Comprehensive comics about the everyday world.

Arriving at the floor where the piano department was located, Luo Zhen took out his cell phone from his pocket.

"So, what is your relationship with her? Why do I feel like you are enemies?"

He said helplessly to the other end of the phone

"I do not know either......"

Kasumigaoka Shiu on the other end of the phone expressed her innocence.

"I just commented on Yumeko Snake Ghoul, and I don’t know why she was so unhappy, but she ended up becoming enemies with me later on."

"But even so, her academic performance never exceeded mine......."

"Alas, there is no way, maybe a good person like me is born with many enemies."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said in a disappointed tone. She looked quite innocent all over.

"If I didn't know you as a person, I'd probably really believe it......."

Standing in the corridor, looking at the black-haired girl leaving the club building, Luo Zhen rolled his eyes and said.

If things were really as simple as Kasumigaoka Shiu said, then a certain snake ghoul Yumeko wouldn't hold a grudge until now......

Moreover, he even sacrificed himself to repay him, and also wanted to take revenge on Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

If there was no deep hatred between the two, Luo Zhen would never believe it.

After all, although Yumeko Snake Ghoul is an avid gambling enthusiast at heart, on the outside, she is always a gentle and polite young lady.

Unless she encounters an event that interests her, she will not reveal her true self.

Obviously, it must be a certain literary girl who took the lead in provoking Yumeko Snake Ghoul

"Okay, okay, I admit it......."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu on the other end of the phone sighed and complained a little bit.

"Don’t you allow me to pretend to be a white lotus? Pretending to be a white lotus is quite fun......"

"When I met her before, I always felt that she was not the same as she was on the outside."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu has always been confident about her intuition. Otherwise, she would not have been confident enough to prepare a light novel when she was in junior high school.

"So when you noticed something was wrong with Yumeko Snake, you subconsciously tried it?"

Luo Zhen couldn't help complaining.


Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled playfully

"Acting cute is prohibited."

Luo Zhen's mouth twitched.

"Ahem, cough, not long ago, I went to have a little chat with her, but I didn’t expect her temper to be so bad, and she exploded all of a sudden."

"I didn't expect that this student from the joint school would be such an interesting person. This is my first time seeing......"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu rubbed her temples. Standing in the corridor, she looked helplessly at Yumeko Snake who was walking back to the teaching building.

Although she noticed something strange about Snake Ghoul Mengko, she didn't expect that Snake Ghoul Mengzi actually had two faces.

This suddenly made her feel a bit embarrassed.

"alright, I got it."

Luo Zhen stood in the corridor and sighed. Although Kasumigaoka Shiyu said it was just a test, he already knew a lot about Kasumigaoka Shiyu's poisonous tongue.

So how did Kasumigaoka Shiyu test Snake Ghoul? Mengzi, he also knows it well......

"It is truly a miracle given to you by God that you can survive until now."

Luo Zhen couldn't help but said with some emotion.

"Thank you for your compliment."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smiled brightly

"In addition, I want to thank you this time for letting me educate that guy. That guy is so annoying......."

Speaking of Yumeko Snake Ghoul, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said with excitement.

"When I wait for the weekend, I agree to all the conditions you mentioned."

"Is your hatred so deep?"

Luo Zhen asked with a bit of surprise.

You know, Kasumigaoka Shiyu refused to agree to those conditions before.

Now it is because of Yumeko Snake that Kasumigaoka Shiyu agreed to those things.

This is really disappointing. He was surprised, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

So if this is the case......

"Ahem, I'm just thanking you for your help. In fact, my relationship with her can only be said to be average."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's sixth sense subconsciously called the police, and she quickly changed her words.

"Yeah? Why didn’t I know that my relationship with classmate Shiyu was so good?"

A lazy and slightly charming chuckle inserted into the conversation between Luo Zhen and Kasumigaoka Shiyu, which immediately made Kasumigaoka Shiyu turn off her phone.

"I also hung up beforehand......"

Listening to the beeping hang-up tone on the other end of the phone, Luo Zhen was thoughtful.

"This is quite interesting news......"

Luo Zhen didn't believe Kasumigaoka Shiyu's denial at all.

