Star Forest

"Is this the strength of your Wuhun Palace?"

Luo Zhen seemed to have noticed the dissipating auras, and said casually with a click of his tongue. He secretly sighed in his heart that he was indeed a powerful man with a prominent reputation in both worlds. For the soul master who solved the Douluo Star, that It's simply more than enough.

But if you think about it carefully, after all, the world where Douluo Star is located is just a fantasy floor world.

Facing Yakumo Purple and the ice that resounded throughout the world, which gave Yashi Eirin a headache Queen, it’s normal that they can’t defeat her.

"snort! It’s still unclear who will win and who will lose."

As the Pope of Wuhun Palace, Qianxunji listened to Luo Zhen's dismissive words and retorted bravely.

Although he also knew that his current situation was really bad.......

The two women who were not as good as Luo Zhen took away all the combat power around him, leaving only him.

What does this mean?

In the eyes of those two women, Luo Zhen was more than enough to deal with himself.

And recalling how Luo Zhen had easily mastered his Angel Holy Sword and Angel Light Blade, Qian Xunji couldn't help but feel a little numb.

What should he do?

At this time, he regretted that he came to capture this hundred thousand year soul beast.......

After all, he has now reached the level of a ninety-level Titled Douluo. Whether he hunts for soul rings or not has nothing to do with him...

If it weren't for greed, he wouldn't end up in a place like this one day.

"If you want to resist stubbornly, then I will accompany you to the end."

Holding Ah Yin in a blue dress with his right arm, Luo Zhen looked at Qian Xunji, whose eyes were wandering around in front of him, and smiled generously.


In just an instant, Luo Zhen's figure disappeared from where he was.

"not good!!!"

At this moment, Qian Xunji's sixth sense alarmed like crazy, and the hairs all over his body suddenly counted down.……

"Angel's true form!"

At this moment, a golden figure appeared on his body. The bright golden light stretched out the six wings of the angel, and the incomparable sacred six-winged angel enveloped him.


But what greeted the angel's true form was that powerful fist!

That left fist, like a meteor from the sky, hit Qianxunji directly with the sound of roaring wind!

That single arm has a million kilograms of arm strength, powerful His fist hit Qian Xunji hard on the chest.

Then Qian Xunji flew backwards like a broken bullet, leaving traces tens of thousands of meters deep on the ground.……

"How can it be? How does he have such strong arm strength?"

Qian Xunji, who was spitting out blood, showed shock and disbelief in his eyes.

If it weren't for the trace of divine power left by the former Angel God that barely held his heart, plus the inheritance of Wuhun Palace itself, Some genius treasures...

He felt that his life was going to depend on this punch, and this punch was just an ordinary swing by Luo Zhen.

"How about it? Still alive? I have restrained a lot of energy."

Looking at Qianxunji lying among the weeds and trees, Luo Zhen, who was holding Ah Yin with one arm, blew and said nonchalantly.

Ah Yin's graceful peach blossom eyes were shining at the moment, and her small hands were tightly Covering his mouth.

Ah Yin never expected that the famous Pope of Wuhun Temple in the entire Douluo Star would be so vulnerable...

No, to be precise, he would be vulnerable in front of Luo Zhen.

" do you have such strong arm strength?"

Qianxunji looked at Luo Zhen in front of him with some despair, and couldn't help but said in astonishment.

"Is this arm strong? It's only a million pounds, I just waved it around casually."

Luo Zhen said casually.

The eldest lady (administrator):"Hey, what is the top Versailles? This is called Versailles at its finest."

In the live broadcast room, Lu Qianran looked at Luo Zhen's careless words and couldn't help but said sourly.

Since Luo Zhen started this live broadcast, many heroines in other worlds were watching Luo Zhen's behavior..

Ben Zina:"A million pounds is already scary, right? A single arm can exert a force of one million kilograms, which is enough to move mountains and seas."

The eldest lady (administrator):"Trivia, in a certain beautiful world, the young protagonist has an arm strength of 100,000 kilograms. This was the standard equipment of the proud man of that era when he was young. And any one of those ancient ferocious beasts has a strength exceeding one million kilograms."

Pipi Xi:"I really envy the strong people in the fantasy world, but Ben Zina, I also have to correct it.."

Pipixi:"According to my research data, the fourth generation of gods are the most pinnacle symbols in our universe. They can even move planets and even stars easily."

Pipixi:"With one arm weighing a million pounds, Luo Zhen really doesn't have it. He's really done with lying."

Listening to He Xi's explanation, both the old people in the group and the newcomers Xue Qi and Zixuan were a little stunned.

They never expected that Luo Zhen, who often talked and laughed with them, was so powerful!

Little Princess of Peach Blossom Island:"Then if that's the case, why is Qianxunji still so shocked?" Eldest

Miss (administrator):"It goes without saying. Who made Douluo Star the floor of the fantasy world?"

