"Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!"

The three people on the stage danced vigorously, and the passionate bass and fast-paced guitar sounds immediately heated up the atmosphere. The interlude of drums made people cheer even more intense, STARRY The scene in the bar was like being at a concert.

Even the ca11 crowd who often participated in various underground idol activities noticed that this time was different from the past.

They suddenly felt that the three energetic people on the stage in front of them The girl seemed to have some kind of charm, which suddenly made the lonely place extremely noisy.

"I really didn't expect that Hongxia actually had such ability?"

The slim and graceful Ichi Hoshige looked at Ichi Chihongxia, who was playing the guitar on one side and the lead singer on the other, and said with a little amazement.

"This can only be said to be average……"

The black-haired Miss Pa next to her looked at the three dazzling people on the stage and shook her head and said

"Hong Xia has always been a drummer. She cannot be the lead singer of the band for a long time."

"Their team would never be complete without a lead singer. Now it's just improvised……"

The calm-looking Miss Pa looks exactly like Yamada Ryo. Her calmness is in sharp contrast to the noisy and fanatical snoring crowd around her.

"This is already good……"

Ijichi Xinge smoothed her long golden hair and looked at Ijichi Hongxia who was enjoying the stage, and couldn't help but smile on her face.

"Hong Xia has already done a great job, but you should know that the new guitarist she found is a social fear, and Xiao Boqi is usually very afraid of seeing other people."

Recalling the scene during their first rehearsal, the trembling little Bochi made Ichi Hoshige smile.

"Little Pochi? Lonely?"

Listening to Yi Ji Xingge's words, Miss Pa said thoughtfully.

"Na Hongxia is really amazing, being able to bring that level of little Bochi to where he is now."

Looking at Little Boqi's right hand dancing rapidly, and the complex and exciting guitar sound perfectly matching the other two sounds, she said with admiration

"Of course...that's my cutest sister Hongxia."

Yidi Zhixingge looked at the glorious Yiji Hongxia on the stage with crooked eyebrows. She held her cheek with her left hand and said proudly with a crooked smile.

"So...how did he do it?"

While beating the drum in front of him and looking at Goto Ichisato who could easily control all kinds of music, Ichichi Hongka couldn't hold back his inner curiosity.

After all, Goto Ichisato was shivering just before he came on stage. Ichichi Hongka remembers the scene.

Now in the blink of an eye, Gotou Kazuri can actually perform generously. The difference between the two makes it difficult for people to doubt whether Gotou Kazuri has changed his soul?

"Just enjoy it."

Yamada Ryo glanced at the puzzled Itachi Hongxia in 220. The bass in her hand matched the other two, and she signaled with her eyes.


Itachi Hongxia got the hint from Yamada Ryo, but still looked down with some reluctance.

She is curious about what someone is doing now......

But when she saw Luo Zhen sitting next to a pink-haired beauty, the drum in her hand almost ruined the rhythm.

Fortunately, Ryo Yamada noticed him and guided him back.

"What are you doing? Hong Xia."

Looking at Yamada Ryo's puzzled eyes, Ichichi Hongka could only show a reluctant smile.

Family members, who understands?

My classmate actually took advantage of my sister's bar to perform on stage and flirted with my class teacher. ?

Hongka Ijichi looked at Luo Zhen who was chatting and laughing with Mafuyu Kirisu, and her expression became particularly strange. At this moment, she looked back at Gotou Kazuto who was immersed in the music. Hongka Ijichi always felt that Kazuto Gotou His head was green.

But obviously, Goto Kazuri, who was immersed in a world of his own at the moment, had no time to pay attention to Ijichi Hikaru.

Only Ichichi Hikaru was sighing here.

"Strange, why do I feel an inexplicable discomfort?......"

Yijizhi Hongxia blinked her eyes in confusion, feeling an uncomfortable feeling in her heart.

"It's impossible for me to like Luo Zhen too, right?......"

Itachi Hongxia then shook his head to dispel the thoughts deep in his heart.

She took a deep breath and stopped paying attention to a certain man sitting with the teacher. Her current priority was to complete the performance in front of her.

It’s still time to return to the time when the performance has just begun

"I really didn’t expect that the people in our class are so versatile."

Drinking the cocktail that Ms. Pa had just mixed, Kirisu Mafuyu, who had relaxed at the weekend, looked at Ijichi Hikaru on the stage with some admiration.

For Ijichi Hikaru, who also has a gentle smile and lively temperament in the class , she can still remember it.

But Kirisu Mafuyu never expected that Ichichi Hongka was still working as an underground idol.

