Artoria looked behind her in disbelief, and a delicate face similar to her appeared in front of hers, but the curves of her body were much more pronounced than hers.

The hair is a very pale color, similar to the color of the white shadow, but the ends of the hair are different and pale blue.

There is a large black butterfly headdress at the back of his head, and his dress is slightly revealing compared to Artoria's, boldly exposing his navel to the outside, and wearing a close-fitting black and blue bodysuit inside.

The absolute realm under her body looms, and the matching of leather boots on her feet makes her add a touch of domineering meaning to her charm, which seems to give people a sense of wanting to conquer.

And the white coat she wore outside and the magic book she held in her hand added a little intellectual beauty, and the existence of various elements in her body did not feel abrupt at all, but merged very tacit and harmonious.

="1"/> mad

sister Wang

Sister Wang who looks like a C-order


What's wrong, don't you have to scream when you see your sister?" The corner of the mouth of the person who claimed to be his sister in front of him hooked up a hint of mockery.

"Sister Wang—" Artoria shouted out her own address to the other party, but there was a bit of gnashing of teeth in it.

Seeing Artoria's appearance of not wanting to scream but having to scream, Morgan Le Fay's heart swelled with joy.

"King Arthur's sister... Isn't that the witch Morgan Le Fay?" Alice Fell said unconsciously and very hurtly.

Although Alice Phil didn't think there was anything wrong with it, you must know that at that time, the witch...

Morgan Le Fay heard this and glanced at Alice Phil faintly, and an invisible "Favorability -1" appeared on his head.

Then he looked at the white shadow again, his eyes suddenly lit up, ignoring Artoria, who was staring at him, and walked towards the white shadow instead.

"Is this handsome guy my master? Looking up and down at the white shadow, Morgan Le Fay couldn't help but nod.

"You're Morgan, I didn't expect it to be you, it's a good show to watch now..."White Shadow looked at Artoria not far away, and inexplicably began to be happy.

Sure enough, the next moment, Artoria directly pulled out the sword of victory of the oath and aimed it at Morgan.

"Sister Wang, why did you respond to the call of the Holy Grail, could it be that there is some ulterior conspiracy?" Artoria couldn't help but ask.

It's no wonder that she is so cautious, you must know that the destruction of Great Britain does have a lot to do with the witch in front of her, and Morgan's image in her eyes is tantamount to the most vicious witch. (Even the blackened sword is named after Morgan...) Excalibur Morgan)

"Wait, this is an ally! Ally, Saber, take back your sword!" Alice Phil thought it was going to start, and hurriedly ordered Artoria to put away her sword.

"Hehe, is this how you greet as King of Britain? Artoria, my good sister.

The mockery on Morgan's face became even stronger, and the angry Artoria wanted to go up and give her a sword.

But reason prevailed over emotion, and Artoria silently withdrew her sword.

"No, just for you. The targeting in Artoria's words was undisguised.

"Then I'm so blessed to be treated with special treatment from my good sister. Morgan covered his mouth and chuckled, as if he were complimenting her.

"......" Artoria was speechless, but the fierce killing intent in her eyes did not diminish in the slightest.

Alice Phil tugged at the sleeve of the white shadow and motioned for him to say a few words to solve the matter in front of him, after all, it was his teammates who were going to fight side by side.

Bai Ying shook his head, wanting the two of them to cooperate, the difficulty is tantamount to a certain palace giant wearing seven in one night, so forget it.

"Then again, Master, why do you always have a feeling that attracts me? this feeling is similar to my treasure..."

Morgan suddenly put his arms around the white shadow's neck, began to sniff his scent, and then showed an expression of enjoyment.

"A witch is a witch, she will only do this kind of thing, and she will lose all the face of Great Britain!" Artoria

in the back seemed to think of something, her face was a little ugly, but she was also a little curious about the attraction of the white shadow in the dark.

Artoria has a strong magical power, and it stands to reason that ordinary charm type magic will not work on him at all, such as Diarmud's Black Mole of Love, which Artoria will not be affected at all.

