Minister's Mansion

"What? what are you saying?"

Listening to the words of the fat minister, even the people in Night Raid who had been hiding their figures subconsciously stood up.

Ma Yin, who was holding the romantic fort pumpkin in her hand, looked at the fat minister in front of her with her teeth and claws. The minister said.

Including the other people in the night attack, they all looked at the minister in the chair with disbelief.

Even Nadjeta, who had always remained calm, was a little unable to hold back at this time.

She never expected that, On her first day on Esdeath's mission, she encountered something so shocking.


Nadjeta's unparalleled and pretty face was filled with shock at this moment. She, who had always been trusted by everyone in the night attack, was a little unbelievable at this moment.

"Ah...Sir, what are you talking about?"

"Sir, you must be kidding me"

"Your Excellency is a minister of our empire, how could you do such a thing?"

"That’s right, sir, stop joking. Quickly bring out the Teigu users around you and deal with these guys in front of you."

"That's right, night raids have been causing trouble to the emperor for a long time, and I'm waiting for you, sir, to put things right.……"

Not only did everyone look shocked at Night Raid, but even the close aides around the minister also tried to persuade him.

After all, the news was so big that they all couldn't relax...

Who is the minister?

That was the number one figure in the empire, the most trusted pillar of the little emperor. It can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people in the empire.

Except for General Esdeath and General Bude, he is domineering in the empire and has no scruples.

The bad things he did are too numerous to describe, and each of his crimes forced countless people to join the Revolutionary Army.

And what about the revolutionary army?

Those were rebels who had been circulating in the south of the empire for a long time, and had started wars in the south again and again.

If the dispatching of the southern province were not favorable, then the southern province would have long been reduced to a paradise for the revolutionary army's"170"!

How did these two, one good and one evil, one yin and one yang, one day and one earth, one water and one fire, come together?

According to common sense, these two are life-and-death enemies. If they really collided, then the name-removing army might first change the name of the minister.

"Pooh! Minister, don't try to mess with our minds, your dog's life has been decided by us."

Ma Yin swayed a pair of pink twin ponytails, holding a romantic fort pumpkin in her hand and looking at the minister in front of her eagerly.


The red pupil next to him also tightened his grip on the demon sword Murasame, and his dark eyes stared closely at the people in front of him. Those present were all the minister's cronies, and they were all covered in blood. Kill anyone at will. They are all doing it to eliminate harm to the imperial capital.……

"Huh, why did I lie to you?"

The minister, who was a little scared after being stared at by everyone in the night attack, said with a cold snort. At the same time, he secretly screamed something bad. He and the Geming Army were actually just using each other.

Before, he had considered that this time the empire would be in chaos. Because of the participation of the Geming Army, he felt that the Geming Army might put more energy into the rebellion.

This also led to most of the Teigu envoys around him going out to investigate, and only in There were one or two Teiju users left behind to protect him.

Seeing that everyone in the night attack had come to the main hall and no one came out to stop them, it was obvious that the Teigu users he had raised had already been wiped out.

So he It was only because Ge Mingjun had cooperated with him that he had the courage to expose this matter.

"If it weren't for me, would your Revolutionary Army be able to gain a foothold in the south?"

"I have made an agreement with the leader of your revolutionary army. I will provide him with money and people I dislike, and they will be responsible for helping me eliminate enemies in the south."

"Besides, if I hadn't stopped them, do you think the empire would have sent Esdeath to deal with the revolutionary army in your south?"

"If Esdeath takes action, how many people in your so-called Revolutionary Army do you think can survive?"

The minister, who already knew that there was no way out, had no choice but to eat the meat and said carelessly.

"The reason why Esdeath, the most important general in the empire, does not go to the south is because of my efforts."

"Are you kidding me? Aren't you hostile? Why didn't the Geming Army kill you? Lubbock asked in disbelief. Although he had learned about the darkness of the Geming Army from Nadjeta, he never expected that the Geming Army would actually be connected with this notorious minister.

"Children, you must not be an adult, right?"

The minister looked at the unbelievable Lubbock and asked with a bit of ridicule.

"There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies in this world. Some are just eternal interests……"

He waved his hands generously and said.

Anyway, apart from the night attack by the Ge Ming Army, there were only his confidants here, so he didn't care and directly exposed the true situation between himself and the Ge Ming Army.

"In addition, the Revolutionary Army is responsible for sending me so much effort every year, including their efforts to conquer the city, their efforts to defeat, or the free resources from the south."