After all, Kasumigaoka Shiha and Snake Gho Yumeko are so similar, the same black-haired girl, the same slim figure, the same black stocking legs.......

Except that Kasumigaoka Shiu is a dark-hearted girl who looks exactly the same on the outside, and Yumeko Snake Ghoul looks like a dignified and elegant young lady on the outside, there are too many similarities between the two.

No wonder the two of them dislike each other.

Luo Zhen temporarily put aside the grudges between the two, he smiled softly, and then walked to the music classroom

"It's so slow......"

After opening the door, the pretty black-haired girl with an impatient look complained quite unhappily.

"Ah sneeze!"

"Ah sneeze!"

"Ah sneeze!"

With three crisp sneezes, Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously covered her mouth.

After all, she is still a girl who needs to be graceful, and things like sneezing have nothing to do with her.

"Shiyu-san, do you have a cold? If you are delicate, don't stand in the corridor, otherwise it will be bad if you are blown into the hospital."

The dignified and elegant Snake Mengzi walked to Kasumigaoka Shiyu, looked at her with a cute face and said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu:?????????

"I don’t need you to worry about it anymore. You should pay more attention to your academic performance when you have time."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu smoothed her hair and said calmly. But she has complained about someone a thousand times in her heart.

He must have complained about me in his heart, otherwise how could I sneeze three times in a row? Woolen cloth

"Haha, I don’t think Kasumigaoka-san needs to care too much about my academic performance."

"It's just the first exam after the merger, so it doesn't count."

Snake Mengzi smiled disapprovingly, her red eyes seemed to be flashing with madness.

"This is the first time I have seen such an interesting school. It is much more interesting than my old school."

She stood with her arms folded across her chest, like a beautiful and free-spirited girl.

For a moment, the two slim girls on the corridor seemed to form a beautiful picture.

"In that case, you are welcome to challenge me at any time."

Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Snake Mengzi who seemed to be unconcerned. She was not angry either. She raised her head proudly.

"At least for now, I'm still No. 1 in the second grade"

"Yumeko Snake, welcome to your next challenge. fourth place......"

And when Kasumigaoka Shiu finally said the fourth place, Yumeko Snake's face suddenly turned cold.

"Kasumigaoka-san likes Junior Luo Zhen very much, right?......"

Snake Ghoul Mengzi blinked her eyes, as if she thought of something, then she covered her mouth and chuckled.

"I found that I also like him quite a lot. I believe Kasumigaoka-senpai will be willing to bear the pain and let go."

"after all......I am quite confident in my charm."

Twisting her silky black hair, Snake Ghoul Mengzi said calmly.

"Ah, yes, yes......"

Looking at the confident Yumeko Snake in front of her, Kasumigaoka Shiyu did not pamper her at all.

She raised her eyebrows slightly and smiled slightly

"Someone is really good at giving things for free. He can still say something like this after being taken advantage of. It’s really worth learning from me."

"I didn’t expect the relationship between you two to be so good."The eyes of Yumeko Snake Ghoul suddenly brightened.

Although there is no gambling in Xiuzhiyuan, this makes Yumeko Snake Ghoul, who likes gambling, quite uncomfortable.

However, she found a new toy, which made her happy during this period. The blood boils again

"It's just what happened just now, and you actually know it......It seems like he really wants to tell you anything."

Snake Mengzi said as if she was sure of victory.

"If that's the case, then I'm even more interested. I'll let you see your boyfriend taken away by me......"

She was particularly disgusted with the extremely poisonous Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of her.

If she could take Luo Zhen away now, she would definitely make this annoying woman, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, cry bitterly. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Thinking of this, Snake Ghoul Mengzi, who had no gambling game, suddenly lit up at this moment.

"If that's the case, then give it a try......"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu didn't seem to care about the threat from Yumeko Snake, and she smiled casually.

"Then don't cry when I take it away."

Yumeko Snake Ghoul finally glanced at Shiyu Kasumigaoka and walked to her class with her legs.

"Yumeko-san is back"

"I've already handed in your homework for you."

