Kill the red world, the imperial capital.

Esdeath and Luo Zhen are walking on the street

"It's really rare......"

Listening to Esdeath revealing her heart, Luo~Zhen said with a slight surprise.

"I thought General Esdeath would still stick with the Empire until the end."

"If it were before, then I would naturally be like this......"

Esdeath admitted this openly. After all, loyalty is worthy of praise no matter where he goes.

In the original plot, even Esdeath, who was obsessed with love, did not give up her bottom line and stuck to her duties as an imperial general until the end.......

But now, Esdeath actually changed his mind, which surprised Luo Zhen.

"In the original world, the Teigu Demon God Appearance Demon Essence, which I relied on most, was given to me by the empire and its ministers. Naturally, I have to be loyal to this empire."

She walked on the street, her tall legs crossing back and forth gracefully.

However, due to the reputation of General Esdeath, no one dared to look at her. Only Luo Zhen could achieve Esdeath's elegant and dignified style. Appreciate it.

Staring at the dignified general in front of him, Luo Zhenzhen listened to her explanation with a smile.

"Although I really don’t want to admit it, the reason why I have the strength and status I have now is because the empire granted me"

"So I can understand why my future self will stick to the Empire until the day I die......."

"Even though the Imperial ship sucked, it made me grow up and become the general I am now."

Unconsciously, Esdeath and Luo Zhen came to her residence.

After opening the door, Esdeath faced Luo Zhen and spoke his thoughts openly.

"But it’s different now. A large part of my strength comes from what the chat group gave me."

"Compared to the old me, my current strength has improved by leaps and bounds, so I have already repaid the empire’s kindness."

"After all, if it weren't for me, the foreign nations from the north would have invaded this country long ago"

"So now I am debt-free. If I have debt, it can only be said that I owe it to the chat group and you."

Esdeath looked back at Luo Zhen who was sitting in the small courtyard. A rare hint of tenderness flashed through her blue eyes.

"Then next......All I can say is that I’m going to join the battlefield too."

Looking at the eager members of the group, Esdeath actually felt nervous.

After all, compared to them, the world Esdeath lives in is still in war.

Only by solving this problem Only in the rear can she truly breathe a sigh of relief.

"Your idea is right......"Luo Zhen gave Esdeath a thumbs up and praised

"After all, when fighting against foreign forces, you must first settle down at home. Without a stable rear area, how can you safely become stronger?"

"Just the battle between the empire and the rebels is enough to consume your strength."

"Then I'll lend you some good words......."

Esdeath smiled brightly, looked at Luo Zhen in front of him and said

"But I don’t want to fail like a certain transportation captain. My future is destined to be successful."

"Then I am here to wish our Majesty the Queen a smooth accession to the throne."

Luo Zhen looked at Esdeath in front of him and congratulated with a smile.

"Of course......I'm fully prepared."

Esdeath raised her eyebrows confidently. Obviously, she has enough confidence in this matter.

"It seems like someone doesn't need me to take action anymore, they just need me to be here to watch."

Looking at Esdeath, who had a chance to win, Luo Zhen touched his chin thoughtfully and said

"Naturally, I wouldn't invite you here if I wasn't absolutely sure."

"In other worlds, you may need to worry about helping others solve their problems, but in my world you don't."

Esdeath raised her eyebrows confidently and said without hesitation while hugging her chest.

The high-spirited Esdeath stood on the lawn in front of the manor, as majestic as the goddess Athena who will always win.

"Very good, this is General Esdeath."

Luo Zhen looked at Esdeath, who seemed to be filled with endless brilliance, and couldn't help but clapped and sighed.

It's no wonder that the members of other worlds sent out missions one by one. Only Esdeath who killed the red world never She has never complained.

Because for her, who has a strong heart, all difficulties will be overcome by her steel-like heart.

It is no wonder that in the world of Zhan Chihong, the most impressive thing about people is not the male protagonist or the female protagonist. , but Esdeath as the female villain......

The brilliance and charm of her body are really eye-catching, or in other words, if it weren't for the plot, then the never-defeated Esdeath would definitely win the final victory.

But now that she has the support of the chat group, she has obviously gotten rid of the constraints of the original plot and has become more attractive.