"I will provide them with money and shelter to ensure that they will not be successfully suppressed by the Empire."

" really don't think that a ragtag group of exiles can really escape the pursuit of the imperial army."

The minister looked at the people in front of him with a half-smile and said, and the facts he revealed hit everyone in the night attack bloody.

"Three of the empire's annual efforts to trade came from the transportation of revolutionary troops. They launched a rebellion in the south, then captured the refugees who resisted, and then sent them to the imperial capital to sell them at a good price."

"As for me, I just treat it as a casual chess game, but I never expected that you could reform the famous army so quickly."

"In just a few days, it caused a stir in all directions, which really surprised me."

The minister then clapped his hands with emotion and said with some surprise. In fact, he had been restraining the Geming Army when fighting against them.

Keeping them bound to the land in the south...

But He never expected that the Revolutionary Army would finally break free and light up the smoke everywhere in the empire.

"They worked really hard, but my damn intelligence network didn't find any information about them."

Then the minister thought rather angrily.

After all, the cunning minister also knew that the empire was now at the end of the dynasty.

As an old fox, he would naturally choose to bet on both sides, but he had not yet decided which side to completely fall to. This The situation was immediately reversed

"Dear Night Raid, I am your true ally of the Revolutionary Army! Let us overthrow this rotten system of empire together."

The minister then stretched out his hand and said excitedly

"I have been waiting for Master Wang for a long time, and today I finally saw Master Wang arrive."

"Sister, is what he said true?"Ma Yin asked in a low voice.

Although they all know that there is darkness in the Geming Army, they don't know much about the details of the darkness.

"Well... at least he didn't lie when it came to the deal."

Nadjeta sighed after a moment of silence.

She had noticed that there was such a trend of taking prisoners in the Revolutionary Army before going into the investigation.

But she never expected that before she could find anything, she would be slapped with a piece of paper. The transfer order fell directly to the imperial capital, and she served as the person in charge of the night attack of the half-dead killer organization.

If she hadn't had a few brushes and gathered a large number of Teigu users, then their night attack would still be an insignificant person in the imperial capital. Organization.

Thinking about it now...

Nadjeta discovered that many of the prisoners captured by the Revolutionary Army at that time were sent to the north.

And the north is the direction of the capital of the empire...

Perhaps it was because someone at the top of the Revolutionary Army discovered Najita Jeta's movements, that's why this promising general was directly exiled to a remote area.

There seems to be an answer to all this.



Minister's Office

"But why in the subsequent plot. More than one night raid to hunt down the minister's cronies?"

"It was even unreasonable to force the minister to form the Hunter and the Wild Hound."

Luo Zhen touched his chin and thought seriously.

Because the minister's sudden jump was so sudden, even he couldn't turn around for a while.

After all, in the original plot, the minister and the night attack and the name behind the night attack were The conflict between the military and the military has become his fixed thinking.

Suddenly it was revealed that the minister was related to the Revolutionary Army. This was equivalent to a mouse giving New Year greetings to a cat, Bald Qiang and Xiong Daxiong Er cutting down trees together, Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf Let’s boil the water and boil the sheep together……

"Because quite simply, that was a few years later."

Compared to Luo Zhen, who only knows about this matter now, Esdeath, who had already planned it before, obviously has his own opinions on this matter.

"After all, their cooperation has always been at odds with each other."

Esdeath stood on the wall, listening to the conversation of several people inside, and shrugged as expected.

"The minister chose to cooperate with Ge Mingjun, firstly because of his double-faced personality and chose to bet on both ends."

"Secondly, Ge Mingjun is needed to act as his white glove. After all, no one would think that Ge Mingjun is related to him. When he deals with enemies, he can use the name of revolutionizing the famous army. No one expected to have anything to do with him"

"The third is for more war resources. After all, whether he crusade against the Revolutionary Army or supports the Revolutionary Army, he can make profits from it."

Luo Zhen then took the third one, and he said with a slightly weird expression.

"After all, for ministers, interests are the most important thing. As long as there are interests, there is no motherland."

"You're right...can't you figure it out too?" Esdeath looked at him appreciatively and said.

"I just didn't expect that there are people like America in this world? Luo Zhen touched his chin and sighed with a bit of a wry smile.

After all, it is not uncommon for Americans to transport tens of thousands of dollars of water to a certain place like America.

And the media has exposed more than once that they support the rebels. America's power...

Because for this group of capitalists, as long as they have sufficient interests, they dare to trample on all laws in the world.

