Father-in-law Sun has finished a busy day of work and is taking a bath in the sea, enjoying the rare leisure.

On the playground of Sobu High School, students were shouting loudly, making the school lively.

Compared with the bustling playground, the classroom in the corner on the fourth floor of the Social Affairs Building is very quiet at this time.


A soft cry broke the silence.

Zaimokuza looked at Hayata in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

“Yukinoshita is a person who doesn’t mince words. She speaks directly and says what she needs to say. So there is a high probability that you will get words that will hit you harder than online.”

Shunta explained


Zaimuzha didn’t expect it to be like this, and after hesitating for a moment, he still said:

“I still want you to give me some opinions.”

Since the other party insists, what can Hayata say? Everything is his own choice.

“Okay, it’s quite late today. We need to go back and take a look at these things and give you our opinions tomorrow.”

As he said this, he glanced at the thick pile of


Zaimokuza nodded.

So the matter was settled.

Afterwards, Hayabusa and the other three divided the manuscripts and went home.

After returning home, Hayabusa just looked at them briefly and did not read them. Be more careful.

To be honest, with Zaimokuza’s level, it’s not worth taking him seriously. Just read it at the same speed as usual.

The next day, Hayata rode his bike to school. When parking in the carport, he happened to meet Tuanzi


“Morning, Hayabusa. What a coincidence that we met here.”

Duanzi is as usual, full of energy.

“It seems that you didn’t read Zaimuzha’s novel yesterday.”

As soon as he saw her look, Hayata knew what was going on.


She didn’t think of it until Hayabusa mentioned it.

Danzi touched her schoolbag with some embarrassment, where the manuscripts were still intact.

Before Hayabusa mentioned it, she had already put this The matter was forgotten.

Tuanzi smiled and started to change the topic:

“The weather is so nice today”

——It’s just more blunt.

Hayata walked up to Tuanzi, reached out and tapped her on the forehead, and said with a hint of reproach and affection:



Tuanzi stuck out his tongue at him playfully, then turned around and ran away.

「Yuigahama Yui’s love value is +1, current love value: 36.”

Looking at the beautiful figure walking away, Hayabusa shook his head helplessly, and then chased her in the direction she left.

——It’s time to go to class.

After a dull day of classes ended, Hayata went directly to the club office.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Yukinoshita already sitting in his seat.

As usual, she was the first to arrive.

It’s just that unlike sitting there reading a book as usual, Yukinoshita looked a little tired today and actually fell asleep while sitting there.

Although she was asleep, she was still sitting there upright. What was different from usual was that her big bright eyes were tightly closed, her little mouth opened and closed, and her head nodded from time to time.

——Different from the usual cold one, she looks so cute

「It’s so cute, I earned it today. Hayabusa quickly took out his phone and turned on the camera function.

——This other side of snow that is rarely seen must of course be preserved.

Hayata came to the front of Yukinoshita, found a good angle, and quickly took a picture of this rare scene.

But he was not satisfied with this, so he immediately changed the direction and continued to take pictures.

“Click click click……”

The sound of cameras taking pictures is endless

——In Sakura Country, the sound of taking pictures cannot be turned off. This is to prevent some people from taking photos secretly.

Well, just to prevent what Hayabusa is doing now.

The sound of taking photos may have startled Yukinoshita. She slowly opened her eyes.

“What are you doing?”

As soon as Yukinoshita opened her eyes, her previous cuteness was completely destroyed – she frowned and her eyes were cold.

If her eyes were anything to go by, then Hayabusa would probably have fallen off countless times by now.

“Nothing to do.”

Shunta looked at Yukinoshita with an innocent face.

“So what’s in your hand?”

Yukinoshita stared at the mobile phone in Hayata’s hand.

“A mobile phone, what else could it be?”

As a matter of course, Hayata walked to his seat and sat down.


Seeing Hayabusa pretending to be stupid, Yukinoshita snorted coldly:

“It seems that I am still too beautiful for some people to control”

“Yes, yes, you are right.”

Hayabusa replied perfunctorily.

Anyway, the photo has been obtained, so let’s let the other party take advantage verbally.

“But it seems like you worked very hard last night and it’s not like you to be so tired.”

Shunta changed the subject.

“That’s because you didn’t look at those things properly and fulfill your responsibilities.”

Looking at Hayata’s state, Yukinoshita said something back.

“Why can’t I rest while I’m in class?”

Shunta proposed another possibility.

“……You really can say such a thing so calmly.”

For Yukinoshita, a good student, Hayabusa’s speech just now is a bit dangerous.

“Although we are students, our bodies come first. No matter how good you study, what’s the use if your body is broken. So you should rest when you are tired.”

Shunta found an honest excuse for his behavior, and promoted some fallacy that looked good but was actually nonsense.

After all, it was his own fault for not arranging his time reasonably.

“Why didn’t I realize before that your mouth is quite eloquent?”

Yukinoshita looked at Hayata with some surprise.

“My mouth can do more than just talk, you will experience it in the future.”

As for Hayata’s teasing, Yukinoshita didn’t understand it at all and looked at a loss.

——She is still too pure.

Hayata did not explain, but asked Yukinoshita:

“But it didn’t take long for me to finish reading those things yesterday. Didn’t I tell you before? Things like this are just for passing the time. There is no need to read every word.”

“If you don’t read it well, how can you give pertinent opinions?”

On this point, it is obvious that the two have not reached an agreement this time.

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