"That is......Ichisato Goto......"

Looking at Kazuri Goto (bjfd), who was holding the guitar in his hand and dancing happily on the stage, Kirisu Mafuyu also looked a little weird.

"She turned out to have such a side, which was really beyond my expectation."

If Kirisu Mafuyu remembers correctly, Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was the life teacher and Chinese teacher of their class before, was also troubled by the incident involving Goto Ichiri. Hiratsuka Shizuka had also had a big fight in the office before. Venting her bitterness, even she felt quite helpless when faced with this social-phobic little Bochi.

However, looking at the glorious Goto Kazuri on the stage now, Kirisu Mafuyu could not imagine that she was the social-phobic person. Little Pochi.

Then she couldn't help but raise her phone, wanting to take a picture of the scene in front of her and send it to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"This is not okay......Teacher Kirisu, if Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka knew about it, she would definitely ask Pochi to muster up the courage to face everyone in the class."

"This is tantamount to asking her to commit suicide. It is better for us to be bystanders."

A hand suddenly blocked her mobile phone camera, and then a voice came

"Luo Zhen......"

Looking at the young man under the light, Kirisu Mafuyu's eyes widened in astonishment.

"How old are you? Why did you enter the bar? Minors are not allowed to drink, didn’t you know?"

She looked at Luo Zhen seriously and said

"Yeah? So why are they allowed in bars?"

Luo Zhen pointed to a few people on the stage and said with a smile.

"Because they are stage performers and they don’t know how to drink."

The majestic Kirisu Mafuyu looked at Luo Zhen seriously. She was deeply dissatisfied with someone's behavior of secretly changing concepts.

"That's not good......That's why I came here. Luo

Zhen clapped his hands and said directly.

Kirisu Mafuyu: ??????

Looking at Kirisu Mafuyu who was full of questions, Luo Zhen pointed to a certain glorious Goto Ichiri with a smile and said

"Does Mr. Kirisu think that with Bochi's own words, she can stand on the stage so openly?"

"Oh it's you......"

Kirisu Mafuyu said with sudden realization.

She remembered that Shizuka Hiratsuka once called Kazuri Goto to come to the office alone.

She, Shizuka Hiratsuka and Ichiri Goto were the only three people in the office at that time, and they were all trembling in fear of a certain little Bochi who was looking at them.

Originally, Kirisu Mafuyu was a little surprised why Poch-chan was so bold now? But it doesn't seem strange that she has something to do with the most mysterious student in front of her.

"You can't really do magic, right? Or some super power? By the way, I remember that you are a descendant of that big country in the west. Could it be that you are a legendary cultivator of immortality?"

She looked at Luo Zhen curiously and asked while drinking the cocktail in the glass.

Luo Zhen faced Kirisu Mafuyu's curious gaze and couldn't help but a drop of cold sweat left on his forehead.

He finally poked it with his index finger helplessly Kirisu Mafuyu said on his forehead

"Mr. Kirisu, this is the 21st century. You have to believe in science"

"Don't poke me, I'm your teacher."

Mafuyu Kirisu, who was already tipsy from drinking, pushed Luo Zhen away in a daze, and she said with a smile.

"As a teacher, I need to be dignified......."

"Teacher, your majesty has been completely wiped out at this moment......."

Looking at Kirisu Mafuyu holding a cocktail glass, Luo Zhen couldn't help but remain silent. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Come on, boy!"

The black-haired beauty Miss Pa said to him with a rare smile while holding a wine glass and serving wine to the surrounding crowd.

"She specially ordered the kind of strong drink that can relax her. It is said that a student who often skipped classes made her unhappy."

"This was the first time I saw her look so relaxed."

Listening to the words of a certain bartender, Luo Zhen always felt like he had been hit by an arrow in the knee for no apparent reason.

"Luo Zhen, you said you don’t have super powers or magic."

"Then why did you suddenly disappear up the stairs? This is what Yukinoshita Yukino saw with her own eyes."

Tongsu Mafuyu's cheeks were slightly tipsy. She chuckled and leaned next to Luo Zhen, hugging him and exhaling.

"Yukinoshita Yukino......"

Luo Zhen couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard a certain rumored name. He also wondered why Kirisu Mafuyu suddenly thought of magical superpowers and immortality.

It turns out that someone had prepared the groundwork for Kirisu Mafuyu in advance.

"Kirisu-sensei, we are all adults. Of course we have to believe in science."

Holding Kirisu Mafuyu's weak and boneless waist, looking down at this beautiful lady, he shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"science......But I didn't even see you. The righteous Yukinoshita Yukino will not lie."

