Father-in-law, who has been hiding behind the mountain, uses his last radiance to illuminate the windows of the social office building. The golden light shines through the clean glass windows into the cooking classroom and shines on the boys and girls in the classroom.

They gathered around the counter and looked at the unknown black object on the plate.

“Why is this so?”

Looking at these unknown objects that couldn’t even be called”biscuits” – Tuanzi looked frustrated.

“Don’t be so frustrated. Except for geniuses like Yukinoshita, it’s normal for most people to fail the first time.”

After comforting Dango, Hayabusa carefully picked up a piece of”biscuit” and observed it carefully.

Then he made some mental preparations in his mind, and then put it into his mouth under the gaze of Yukinoshita and Dango.


As soon as he put this thing in his mouth, Hayata’s taste buds were hit like a stormy wave, rushing straight to his Tianling Gai’er.

It must be said that this is an extremely lethal and refreshing weapon.

Although he tried his best to endure it, every time he chewed, Hayata’s face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

Seeing Hayabusa like this, Danzi was hit hard and his whole body became wilted.

Because it was too painful, Hayabusa could only chew it twice in a hurry before swallowing it forcefully.


Then he took a deep breath, and he felt like he was alive again.

“Is it really that bad to eat?”

Duanzi was still a little unwilling to give up – she also took out a piece of the black unknown object from the plate.

Like Hayabusa, she took it to her eyes and observed it carefully.

Looking at the burnt unknown object, Danzi also She was very hesitant and didn’t know whether she should eat it.

Finally she gritted her teeth and ate it with a glimmer of hope.


Same reaction as Hayata

——At this moment, Tuanzi wanted to spit out what was in his mouth.

But when she thought that she had done it herself, and that wasting food was a bad behavior, she could only endure two mouthfuls of chewing, and then swallowed it quickly like Hayata.

After tasting what she had made, Tuanzi completely lost confidence in her cooking skills. She said in frustration:

“As expected, I am not suitable for cooking and have no talent in this area.”

But her reaction angered Yukinoshita on the side.

Yukinoshita’s face darkened and she shouted angrily in an extremely serious tone:

“Don’t have the talent in this area? You haven’t even tried hard, so what qualifications do you have to say this? Is it true that talented people will succeed if they don’t work hard? Yukinoshita did not give up. She picked up the unknown object made of dumplings, put it in her mouth, and tasted it with a frown.

——In this way, we can better grasp more information and provide suggestions for subsequent modifications.

“But…in this day and age, no one gives away things they made by themselves.”

Tuanzi found another reason for himself to back out.

“Why do you care so much about others? What does it have to do with you what other people are like? Just do what you want and don’t make excuses for your cowardice!”

Faced with such a rebuke from Yukinoshita, most people would lose face. They would sometimes yell, turn around and walk away, or lower their heads and remain silent.

As for Dango, she fell into the latter category. She lowered her head silently. She clenched her hands and her body trembled slightly.

Yukinoshita also noticed the change in Dango. She actually knew that what she just said was serious because Dango’s performance touched her pain point.

Yukinoshita is very talented. She can learn anything easily.

Because of this, everyone will say that she is a genius and deny her efforts.

——This is something Yukinoshita cares about very much.

She obviously worked harder than ordinary people to achieve what she is today, but she was easily denied by others.

Because of this, Yukinoshita couldn’t control her emotions just now.

Just when she was at a loss and didn’t know how to comfort Tuanzi, Tuanzi suddenly raised his head.

Unlike the tears in her eyes as expected, her big red eyes looked at Yukinoshita with admiration:

“So… so handsome!”

Duango’s reaction was very different.

Such a difference made Yukinoshita, a calm and methodical person, confused, with a big”囧” written on his face.

“You don’t even say anything superficial. I feel so handsome.”

Duanzi held her hands in front of her chest, as if she was a little girl who saw her idol.

No, it’s not exactly like her, but in her heart, Yukinoshita is her idol at this time.

“Uh… are you really listening to what I’m saying? I think what I said is quite serious.”

Faced with Dango’s unusual reaction, Yukinoshita subconsciously took a step back.

She really didn’t understand, even after being scolded by her like that, how could Dango have such a reaction?

“The words are indeed very serious, but I know they are all sincere. Because I have always only cared about catering to others.”

Tuanzi also knows about her situation.

But because she has been like this for so many years, it is difficult for her to change.

——It is really not easy to change a person’s personality.

It is precisely because of this that she admires Yukinoshita so much and thinks she is so dazzling.

“Sorry, I will try my best to do it seriously next time.”

Finally, Tuanzi expressed his determination.

“Seeing how determined Yui is, Yukinoshita, please teach her some more.”

At this time, Hayabusa also intervened to smooth things over.

“Alas~ Then I will do it again, please remember it well.”

Yukinoshita sighed and prepared to regroup.

“OK, I will definitely try my best.”

Duanzi smiled and looked full of energy.

In this way, Yukinoshita started to explain to Danzi while making cookies.

But… maybe Yukinoshita is a talented girl with great talent. But she is definitely not a good teacher.

Well, maybe it should be said that it is precisely because her talent is so good that she can learn anything immediately, so she thinks that others can do it too. In this way, it is natural that she can understand it as soon as she learns it → so she spoke very concisely → which made other people unable to understand her words at all, and they were confused.

Hayata looked at the situation and shook his head helplessly. Shake your head.

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