After thinking for a moment, Hayata asked Yukinoshita:

“Don’t you get bored when you’re alone like this?”

Hearing his question, Yukinoshita looked at Hayata again, his eyes seeming to say:

「Are you looking for trouble?”

For Yukinoshita, who has no friends, it is easy for her to misunderstand Hayata’s questions.

“You misunderstood, I was just curious. Seeing this

, Hayata quickly waved his hands and explained:

“You should be reading here at ordinary times. I just feel that there are only so many good books after all. If you don’t read them every day, there won’t be that many for you to read. Even if you keep doing one thing, you will get bored.”

Hearing Hayata’s explanation, Yukinoshita’s eyes softened a little – although they were still very cold.

“I think reading can enrich myself, which is good”

“In this case, there is no problem. After all, I actually like reading books.”

Shunta’s eyes fell on the book in Yukinoshita’s hand again, and he added in his heart:

「Although the books I read are different from serious literature like yours, they are all books after all.”

When it comes to being reincarnated into this world, the thing that makes Hayabusa the happiest is having new novels to read. It definitely ranks high on the list.

Because he came to a new world, he had a lot of novels that he never had in his original world, which made Hayabusa’s past life very fulfilling.

——It’s great to be reincarnated!

After that, Hayata chatted with Yukinoshita for a while, and then left the service club.

He didn’t stay long.

At the same time that Hayabusa left school, in the office of the second-year Chinese language group…

Just like yesterday, Shizuka Hiratsuka was leaning on a chair, smoking a cigarette carelessly.

If her hair were shorter and she only looked at her back, people unfamiliar with her would definitely mistake her for an uncle.

Hiratsuka Shizuka looked at the increasingly darker sky outside, and her expression darkened along with the sky.

「It seems that Busushima guy really needs a good education.”

She put out the cigarette butt fiercely, a cold light flashed in her eyes.

Hayata had no idea about this, he had already returned home happily.

But even if he knew, Hayata wouldn’t care, because he had already thought of a countermeasure from the beginning.

Time came to the third day of system awakening…

The weather was very good today. Hayata rode the bicycle he drew yesterday to the school and parked the car in the school’s parking shed.

After parking the car, he came to the door of the class as usual and prepared to go to his seat.

“Poison Island.”

But accompanied by a somewhat gloomy female voice, a strong big hand grasped his shoulder firmly at the same time.

——It’s like he’s afraid of running away

「It’s here again.”

Hayata immediately heard who the person was.

He immediately put on a fake smile on his face, turned his head and greeted the beautiful teacher with a gloomy face:

“Good morning, Mr. Hiratsuka”

“Follow me over there.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka didn’t look too good on Hayabusa. After all, he was let go twice in a row. It’s strange to have a good look on him.

She pointed to the corridor at the end of the corridor that connected to the communication office building, and then walked over first. Looking at Shizuka

Hiratsuka’s handsome back, Hayabusa gave a wry smile, and then had to follow him.

There was usually no one in the corridor in the morning. After all, it was not a sports club, and no one would go to the club building in the morning. side

——So there are only two people in the corridor, Hayata and Hiratsuka Shizu.

Arriving at the corridor, Hiratsuka Shizuka turned around and crossed her arms over her chest.

This kind of action can make the sea more rough, and people will unconsciously turn their eyes away.

“Don’t you have anything to say?”

Shizuka Hiratsuka’s aura was fully activated and he took the lead.

“What! ? Hiratsuka-sensei, I don’t understand what you mean.”

Same as yesterday, Hayata continued to act stupid.

“It seems that your memory is really bad. You have forgotten what I told you yesterday. Looks like it’s going to take a long time for you to remember.”

Hiratsuka Shizu raised his right hand and clenched his fist.

——The meaning of the threat is self-evident.

If this were in an anime, there would have been a”well” character on her forehead.

“ah! Hiratsuka-sensei, you are talking about this.”

Shunta showed a look of sudden realization, pretending to just remember what happened yesterday.

——Under Shizuka Hiratsuka’s force, he had no choice but to succumb.

Even though Shizuka Hiratsuka is a teacher, she also practiced it when she was in school. For ordinary people like Hayabusa who have not practiced, it is still easy to clean up.

“At such a young age, your memory is so bad, so let me help you improve your memory.”

Hiratsuka Shizuka waved her fist and suggested again.

“No, it’s mainly because I had more important things to do yesterday.”

Hayabusa defended

“More important things? Is it more important than finding me? Hiratsuka

Shizuka temporarily stopped thinking about”loving” Hayabusa and waited for his explanation.

If Hayabusa didn’t say that Ziwuyinmao came out, it seems that a”love education” would be inevitable.


It’s just that Shizuka Hiratsuka said this, but Mrs. Hayabusa felt awkward hearing it.

He did not answer Shizuka Hiratsuka directly, but opened the shoulder bag similar to a computer bag on his shoulder and took out a piece of A4 paper from it.

He handed the A4 paper to Hiratsuka Shizu who was confused. After Hiratsuka Shizuka took the A4 paper, he said:

“I have been looking for clubs to join these days”

“Society? Hiratsuka

Shizu looked down at the A4 paper and realized that it was actually an”application form for joining the company.”

But after seeing clearly the name in the column where the society name was filled in, she was very surprised:

“Huh! ? Serving club?”

“Yes, it is the service club. Yesterday I found the service club and talked with Yukinoshita-san.”

Shunta deliberately made it very vague, making Hiratsuka Shizuka think that he and Yukinoshita had talked about joining the club.

In fact, of course, this was not the case.

Hayabusa just chatted with Yukinoshita for a while yesterday, half He didn’t even mention that he wanted to join the service club.

He only said this to make Hiratsuka Shizuka more likely to agree to it.

As a consultant teacher, other people’s applications to join the club need to be approved by Hiratsuka Shizu..

Well, under normal circumstances, the consultant will not refuse.

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