama and Tobe come over…hehehehe……”

Ebina laughed foolishly.

The four of them walked down the stairs and turned the corner. The light immediately became much weaker. After walking a few steps forward, they entered the darkness where they couldn’t see their fingers.

Hayata reached out and grabbed the rosary-shaped handrail, held on to it, and moved forward slowly step by step.

The eyes have completely lost their function here. Open eyes and closed eyes are exactly the same.

“……Oh my god, it’s so dark, so dark, so dark! Oh my God.”

Miura made an exaggerated voice and immediately hugged Hayata.

“Indeed, nothing can be seen.”

Shunta said in a calm tone, and then hugged Miura’s soft and delicate body with his backhand.

Miura was shocked and froze.

She kept her stiff posture like this, mechanically moving forward with Hayabusa.

Four The man took a few steps forward, and Hayata suddenly felt something grab his hand holding the armrest, and then something hit him from behind.

“Wow! Ah, it’s so dark in here……”

It’s Tuanzi’s voice.

In the darkness, she touched Hayata’s back and arms to confirm his position.

“Yes, it’s too dark in here.”

Hayabusa said with deep meaning.

Because he suddenly discovered that darkness is a good cover and excuse.

He can use this darkness for many things.

“Let’s talk, otherwise I’d think you were missing.”

Darkness makes Tuanzi feel uneasy

“Well, that’s true.”

While talking, they did not stop moving forward, and Tuanzi did not take back his hand.

——This makes her feel more secure in this darkness.

In this way, the two of them were chatting while moving forward.

“The previous plan seemed to be very successful.”

“Yes, Tobe must believe it. You just need to do it a few more times to deepen his impression.”

“Thank you so much this time, Busujima, Yui.”

Ebina, who had been silent until now, suddenly interrupted.


Tuanzi was startled by the sudden, close voice.


She patted her chest and complained to her best friend.:

“Ji Cai, you scared me to death”

“Hehehe…it’s Yui, you are too timid.”

At this time, Tuanzi suddenly realized that there seemed to be one person missing.

“Yumeko, where are you? Why don’t you speak?”


Yumiko’s low moan caused Tuanzi to misunderstand, and she asked eagerly:

“Yumeko, are you okay?”

“It’s okay, it’s just too dark, I accidentally bumped into Hayabusa���

Yumiko’s voice is a little different from usual, it sounds more charming

“Oh, all right.”

First he breathed a sigh of relief, and then Tuanzi suggested again:

“Yumeko, how about you hold on to Hayata like me, and then everything will be fine?”


Everyone turned several corners in the Buddhist hall, and something appeared in the pitch-black field of vision.

It was an illumination that emitted a faint light, and a stone was illuminated by the light.

When they walked to the stone, everyone could finally look at each other. A blurry figure emerged.

At this time, Dango and Miura were pulling Hayata to the left and right, but Ebina was the only one who did not do so.

“It seems that the stone is being turned while making wishes.”

Tuanzi looked at the stone and recalled the uncle’s introduction just now.

“So let’s get started.”

You have come, of course you have to follow the procedures.

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