Luo Zhen just didn't expect that America's advanced experience would actually be used in this backward empire. Appear....

"As for the Ge Mingjun, I also figured it out."

Luo Zhen's eyes flickered, and the supercomputer in his brain was running crazily, and he quickly came up with a reasonable explanation. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"In the early stage, the Geming Army needed more resources. They need a qualified sponsor"

"Obviously, the minister is such an excellent donor. It can spread money and resources, and at the same time it can prevent you from encircling and suppressing the revolutionary army."

Luo Zhen looked at Esdeath and said

"And all they paid was some resources they couldn't use and captured prisoners of war, which were of little use to them."

"After all, there are not many people in this world who sincerely think about the people.……"

"Even in the world I live in, only one group of people has appeared for thousands of years. Not to mention that in this feudal and backward era……"

"In fact, there are various interests behind the so-called Revolutionary Army."

"However, after they develop, that is, after the plot begins, they no longer need ministers."

"Because their strength has developed by leaps and bounds. Even a small organization like Night Raid has Teigu. They already have the strength to resist the empire."

"Therefore, the minister became a stain on them, which led to constant night attacks to assassinate the forces under the minister."

"This also makes the minister become vigilant and use Esdeath to hunt the hunters and wild hounds around you."

Luo Zhen's eyes flickered. It was just that the minister exposed his relationship with the Geming Army. Luo Zhen had already deduced everything that followed.

"But there was too much black material about the collusion between the minister and the revolutionary army. This also means that he has never asked you to eliminate the Geming Army."

"Because he knows that when you lead troops to fight, the Geming Army is destined to fail. Then they will definitely release all the information"

"At that time, the ministers who communicated with foreign countries would directly lose all power. Unable to bear it, he had to break his teeth and swallow it."

"This is why you, as the best general in the empire, have never fought against the Ge Ming Army."

"In the beginning, the revolutionary army was afraid that you would attack them. Later, it was the ministers who were afraid that you would attack them.……"

"At the last moment, everything was already late, and the minister was saddened to find that the revolutionary army had already reached the capital."

"However, they had no intention of letting him go. After all, the minister was the most notorious person in the empire."

"If the minister is not dead, the people will be uneasy, the world will be uneasy, and the revolutionary army will also be uneasy. The minister who understands this can only fight desperately when he is at the end of the road."

"As a result, he died at the hands of everyone who attacked him at night. But it is precisely because of this that not many people can survive the night attack."

"After all, the Ge Ming army that captured the country was the most upright existence. How could they be related to the minister?"

"Therefore, the last night raid that had contact with the minister was also erased."

Listening to Luo Zhen's analysis, Esdeath's eyes flickered. She couldn't suppress her inner excitement and directly lowered her head and kissed him.

After a long time......

"He is truly my man."

The separated Esdeath looked at Luo Zhen in front of him with admiration and said with some pride.

"These things took me a long time to figure out. I didn’t expect that it only took you a moment to figure it out. My man is excellent"

"The minister is shooting himself in the foot. Who asks him to fund his own opposition? This is the mentality of a hegemon who is used to it. Luo

Zhen looked at the regretful minister, shook his head and sighed.[]



Outside the battle, Luo Zhen and the two were talking, but several people in the hall had already started to take action.

"Everyone, let’s get started."

Chitong and others held their own imperial weapons in hand and began to clean the people in the hall.

"Minister, what you said is very good, but you are wrong about one thing. We are not a night attack by the Revolutionary Army."

Looking at the minister who was confident of victory, Najita raised a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

"We are General Esdeath's night attack!"

With her words, everyone in the night attack began to clean up the corrupt officials in front of them with expressionless faces.

"Your expectations have been disappointed!"

"Esdeath! No, the mantis stalks the cicada, but the oriole follows behind."

Listening to Nadjeta's words, his pupils suddenly shrank and he said a little lost his voice. He understood everything in an instant


He immediately pressed the armrest on the right side of the seat, and a tunnel appeared under his feet, and the minister fell directly into the tunnel.

"eldest sister......"

Chitong, who was watching this scene, said hurriedly:

"No problem. He can't run away."Nadjeta said confidently.

"Now, let's get rid of all these wine bags and rice bags."

Nadjeta said, looking at the desperate people in front of her.

Soon after, the minister ran quickly on the street with a pair of thick legs.

"General, save me quickly."

Looking at Bude standing at the entrance of the palace, the minister immediately relaxed.

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