"Then, let me watch your play, General Esdeath."

Luo Zhen held his chin and said with expectation.

Luo Zhen would never doubt Esdeath's strength and strategy.

After all, he could forcefully fight his way out of a dark place like the empire with his own strength. A bloody road that even scares the ministers.

It is enough to show Esdeath's absolute strength and unparalleled strategy.......

"Don't worry, since you are here, the fun is about to begin."

Esdeath hugged her chest, looked at the male god she had chosen in front of her, and said with confidence.

"this time.....I will let the people in the group know what the real Queen Esdeath is!"

"Then I'll wait and see......."

Luo Zhen looked at the high-spirited and radiant Queen Esdeath in front of him, spread his hands with a smile and said

"In addition, I have prepared an extra gift for you."

Esdeath then smiled mysteriously at Luo Zhen and said with an interesting wink.

"Oh, what is that?"

Luo Zhen looked at Esdeath in front of him curiously and asked in confusion.

"There's no point in saying it now. You'll know it in the evening."

Esdeath looked up at the sun that day and said with a meaningful smile.

"It seems that I have roughly guessed your gift, Esdeath......."

Listening to Esdeath's words, Luo Zhen blinked and suddenly touched his nose in embarrassment and said

"So, I like smart people. Hope you like my gift."

A smile appeared on Esdeath's face. She waved to Luo Zhen and left the manor directly.

"Have a wonderful night."

The sun gradually set in the west, and Luo Zhen looked at the girl in front of him with a strange expression.

"How did Esdeath trick you into coming here?"

Selyu Bikitasi listened to Luo Zhen's question, obviously a little embarrassed.

Holding Xiaoka, her face turned red, and she began to talk about what Esdeath had told her.

It would be a few days until she returned. forward......

"General, what's the matter? Call me over. Seleucid

Bikitas looked up at Esdeath in confusion and asked.

Esdeath has been particularly abnormal in Seleucid Bikitas's eyes recently.

Sometimes Esdeath Often a person would disappear mysteriously in a hurry, and sometimes a person would hold his chin and giggle.

Seleucid Bikitas always felt that General Esdeath was in love.

However, every time this idea came to his mind , , she shook her head to disperse it without hesitation.

"How is this possible? How could anyone in this world be worthy of General Esdeath? Not even His Majesty the Emperor can."

For General Esdeath, Seleucid has sincere admiration for Kitas.

Especially after Esdeath took her over from her so-called master Oka, she realized that her master Oka The so-called darkness in the name of justice.

It was with the support of Esdeath that she justly executed the evil Oka.

For such an outstanding woman, Seleucid and Kitas really couldn't imagine what she would do. Only a man can match her

"Is there something else that requires me to carry out justice? Then please leave it to me. I promise to complete the task."

An idea flashed in her mind, and she said excitedly. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"No, you are overthinking."

Esdeath shook his head and looked thoughtfully at Seleucid Bigitas in front of him.

"Seleucid Bikitas, I haven't noticed before that you are quite cute."

Looking at the graceful girl exuding youthful vitality in front of her, Esdeath said thoughtfully.

"hey-hey......She is still not as good as the General. The General is the most attractive woman."

Listening to Esdeath's words, Seleucid Bikitas rubbed his head and laughed.

Seleucid Bikitas is self-aware of his own charm.When she was in the Imperial Guard, she was also pursued by many people.

It's just that Seleucid and Kitas are not interested in those people at all.

But even in this situation, compared with Esdeath, she is still like a firefly and a bright moon.

"But you are also very beautiful and very famous. He should like it very much......."

Esdeath looked at the girl in front of him and whispered thoughtfully, but it was not heard by Seleucid Vikitas.

"It's just a pity......"

Esdeath looked at the girl in front of him and sighed quietly,

"Although your body has been transformed in Dr. fashion, you are still disabled, which is really a pity."

Listening to Esdeath's sighing words, Seleucid Bikitas smiled and said with a smile.[]

"This is nothing......Being able to exchange my arms for Master Oka's life is really worth it."

In the current plot, Seleucid Bigitas did not kill Mayin and Hill who attacked at night, but when she killed her master Oka, she still lost her arms.

