This morning, Hayabusa came to class as usual and was about to enter the door when someone held his shoulders behind him.

Feeling someone tap on his shoulder, Hayata turned around and found that it was Shizuka Hiratsuka.

「Oops! Careless!”

He knew that he was a little too relaxed and was actually blocked.

However, although he secretly cried out that it was bad, Hayata did not show it on the surface, but immediately squeezed out a smile.

——Although this smile looks very far-fetched,

“Good morning, Mr. Hiratsuka.”

Shunta pretended to be nothing, smiled and greeted Hiratsuka Shizuka.

“Don’t you have anything else to say?”

Hiratsuka Shizu had a fake smile on her face.

“What! ?”

Shunta pretended not to know anything and looked confused.

“really do not know?”

Hiratsuka Shizu’s hand grabbed Hayabusa’s shoulder with a little force, and severe pain immediately spread to Hayabusa.

“I don’t know what you are talking about, teacher.”

Shunta was ready to pretend to be stupid to the end.

He stretched out his hand to hold Hiratsuka Shizu’s hand that was holding his shoulder, and inserted his fingers through the gap between the delicate hand and his shoulder, so that Hiratsuka Shizu couldn’t grab his shoulder with all his strength.

——Although Hiratsuka Shizuka didn’t use all her strength to cause Hayabusa the unbearable pain, why should he suffer this if he could avoid pain?

When his hand was suddenly grabbed, even though Hiratsuka Shizuka was usually carefree, he still couldn’t help but blush.

Although there is a ten-year age difference between the two, they are still young men and women of the same age. Such close contact is something Shizuka Hiratsuka has never had before, who has never had a boyfriend.

She shook off Hayabusa’s hand and stopped grabbing his shoulder. Then she pretended that nothing happened and asked Hayabusa:

“When get out of class was over yesterday, didn’t I ask you to go to the office after school?”


Hayata looked like he just remembered it, but because he was not a professional actor, it looked a little fake.

“Sorry, Mr. Hiratsuka, I accidentally forgot.”

He defended himself.

“forgotten? Hiratsuka

Shizuo sneered. Of course she could see immediately that this was just Hayata’s excuse, not something he had forgotten.

“At such a young age, is your memory so bad?”

“There is no way, there are too many things to learn every day, and it is easy to forget some things.”

Faced with Hiratsuka Shizu’s questioning, Hayata continued to defend himself.

“Then I hope you don’t forget it after school today, otherwise the consequences will be serious. Hiratsuka

Shizu waved his fist and warned Hayabusa.

“Ah~ No, definitely not.”

Hayabusa also immediately assured that he was interested.

“That’s good.”

Seeing that he had relented, Hiratsuka Shizuka patted Hayabusa on the shoulder and asked him to take care of himself. Then he turned and left with satisfaction.

Looking at Hiratsuka Shizu leaving, Hayabusa walked into the classroom indifferently. He could only say ——A teacher, is he still so naive?

Returning to his seat, as soon as Hayabusa sat down, the man at the table next to him turned around and started chatting with him.

“Is this the method you said?”

“Yes, isn’t that great?”

Tuanzi just witnessed the interaction between Hayata and Hiratsuka Shizu.

“Then you still have to go after school.”

Tuanzi answered angrily.

“Yui, you are so naive.”

Hayabusa replied in an old-fashioned tone.


Duanzi looked at Hayata in confusion and didn’t understand what he meant.

But Hayata didn’t explain, he just smiled mysteriously.

During the exchange between Hayata and Danzi, it was soon time for class.

This There was nothing much to talk about in class, and nothing special happened.

By the time of the first class in the afternoon, 24 hours had passed, and the number of tree fellings increased again, so this thing will not give birth to babies. Hayabusa just used it.

Today he was not as lucky as yesterday. This time he only got the lowest level 1 reward.

——This is normal, after all, probability is not there.

Hayabusa checked it out, and this time the reward was a bicycle.

Because he was in class, he didn’t withdraw the reward.

Before the rewards are extracted, they exist in the form of light groups in the space where the Great Thousand Sacred Tree is located – Hayata does not need to worry about storage issues.

Of course, after he withdraws the reward, there is no way to put it back into the space where the Great Thousand Sacred Tree is.

「A bicycle is fine too. Then just ride a bicycle to school and treat it as exercise.”

Now Hayata goes to and from school by train. It usually takes more than ten minutes to get to school from home.

If you ride a bicycle, it will take about four or five minutes more – after all, you still have to walk and wait for the tram – which is not unacceptable.

When school was over in the evening, Hayata came out of the classroom and walked along the corridor towards the social office building behind the teaching building.

The teaching building and social office building of Sobu High School are connected by a corridor on the second floor. If you look down from the air, it looks like a big”hui” character.

Social Affairs Building, this is what the students call it. The official name should be the Multimedia Building.

Because this is where most of the clubs except the sports clubs are located, it is called so by the students.

In fact, it is also the location of classrooms for cooking, chemistry experiments and other courses.

Well, the teachers’ offices are not here, but over there in the teaching building.

So in other words, Hayata was not planning to go to Hiratsuka Shizuka’s office.

This is why he thinks Hiratsuka Shizuka and Dango are too naive.

Along the corridor, Hayata came to the second floor of the social office building, and then went up the stairs to the fourth floor, heading towards the innermost classroom on the fourth floor.

At the end of the corridor, there is a classroom without any sign on the door number. It looks like there is no one there.

Hayata opened the door directly without knocking.


As the door of the classroom was opened, the situation inside also came into view.

There was nothing in this classroom, except for the blackboard in the front of the classroom and the desks and chairs stacked in the back. There is only one beautiful girl sitting in the middle seat by the window.

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