Rougu Charming Rabbit:"??? Thank you so much for your review. Fantasy Flooring is really sorry for everyone."

A certain Xiao Wu looked at Lu Qianran's complaints and couldn't help but said with a bit of complaint.

The eldest lady (administrator):"Ahem... Although it's offensive, it's true."

The eldest lady (administrator):"There is a place in Douluo Star called Poseidon Island, and there is a level 99 island there. The titled Douluo is named Bo Saixi, and with the help of Ning Rongrong, she can’t lift the Poseidon Trident weighing one hundred thousand kilograms."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"From this we can see that there is a fantasy land The true power of Huaban. A Titled Douluo with an arm strength of tens of thousands of kilograms is considered extremely powerful."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"In the end, it was the Blue Silver God King who became a god who picked up the one hundred thousand kilograms. Poseidon Trident. Can you imagine what a million pounds is worth?"

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"Put it in the God Realm, and only first-level gods are qualified to possess it."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):" I'm even a little surprised that Qian Xunji, a ninety-fifth-level titled Douluo, can punch a million-pound arm strength, which is enough for him to blow."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"Put it in In the Douluo Star, he, a mortal, blocked the main god's attack. This is simply unimaginable." The ordinary time traveler:"Actually, it was because of the part left by the former angel god to bring him back to life. Because of his power and the fact that I was not serious, I left him alive."

Luo Zhen took the time to come to the chat group to take a look and said casually.

The eldest lady (administrator):"My dear, Qianxunji will cry when he finds out. Is his majestic Pope so disrespectful? He doesn't even have the power to make you serious." The mediocre time traveler:"Indeed, if I hadn't promised someone, then he would have died long ago."

Ice Queen:"You are an ordinary time traveler, trouble. This time, in order to repay you, I will give you my life."

Peach Blossom Island Little Princess:"This is obviously something that Sister Esdeath has been looking forward to for a long time."

Ice Queen:"Ahem, cough, stop talking nonsense. Children are talking the truth.……"

An ordinary time traveler:"??????"

Ice Queen:"No more, no more. I'm going back soon, and I'll bring you a new surprise soon."

The ordinary time traveler:"? Then I'm looking forward to your surprise.……"

Ice Queen:"Don't worry, everyone will definitely be satisfied."

Esdeath promised confidently.

"It's really abominable that you look down on me so much."

Qianxunji, who was half leaning on the ground, looked at the distracted Luo Zhen, and suddenly felt extremely humiliated.

He, Qianxunji, is a ninety-fifth-level titled Douluo, the Pope of the Spirit Hall... even the two great empires You have to be respectful to him, but Luo Zhen in front of you actually doesn't care about him...

Qian Xunji was suddenly overwhelmed by anger!

Or, in other words, this was his last ditch effort as he realized that he was about to die..

He suddenly remembered a life-saving secret technique left by the Angel God, or a method called death together.

Burn his soul power, burn everything about him! Destroy the enemy with the highest posture!

Because of this method Because he is too cruel, domineering and vicious, it is not in line with the personality of the angel god, so this skill has been sealed for a long time.

But looking at Luo Zhen at this moment, he finally couldn't bear it anymore

"Look at my heaven and earth living together!"

Although he didn't understand why the former angel god left this name, he still urged it without hesitation.


The endless soul power burned, giving Qianxunji an unprecedented sense of control and an absolutely unparalleled sense of oppression...

He instantly realized that his strength had exceeded level ninety-five and reached level ninety-nine. Douluo's level. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Feeling the arm strength of 70,000 to 80,000 kilograms, Qianxunji suddenly felt that he could do it again

"Is this the power of Titled Douluo? Sure enough, I had the whole world under my control."

He was intoxicated with this power and couldn't help but think triumphantly.

A certain person who had reached the strength of 100,000 kilograms in his childhood and loved to drink animal milk sent a question at this time?


Then he stamped his feet, causing billowing smoke and dust to rise on the ground.


Although Luo Zhen didn't pay attention to a certain Qian Xunji who was struggling to his death, A Yin was always watching his movements.

At this moment, looking at a certain Qianxunji who was coming to kill him again, she quickly shouted


Luo Zhen's left index finger gently blocked her red lips.

He looked down at the flower-like face and said with a chuckle.

"Didn’t I say everything? Leave everything to me and I will bring you victory."

Then along with his words, a black and white Tai Chi picture suddenly appeared on his body.

"The law of yin and yang!"[]

These are the top ten most powerful laws among the three thousand most primitive laws in the universe!

The ancient and mysterious law of yin and yang appears in Douluo Star in the form of yin and yang fish!

If Luo Zhen hadn't deliberately restrained the intimidation of the Yin and Yang Law, I'm afraid even the God Kings in the God Realm would have been unable to sit still because of it.

"After all... now is not the time to look for them."