Mafuyu Kirisu, who was already dizzy from the alcohol in the cocktail, raised his head and said in confusion.[]

"I just had the key to the rooftop, so I went to the rooftop to rest. You and Yukinoshita Yukino-san really think too much."

"So that's it......There really are no magical girls in this world."

A certain Kirisu Mafuyu, who still has a girlish heart, said with a little disappointment.

"So, the reason why you expect me to know magic is because you want to confirm whether there are magical girls in this world?"

Luo Zhen listened to a certain Kirisu Mafuyu's speech and asked with a twitch of the corner of his mouth.

"Yes, magical girls are awesome."

Tirsu Mafuyu said with shining eyes.

Faced with this situation, Luo Zhen could only silently raise his hand to take a picture of the scene in front of him. The dark history of Kirsu Mafuyu has been completed!

Time passed quietly without realizing it. , today’s underground idol performance is also over

"Well......Is the show over?"

When Ichiri Goto put down her guitar and was pulled off the stage, she said with some surprise.

"Yes, Yili, your performance today was really great."

Itichi Hongxia looked at the confused little Bochi in front of him and couldn't help but give a thumbs up.

Including the cold-faced Sansanliye nodded in agreement, and then gave a thumbs up in cooperation.

Goto Ichisato:??????

But shouldn’t I be performing alone in that empty scene? Why do they all praise me?

At this moment, Goto Ichiri, who was confused, suddenly felt something bad in his heart. Feel

"Did I really do a great job today?"

She pointed to her nose and asked cautiously

"Of course! Many people said that our band has a very good guitarist."

Ichichi Hongka smiled brightly at Goto Ichiri.

"Everyone says your guitar is really great"


At this moment, Goto Kazuri realized belatedly that it turned out that Luo Zhen did not take her to another world alone.

In fact, it was just Luo Zhen who blocked her feelings and made her think that she was alone there. On the big stage.

Ichiri Goto, who had been immersed in the stage performance before, did not think about this at all.

Now she reacted, her face suddenly turned red, her eyes went black and she fainted.

She just now I understand why Luo Zhen said this was just a temporary emergency measure.......

Because she has realized now that she will never be fooled again.

Goto Ichiri, who already had a shadow in her heart, looked at the empty room. She even wondered if someone was watching her.......

What kind of weird transparent human series is this?......

"Where is the eldest brother?"

Goto Ichiri asked helplessly.


Mentioning Luo Zhen, Yi Dizhi Hongxia's face suddenly turned red.

"It seems that he left earlier. Before leaving, he asked me to say hello to you."

Recalling the time when Luo Zhen left the bar with the drunken Kirisu Mafuyu in his arms, Iji knew that Hongxia would always think of strange plots in her mind.

"hiss......I must be overthinking this!"

Itichi Hongxia shook her head to dispel the weird thoughts in her mind.

As the sun in the sky gradually shone into the window, Kirisu Mafuyu, who was a little drunk yesterday, woke up.

"Head hurts......"

Touching his head, Kirisu Mafuyu said in a daze.

"strangeness......Shouldn't I be at the bar?"

Looking at the familiar surroundings, Kirisu Mafuyu blinked and said in confusion.


Then she looked at the neat bedrooms around her, and felt a subtle feeling in her heart.

"I always feel like something is different in the bedroom......."

"like......Became clean."

Tirisu Mafuyu blinked, what did she realize immediately?

"yesterday......It seems that Luo Zhen sent me back."

Recalling Luo Zhen who helped her back all the way yesterday, she hurriedly opened the door to the room.

Looking at the neat and new living room with everything in order, Kirisu Mafuyu's face suddenly turned red.

As A certain domestic helper, Kirisu Mafuyu never hesitated to put it behind her when faced with various housekeeping tasks.......

This resulted in his living room and bedroom always being in a mess, like a garbage dump.

No wonder she couldn't recognize the neat bedroom when she got up.

"Mr. Kirisu, you should drink less alcohol from now on. The amount of wine poured in one glass is really poor. As for the living room and bedroom, there is no need to thank me."

"Just think of it as my apology for skipping classes these days......."

Looking at the words posted on the sticky note on the refrigerator, Kirisu Mafuyu's face turned crimson and her eyes were dizzy.

Her image is completely gone now

"Now, Mafuyu-sensei won’t come to me again, right?"

Luo Zhen, who had easily cleaned the room with his own abilities, was standing downstairs, as if he could hear Kirisu Mafuyu's shameful voice.......

At this moment, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly sent an invitation..

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