Chapter 83: Student Council President.

Seeing that everyone was here, under the instruction of Hiratsuka Shizuka, two first-year students began to distribute information to all participants.

After the information was distributed to everyone, a girl stood up and announced:

“Well, let’s start the Cultural Festival Executive Committee meeting now.”

Her hair is shoulder-length, and her bangs are fixed with hairpins. She is neatly dressed in uniform.

In addition, the collar badge on her jacket and the colorful hair ties on her wrists add a bit of cuteness to her.

The girl is squinting He raised his eyes and looked around at everyone present with a gentle smile.:

“Um… I’m the student council president’s one-city construction patrol. I’m very happy to get your help this year to make the cultural festival a smooth one… Well… then, let’s work hard together! Oh~”

Chengda Xun, a supporting character who rarely appears in”Spring Things”, is a gentle big sister type character. Chengda

Xun’s appearance value: 93

Body: 91

Love value: 0

For this student council president, Of course Hayata didn’t know, in that case, his two years in this school would have been in vain. After Kaguya briefly introduced everyone, the student council members immediately applauded in support of their president.

It was very popular in the student union, and other people who attended the meeting were also led to clap their hands.

“Thank you very much~ Now, let’s decide on the candidate for the executive chairman. Has anyone recommended themselves?”

No one raised their hands.

Such a reaction is not unexpected.

After all, for ordinary students, this chairmanship is a thankless position.

Relatively speaking, although everyone is very interested in the cultural festival, all they think about is Working hard in the club or class.

Faced with this situation, Shizuka Hiratsuka, the teacher, and Kamuru, the student council president, could only look for it among the students attending the meeting.

Of course, their eyes immediately focused on Yukino, who stood out from the crowd..

It’s a pity that Yukino was not interested in this matter and immediately rejected it coldly. However, the two of them had no choice but to go around and choose Sagami Minami, Hayata’s classmate.

Tai didn’t stop her at all, or rather, this was what he wanted to see.

After taking down the dumplings, the next target for the two of them was Yukino, and now Yukino’s love value was 89, and he needed an opportunity to increase it. More than 90 points.

After thinking about it, Hayabusa still felt that this cultural festival was a good opportunity, and one of the keys was to let Sagami Minami become the executive committee chairman.

, Sagami went to the Service Club to find Yukino, and asked the Service Club to help her with the work of the committee. Yukino accepted her commission, and Sagami also announced the appointment of Yukino as the vice chairman at the subsequent meeting.

Basically, it became a personal stamp, and Yukino, as the vice chairman, actually did the work of the chairman.

But that person came, and everything changed.

Time has just entered October, and the preparations for the cultural festival are proceeding in an orderly manner. Today is the time for the committee meeting. Hayata is helping Dango, and Miura and the others have done some preparations for the stage play, and it is almost time. , and went to the committee headquarters.

Everyone was busy here as usual.

After everyone worked peacefully for a while, the door of the headquarters was opened and an uninvited guest entered the classroom.

“Sister, what are you doing here?”

After seeing the person coming, Yukino asked him in a serious tone.

“I hate it~ I heard that you are recruiting groups who are interested in performing, so I came here. I have been in an orchestra club!”

Yangno, the uninvited guest, responded with a smile, not at all serious like Yukino.

“No, I’m sorry, actually I found Yangno-senpai. We met by chance on the road before, and since we hadn’t seen each other for a long time, we talked about many topics. It just so happens that the cultural festival is currently experiencing a shortage of performing groups. I think……”

At this time, the patrol came out and explained the cause and effect of the matter to Yukino.:

“Yukinoshita-san hadn’t entered school yet, so she might not know. However, when Haruno-senpai was still a third-year student, she once formed a group to perform at a cultural festival, and the performance was very exciting. That’s why I was thinking… should I invite her?……”

“I was there at the time, so I knew about the performance at the cultural festival. but……”

For Yukino, who doesn’t want to see her sister, this matter has nothing to do with Harano’s ability.

But Yangno still went her own way as always, she laughed and said:

“Ah ha ha! Patrol, you can’t say that! That time it was just for fun.

I plan to be more serious this year, but I don’t know if the school is willing to let me come to practice more often… So Yukino, okay? Anyway, you happen to be short of a performance group~”

Harano hugged Yukino’s shoulders and begged in a coquettish tone. She.

People who don’t know must think that Yukino is the dominant one between the two.

“For my lovely sister Yukino, as long as it is something I can do, I will do it for you!”

“Don’t be kidding…sister every time……”

Yukino waved away Yangono’s hand mercilessly, took a step away and stared at her

“I? How am I doing?”

Yang Nai looked back at each other with a smile on his lips.

“……Here you go again. Yukino bit her lip angrily, and then looked at Hayata.

The look in her eyes seemed to be asking him for help.

“Hey, it’s Hayata. Haha~”

Following Yukino’s gaze, Yangno also spotted Hayabusa fishing in the corner.

“Sister Yang Nai, it’s been a long time.”

Shunta smiled and greeted Haruno, completely unaffected by the [war] between the two sisters.

After greeting Hayabusa, Harano returned to the previous question.:

“So, Yukino, can I sign up?”

“If you’re happy to sign up, just sign up… Besides, I don’t have the right to decide.”

“Huh? Really? I thought you must be the chairman of the executive committee. Didn’t the people around you elect you to be the chairman?”

Shunta couldn’t tell whether Yangono knew about this early on.

When it comes to performing, even Hayano, who has professional-level skills, can’t compete with Yangono.

Yukino didn’t look at Yangono and ignored her. She.

As the saying goes, out of sight, out of mind.

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