This also made Esther Si had to lament the inertia of the plot.

0 Asking for flowers

"But was this always fate? I do not believe......"

Looking at the girl in front of her who had her arms broken and replaced with mechanical arms, Esdeath was quite unconvinced.

If it was fate, then she would also break it. She was destined to dedicate this world to her male god.

"I have a way to save your arms......"she then said

"Really? Is there any way? No......I can accept any method."

But before Esdeath finished speaking, he was interrupted by Seleucid Bikitas who looked surprised.

It can be seen that although Seleucid Bikitas seemed quite indifferent on the surface, he still cared about This matter bothers me

"It does require you to pay a certain price."

Looking at the beautiful girl in front of her, Esdeath said meaningfully.

"I'm willing to accept any price to be a normal person."

Selyu Bikitas gritted her teeth slightly, and she said decisively.

Although Dr. Fashion equipped her with a pair of mechanical arms, Sai Liuyu Bikitas actually still has a faint sense of inferiority.

This also makes her The reason why I was so impatient after hearing that Esdeath had a solution

"If that's the case, then be prepared."

Esdeath looked at Seleucid and Bigitas who had made up his mind, nodded slightly and said.

"The opportunity will come soon"

"Yes, thank you, General."

Seleuyu Bikitas said gratefully.

"As long as you don't hate me in the future." Esdeath said with an indifferent smile.

"No, the general showed me a clear path anyway. How can I resent the General for this?"

Seleuyu Bikitas shook her head. She is still very self-aware about this matter.

"If it hadn't been for the General, I'm afraid I wouldn't have been able to see Ouka's true face, let alone have this opportunity."

"When facing Esdeath-sama, I will only be grateful."

She smiled brightlyroad

"Then just wait for this opportunity. If you do the math, the time is not far away."

Esdeath also nodded with satisfaction after listening to Seleucid's words of gratitude to Kitas.

It can be seen that her vision in choosing the person was not wrong.......

And today, after Esdeath went back, she told Seleucid and Bigitas to come here.

Seliyu Bikitas looked at the handsome male god in front of him, and his heart was beating fast.

"Is this the gift you gave me? I am very satisfied......"

Luo Zhen raised his head and looked into the distance meaningfully, as if he could see Esdeath watching here, and he murmured in his heart.

Although this was just Esdeath's move to push Seleucid and Bigitas over, it was actually Esdeath's bold hint that he would not be jealous.......

It can only be said that most people cannot understand the hints of the Iceberg Queen.......

However, Luo Zhen captured Esdeath's subtle mentality.

"Now that you are here, can you understand what you have to pay? Luo

Zhen finally looked at the girl in front of him and asked with a raised brow.

"I see. And I am very grateful to Lord Luo Zhen and General Esdeath. Without you, Seryu wouldn't be where he is now."

Selyu Bikitasi said with a blushing face and a little twitching of his legs.

"Okay, if that's the case, take off your clothes and let me take a good look at you......."

Luo Zhen looked at the blushing girl in front of him, nodded and said with satisfaction.


Seleuyu took a deep breath than Kitas, and took off his clothes with a little blush on his cheeks.

Even Dr. Fashion didn't ask her like this. He just gave Seleuyu a few data. Bikitas has prepared a brand new mechanical arm.

However, Luo Zhen needs all-round observation in order to understand the all-round physical condition of Seleuyu Bikitas.

"So that's it......"

Looking at the two incomplete arm wounds, Luo Zhen said thoughtfully

"Very ugly......"

Seleucid lowered his head in inferiority to Kitas and said in shame.

"No, I heard everything Sisi said. This was for the justice in the heart of Seleucid Pikitas. It is the most beautiful symbol."

Luo Zhen looked at the girl with low self-esteem, smiled and touched her head and said

"Leave it to me next......"

As the night progressed, Luyu Bikitas looked at his body with surprise.

"Lord Luo Zhen, thank you."

Selyu Bikitas looked up at the man in front of him, and took the initiative to go up.

The next day.

The forest in the distance of the imperial capital.

The bright moon hung high in the sky.

"This time, the night attack is really going to happen."

Luo Zhen and Esdeath stood on the treetops, looking at the houses in the distance. He laughed and joked...

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