"Maybe I'm too handsome. Bai Yingtian replied shamelessly.

Artoria was not satisfied with this answer, after all, the aura on the white shadow's body attracted her all the time, making her very uncomfortable, and she had already discovered it when she felt the aura on the white shadow's body when she first came.

Morgan is noncommittal, handsome is one thing, but more should come from other places.

You must know that as Caster, she has an EX-level charm type human treasure, the historical origin can be traced back to Morgan's charm of King Arthur, and even transformed Artoria's genetic material into male sperm!

Alice Phil looked at Morgan's movements in front of her, a little surprised, but she didn't say anything, because she knew a long time ago that White Shadow already had a lot of women, and she accepted it happily because she had no concept of this.

Of course, it's one thing to accept and another to see jealousy.

Seeing that Morgan's movements were intensifying, and he was even about to get started, Alice Fell hurriedly stepped forward to stop it.

"Alright! Stop!" Alice Fell forcibly pushed Morgan down.

"Xiaobai, why don't you resist too!" Looking at Bai Ying's appearance, Alice Phil was angry.

Bai Ying touched Alice Fair's head and comforted her, and he didn't bother to refuse the benefits sent to the door, as if Bai Ying was going farther and farther on the road of a scumbag...

Currently available information

: Artoria (Saber)

Strength: A Durability: A + Agility: A + Mana: A + Lucky: C

Treasure: A++

Career Skill

: Mana


Level A

, has the right mana that can neutralize the magic circle and the Instant Contract Grand Magic. Modern magicians are hardly able to hurt her. No matter what kind of big magic trick it is, magic tricks below A will be nullified.

Mount: Level A, after becoming a Servant, have the ability to ride at A level. He is skilled in a variety of mounts, from ancient two-horse chariots to modern land vehicles. A fantasy species that cannot control the level of Warcraft and Holy Beast.

Intrinsic Skill

: Intuition: Level A, "Intuition" is the ability to determine "the most suitable action for oneself" in a split second during battle. It is even possible to enter the field of "predicting the future". It can predict the trajectory of the wind and intuition through wind and intuition, and evade the attack of firearms. Hindrance to vision and hearing is halved.

Mana Release: Level A refers to the enhancement of one's weapons and flesh through mana. Physically weak, Artoria can go head-to-head with monsters like Berserker. It's also because of the fact that the physical ability has been greatly strengthened with magic. If there is a grade A. Even a mere short stick. It will also be a weapon with great power.

Leadership Temperament: Level B, the ability to govern a country. With this ability, Artoria can boost the morale of the army she leads. Although it can manage a kingdom, it is impossible to build a world-class empire with only B rank.

Phantasm Held

: Sword of Oath of VictoryLevel

: A++

Type: Castle Phantasm

Attack Range: 1~99Max Capture: 1000


Description: The largest and strongest Noble Phantasm held by Artoria. The Holy Sword, the most powerful and noble symbol of King Arthur, is at its apex in the category of the Holy Sword. It wasn't humans who forged it. It crystallizes inside the planet as a raw material made from people's thoughts and is one of the ultimate god-made armors of the "Last Phantasm". It was originally managed by the Star Elves, but after the management of the Lake Maiden, it was handed over to King Arthur with the magician Merlin as the intermediary. Transform the wielder's magic into light, and then shoot it like a laser beam from the tip of the downward sword, destroying everything. Of course, the mana consumption is intense, and it is not possible to perform bursts. However, with the White Shadow as a source of mana, it can be used again after only a short rest. (Ping A is the ultimate!)

Wind King Enchantment

Level: C

Type: Enemy Treasure Attack

Distance: 1~2

Max Capture: 1 person

Description: The refractive index of light changes through the wind, which wraps around several layers, to obscure the barrier of the sword. It's closer to magic than a noble phantasm. Through this barrier, the opponent can attack without knowing the distance and trajectory of the sword move. Since concealing one's treasure also involves hiding one's true name, it was more effective in the early days of the Holy Grail War. In addition, there are other advantages, which are that the attack power and accuracy will be increased. By using the wind as a blade and wrapping it around the body of the sword, it increases its attack power, and by using the "invisible weapon" to give it an advantage in terms of accuracy. However, because it has the advantage of being "invisible", it will not have the effect of increasing the hit rate when facing a user of the eye or an opponent who does not rely on vision.

