Chapter 70: Encounter a new character in the shop.

The weather is getting hotter and hotter in August, making people more and more tired.

After staying together, Yukino returned home, so she never saw anyone.

And the whole family went on a trip together, so Hayabusa was a little idle.

On this day, Hayata, who had been staying at home for several days with nothing to do, finally went out.

Because he was tired of playing the games on his computer, he planned to go out and buy some games to play today.

Because of the emphasis on copyright, Sakura Kingdom’s stand-alone games are mainly sold on game discs – you need to go to the store to buy them.

Especially some newly released games need to go to specialized stores.

Because he had money now, although taking a taxi in Sakura Country was more expensive, Hayabusa took a taxi and went to a nearby store that sold game discs.

When you come to the store, you will see thousands of CDs on the shelves.

Hayabusa started today’s shopping.

Just like the novel, because it is a different world, this world has many games that Hayabusa’s original world does not have – giving him another source of fun.

Hayata pushed a shopping cart and filled the store with various types of games.

Just like reading novels, apart from Ebina’s hobbies, Hayabusa is open to all other types of games.

So he swept from one end of the store to the other. Anyway, he had money now, so he was so willful.

Soon, Hayabusa came to the area where the love games were placed. Just like before, Hayabusa was frantically shopping for goods.

This way he won’t need to go out for a long time.

It went well at first, but when he reached out and grabbed a newly released game and was about to put it in the shopping cart, a small hand also grabbed that game.

Hayata followed the slender arm and looked at the owner of the slender jade fingers – a girl who was fully armed and covered herself tightly.

The girl wore a checkered hat on her head, covering her golden hair, and large sunglasses on her face, covering half of her face.

I have to say that this girl is really afraid of others recognizing her.

The girl has a petite figure, and it can be seen through the exposed skin that her skin is very delicate and smooth, like white porcelain.

Seeing Hayabusa looking at her, the girl also looked at Hayabusa.

Although it was blocked by sunglasses, Hayabusa could feel that the girl was threatening him fiercely, asking him to let go.

【Such a special girl couldn’t be a character in an anime, right? 】

Thinking like this, Hayata opened the girl’s panel.

Spencer Eri Sawamura

Face value: 96

Body: 88

Love value: 0

Sure enough, she is another anime character that Hayabusa is too familiar with.

Yinglili, one of the heroines in”How to Raise a Passerby Heroine”, is a mixed race and has a high talent for painting.

【It seems that Yinglili is still relatively young and has not reached the beginning of the plot. ]

Hayabusa looked at Eiri and made a judgment immediately.

At the same time, this also means that there is still room for improvement in Yinglili’s appearance and figure.

【Sure enough, mixed-race children in anime are more likely to produce beautiful women. Maybe she can be comparable to Yukino in the future. 】

Eiriri, who was being looked at by Hayabusa, felt as if she had been seen through. Her body’s defense mechanism activated and she immediately took a step back vigilantly.

But she reacted immediately and shouted with some embarrassment:

“What are you looking at? I got it first!”

Speaking, Erili snatched the game disc from Hayata’s hand.

“There’s a lot more here, what’s there to grab?”

Shunta shook his head helplessly, and then took another one from the shelf.


Yinglili was speechless. She didn’t really want to grab this thing, she was just venting her emotions.

“But if you wrap it up so tightly, even the Great Futian is not afraid of getting prickly heat.”

Although she is the heroine, Hayata will not be a bitch.

“I want you to take care of it”

【Do you think I think this? What if someone sees this? I’m Yinglili, the goddess in school! ]

Yinglili angrily took her things and left.

In this way, the first meeting between Hayata and Eiri was not very pleasant.

But he didn’t care. Since he had already seen it, there would be plenty of opportunities in the future.



Hayata continues shopping.

The store Hayata chose today not only sells game CDs, but also anime CDs, fan books, and other things related to these things.

After buying the game, Hayata went to the fan section again.

Because he remembered that Eiri was a fan artist whose name seemed to be [Kashiwagi Eri].

Hayata searched around and finally found Eiri’s work among a large number of fan works.

——A good way to understand a person is to start from his works.

Hayata packed up all Eiri’s works and prepared to go back and study them.


Eiri did not leave at this time, she saw Hayata put her work into the shopping cart

【Huh, huh, you have a good idea. ]

Yinglili is very happy when someone buys her work.

At this time, Yinglili had just started drawing fan works and was not very famous yet.

So I was even happier when I saw Hayata buying a copy of all her works.

I feel that Hayabusa should be his die-hard fan, and I feel even more proud.

At the same time, my favorability towards Hayabusa is also rising slowly.

【He’s not bad looking, and he’s so discerning, so I won’t care about my rudeness just now. 】

Yinglili took the things she wanted to buy and went to pay the bill in a hurry.

【Spencer Sawamura Eri’s love value +5, current love value: 5】

【Sure enough, it is right to improve your appearance first. 】

Of course Hayata also saw Eri Riri, so after discovering that her love value increased, Hayata was also in a happy mood.

So after the initial conflict, the two left the store happily.

This is really a perfect ending.

After leaving the store, Hayata didn’t think about looking for Eiri and having another chance encounter with her.

He felt that would be too deliberate.

Hayata took a taxi directly back home and continued his homebody life.

After all, when Tuanzi comes back, he won’t have this time.

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