Chapter 97: Bird Yu Shihua noticed something.

Because he had temporarily let down his guard, Toka finally allowed Hayabusa to enjoy the treatment of a normal guest, let him sit down in the living room, and served him tea.

After taking a sip of hot tea and moistening his throat, Hayata began to bring the matter to the point.:

“I heard Rikka say, are you two living together now?”

He has a purpose for coming here today, and he can’t delay it any longer.

“Well, I didn’t expect Rikka to even tell you this. It seems like she trusts you very much.”

“Maybe it’s because I’m more popular with children.”

Although Rikka does not have a love value for Hayabusa, it does not mean that she has no feelings for him.

As I said before, the love value only represents love, and other feelings such as friendship and family are not included.

And one thing to note is that, on the premise of having these other feelings as the basis, once a woman develops a love interest in Hayabusa, the love value will suddenly increase a lot.

“You can see it.”

Toka looked at Rikka who was still clinging to Hayabusa and sitting with him, and her tone was very interesting.

“By the way, let’s get down to business.”

Shunta put down his tea cup and said pleasantly to Rikka who was clinging to him.:

“Rikka, please go back to your room first. I have something important to discuss with your sister.”


Rikka looked at Hayata and then at Touka. She really didn’t know what the two of them had to say.

But in the end, under Shihua’s oppressive gaze, she reluctantly returned to her room with three steps.

During this period, Hayata kept smiling as he watched Rikka leave.

It wasn’t until Rikka closed the door that the smile on his face faded and became serious.

“Say it, what do you want to say?”

Touka is also a little curious about what Hayata wants to do.

“Rikka told me some about your situation, and through her words, I can guess some. You must be having a hard time right now. It will be very hard for you especially.”

Santa Hayabusa first laid the groundwork.


Toka said nothing, staring at Hayata, waiting for him to continue talking about Shifu.

Hayabusa didn’t show off, he said straightforwardly:

“I like this kid Rikka very much, and I feel like I’m close to her. And I’m quite good at making money, so I can help you so that you don’t have to live so hard.”

“You said before that you are from Sobu High School, so that means you are a high school student like me, right?”

Toka didn’t answer Hayata’s words, but asked another question.

“Yes, I am a second-year student at Sobu High School”

“So where did you get the money? Do you know how much money it would cost to maintain the life we two have now?”

Although Tohka does not doubt Hayabusa’s good intentions, he does doubt his ability.

This is normal, after all, his age makes it easy for people to doubt.

And after living independently, Tohka’s understanding of this aspect The knowledge became more profound, and I realized that there are so many things in life that require money.

Although Shihua now uses her spare time to work and earn some money, it is far from enough to sustain the two sisters. They are living like this now.

The reason why they don’t seem to be living a bad life now is, on the one hand, the inheritance left by their father, and on the other hand, because there are some grandparents who live in their hometown and their mother who has remarried. Without this

, the two sisters might really have to eat rice bran to survive. It is also because of this that Shihua is now considering becoming a chef, just like in the original work.

Make money early, and if you do well, your future salary will not be low.

After all, their father’s inheritance is not much, and they can’t last long.

Therefore, Toka thinks that Hayata’s talk of making money is just doing odd jobs like her. That’s it. After all, this is the most common-sense option.

Based on this understanding, Toka felt that Hayata was just out of kindness and thought of using his pocket money to help them, so Toka said this.

“The apartment you live in now is an asset in my name.”

It’s time to flex your muscles at this time. Hayata took out his mobile phone, called up the photo of the house book, then put the mobile phone on the table and pushed it to Shihua.

This was taken before by him to check the assets. It was convenient. I didn’t expect it to be used at this time.

Toka’s eyes were full of doubts, but she still picked up the phone and checked it.

So after discovering that the name on it was indeed Hayata, Toka didn’t believe it. After confirming it several times,

Tohka was finally convinced that he was not wrong and looked at Hayata.

“As I said, I am pretty good at making money, so I made some money. And this apartment is just an asset I bought.

I mentioned before that I had something to do around here, so I came to see this newly purchased property. I just didn’t expect that you are also residents here.

So you can rest assured that I am fully capable of helping you.”

Although Hayata’s ability was confirmed, another question immediately appeared in Toka’s mind.:

【Why does he help us like this? Is it just because he likes Rikka? ]

Shihua doesn’t think that there is such a thing as pie in the sky in this world. If she helps them with some pocket money out of kindness, Shihua won’t think there is any problem.

But looking at Hayabusa’s current posture, that’s not the case.

So Shihua felt uneasy again.

“I can sponsor you so that you don’t have to worry about money until you are able to work.”

Because this mission has a progress bar, Hayabusa judged that the living standards of the Rikka sisters need to meet certain conditions.

So he planned to play a big game directly.

“you don’t want……”

Looking at Hayabusa’s handsome face, Toka suddenly became wary, and she subconsciously moved back.

Obviously, Shihua thought wrongly when she couldn’t think of other possibilities.

But this is normal. After all, Shihua has nothing else but herself that would make others covet her.

And her idea cannot be wrong. After all, Hayabusa does covet the beauty of their two sisters. This is an undoubted fact.

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