Gensokyo, far away from the world, (Avalon)

is currently located on Alice Phil for the time being.

Level: EX

Type: Enchantment Treasure

Defense Object: 1 Person

Description: Excalibur's sheath originates from the Noble Phantasm of Avalon, the elven town where King Arthur rested. The wielder will heal from any injuries, and even the aging process will stop. In addition, by liberating its true name, the enchantment that brings the strongest protection will unfold. Even magic-based interference negates the existence of this artifact, which is equivalent to "magic". Legend has it that the loss of the sheath cast an ominous shadow on King Arthur's life, which eventually led to the collapse of the kingdom.

White Shadow Evaluation: It is worthy of being the king of dull hair, so many A's, even the figure.

Morgan Le Fay (Caster)

Strength: B Durability: C

Agility: A

Mana: A++ Lucky: B

Treasure: EX

Career Skills

: Position Crafting:

Level A+

, The ability to build a magic position, reaching A level is enough to build a temple that accumulates magic power at a high speed.

Prop Crafting (Demon Maker): Level B, good at making demons. There is an "inexplicable" fate with snakes and crows.

Intrinsic Skills:

Inheritor (Island Lord): Rank A, passed down from generation to generation on the British Isles, bestowed on the king who inherits the duty of guardianship, and the supernormal power hidden in Morgan's body is inherited from his father King Uther, and the power of the "Island Lord", who is supposed to be cut off, overrides the Knight King in the dominance of Britain as a land, not a country.

The specialization of the two concepts of "land" and "domination" has made it the ability to intersect and integrate one's magic circuits and spiritual veins in any space to connect to the island of Kamiyo. In other words, the caster has almost unlimited magic and magic costume making possibilities.

Witch: Rank B, deliberately changed as the reason why Caster was summoned by the "Holy Grail". Caster uses magic to seduce Artoria and sexually transfer her genes to the bad deeds of genetically. As the effect of retaining the skill, it is to induce false flattery on the "person", whether male or female, and make it enter an uncontrollable state.

Mana Release: Level A refers to the enhancement of one's weapons and flesh through mana. This gives Caster, who looks weak, the possibility of winning a white-knuckle battle. As a Servant with near-infinite magical powers, Caster can use this skill for a long time.


of Treasure: Untouchable Ideal Village: EX

Type: Enchantment Treasure Defense

Object: 1~1000 Description:

The scabbard given to her by the king.

As an older sister, she accompanied Artoria to Avalon and witnessed the helplessness of Morgan, who was subverted by Britain, condensed into an illusion at a certain moment.

It's not Camelot, who has poured half of his life of resentment and desire, but the legendary land of Changchun, the hometown of elves. It is exactly the same ideal as Artoria's treasure "Avalon" after liberating her real name. Also has "invincible" defense.

For Caster, who was summoned as a "witch", this may be what she thinks is a life that can no longer be touched.

Black Madonna: B+ Type: Description of the human treasure:

Erosion, to be precise, it is called the "Black Madonna

", the corresponding magic costume "Blade Gold". There is no need to free your real name when used only as a dagger. It can be transformed into various forms such as scythes and swords. A forbidden weapon that can strip objects (spirit, body, and soul). Items for the Resurrection King.

Ambition of the

King: EX Type: Description of the Artifact:

Le Morte d'Arthur (The Death of King Arthur).

When the wind fairy lifted the veil and looked at the king on his lap, the king's smile, everyone is at fault, no one is guilty, it is not a tragedy of one person, or two people, the "hidden danger" left by people at the beginning of creation, lodged in the veil in front of them, can make the subject voluntarily tear itself apart The ultimate "temptation", which can be avoided depends on "whether there is desire", not on magic or luck, when liberating the real name, the temptation will also act on the person, and the treasure that Caster deliberately avoids.


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