Looking at the sky in the distance thoughtfully, Luo Zhen said softly.


Qianxunji, who seemed to be coming with thousands of troops and horses, fell headlong into the Yin-Yang fish.

"No! Are you kidding me? Why can't you kill him?"

Qianxunji, who originally thought he had flown into the sky, was immediately driven into the ground after rushing into the Yin-Yang Fish.

He felt that the power born from his burning soul power was constantly being consumed in the Yin-Yang Fish... and then accompanied by the Yin-Yang. The fish gradually disappeared, and the middle-aged handsome man Qian Xunji, who was originally high-spirited and with jet-black hair, had now turned gray. The age spots on his haggard face only highlighted his old age and weakness.


Ah Yin looked at this scene and said in a daze.

".My evaluation is just average, and it still needs more guidance from the monster sage Ms. Murasaki Yakumo."

Luo Zhen looked at the void in another place with a smile and said

"I can’t talk about giving advice... I can only say that Mr. Luo Zhen really opened my eyes."

The gap slowly opened, and she gently shook the folding fan in her hand. Yakumo Purple, who had just experienced a battle, was still leaning in the gap calmly.

She gently covered her mouth and said with a sweet smile.

"If it were me, I would have given my life to this kind of hero to save the beauty."


Listening to Yakumo Purple's teasing and recalling Luo Zhen's domineering kiss just now, Ah Yin's face turned red.

However, Yakumo Purple was teasing her on the surface, but she was actually secretly frightened.

Is this a demonstration against me? He had obviously noticed my presence in advance, but he deliberately used that mysterious move.

Recalling the moment when the Yin-Yang Fish appeared, the fear and attachment of the realm power in her body, Yakumo Purple thought with emotion.

With the birth of the yin-yang fish, the power of the realm that the monster sage Yakumo Murasaki was most proud of directly turned into a submissive licking dog, as if he did not dare to go on a pilgrimage.

This directly made Yakumo Purple speechless.

But it also made Yakumo Purple couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

He is indeed the most powerful time traveler in the chat group, and his strength is well deserved. It also made the thousand-year-old fox Yakumo Purple, who was full of tricks, put away all his cunning thoughts.

After all, Luo Zhen knew her very well, and she didn't want to ruin the Gensokyo she valued most because of her stupid cleverness.

"I don’t know when Esdeath will come back? Obviously her mission was the simplest, but she still hasn't come back yet."

Looking at the sneer Yakumo Purple, Luo Zhen herself didn't pay much attention.

After all, the monster sage Yakumo Purple is also a smart and decent person, and she will not offend Luo Zhen foolishly.

"It's coming, it's coming."

An ice road formed by countless ice crystals suddenly appeared above the treetops.

Along with Esdeath's voice, the gorgeous ice car also drove quickly on the ice road.

"Wasn't there something delayed in the middle? I'm coming."

Esdeath slowly drove the ice cart to the battlefield, holding a figure in her hand


Looking at that graceful figure (Zhao Le's), the eyes of the old Qian Xunji suddenly lit up.

This is his pride and his greatest effort

"No, I left it for you."

Luo Zhen pointed at a certain figure and said nonchalantly.


Esdeath looked at the figure of the old man and didn't pay much attention to it. After all, all she wanted was for Qian Xunji to survive.

"No, this is your disciple. Back to you."

Then Esdeath generously threw Bibi Dong directly to Qianxunji.

"Dong'er, are you okay?"

Looking at the gray-faced Bibi Dong, Qian Xunji hurriedly crawled over and asked


Bibi Dong heard this familiar and warm voice, and her delicate body trembled slightly.

"Don't worry, the teacher will protect you and leave after a while. You'll be fine."

An ugly smile appeared on Qianxunji's face, and he said enthusiastically

"You are my greatest effort, and you are the being who is destined to lead the Spirit Hall. How could he die here?"

Listening to Qian Xunji's comfort, Bibi Dong, whose delicate body was still a little trembling, immediately calmed down.

Esdeath, listening to his words, silently cast a sympathetic look.


Qian Xunji still wanted to say something, but the severe pain coming from his abdomen made him freeze in place.

"Teacher, I'm sorry. Who let me be your greatest effort? I never thought you would do this to me."

Bibi Dong, who had his head lowered, raised his head and looked at Qianxun Ji in front of him with a desperate and painful expression.

"If that's the case, then let me give you a ride"

"That is……"

Luo Zhen looked at the dagger in Bibi Dong's hand with a strange expression.

"Why is it so familiar?"

"Of course, this is the dagger that Tokiomi Tokiomi gave to Kotomine Kirei."

Esdeath smiled brightly and gave a thumbs up.

"Good guy, it turns out to be the most classic sword-killing sword......."

Luo Zhen's mouth twitched.

It has to be said that Esdeath is also a judge who knows how to play tricks..

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