"Yumeko, have you watched the latest TV series? The male protagonist in it is really handsome"

"Mengzi, let’s go out and get a manicure together on the weekend. I heard that there is a new and excellent manicurist in Ginza......."

As she returned to class, the sound of chirping sounded in her ears again.

That mature and decent smile appeared on her face again.

In front of outsiders, she is always the dignified and elegant girl.

As for the previous appearance where interests were paramount, only a few people such as Kasumigaoka Shiyu could see it.

"What an interesting snake ghoul Yumeko......"

Standing in the corridor, Kasumigaoka Shiu thought about Yumeko Snake's vows, and she couldn't help but chuckle.[]

"If you dare to challenge that man foolishly, then I will wait for your failure."

Then she thought of something, lowered her head and sent a text message on her phone.

"Snake Ghoul Mengzi is going to attack you. Remember to take a video for me when the time comes. I will laugh at that woman."

Then she put down her phone and walked into the classroom.

"Some woman, just wait to fail. He has never been a little sheep. After losing his disguise, he is a real big shark."

"What does this guy think of me?"

Looking down at the text message sent by Kasumigaoka Shiyu on his phone, Luo Zhen couldn't help but look weird.


As the piano made a long sound, Luo Zhen took back the phone skillfully.

He knew that this was the sound made by a certain arrogant girl who was unhappy.

"When you play the piano, you should play well and don't be disturbed by other things."

The girl in a black dress sitting in front of the piano pouted and looked at Luo Zhen dissatisfied.

"Okay, okay, you're right."

Luo Zhen looked at the unhappy look in Dongma Hesha's eyes, shook his head, took out his cell phone and turned it off in front of her.

"No, I turned off my phone"

"Is this right?......"

Touma Kazusa nodded with satisfaction and played the piano in front of her again.

Compared with the graceful piano sound before, the current Touma Kazusa piano sound has a bit more lightness.

Is this because of the reconciliation between their mother and daughter? It seems that I have achieved some results.......

Luo Zhen thought thoughtfully while listening to the light and bright colors of Touma and Sana's piano.

After a long, long time......

"Bang bang bang!"

"No wonder it was Hesha, the sound of the piano was so good that I felt a little ashamed of myself."010 Luo Zhen listened to Dongma Hesha playing the piano to the end, and quickly clapped his hands and praised

"Compared to you, I'm still not as good as you."

The cold girl shook her head. She looked at Luo Zhen unhappily and said.

Compared with Luo Zhen, Touma Kazusa had doubted more than once whether the piano she learned was useful?

Luo Zhen only used it for a short time. In just a few years, she surpassed herself who had been learning piano since she was a child.

This made her always wonder whether her mother's praise of her talent was of any use.

"Don't compare with me, you are actually quite good."

Looking at the resentful Dongma Hesha, Luo Zhen walked up behind her generously, put his hands on his shoulders and said


The girl in the dress could feel the warmth of Luo Zhen's hands on her shoulders. She was obviously a little panicked.

"Hesha is very good, both me and your mother think so"

"We all believe you will succeed."

Luo Zhen looked down at the black-haired girl in front of him and praised with a smile.

The girl lowered her head, and the visible earlobes were a little red.

"You don't need to say it......"

Touma Hesha wailed, and it was obvious that the size of Luo Zhen's hands on her shoulders made her feel a little too big.

"In that case, I'll leave first."

Luo Zhen blinked, looked at the girl who lowered her head and said nothing, and cautiously tried.

When Luo Zhen was about to leave the room, a voice came from behind him.

"Wait a moment......"

Dongma Hesha turned her head to look at Luo Zhen with a rosy complexion.

"I have to thank you for the mom thing. She went to the hospital for a checkup not long ago and found that her health was exceptionally good.

She then said with a serious face,"I know, without you, mom would definitely be in danger.""

"No need to say so much......"

Luo Zhen smiled and waved his hand

"Your mother is also my teacher, this is what I should do"

"You just need to play the piano well and don't live up to the expectations of your mother and me."

"I know, I know......"

Touma Kazusa said impatiently.

It wasn't until Luo Zhen went out that she lay weakly on the piano stand

"He was so foul."

Touching her shoulder and recalling the scene just now, the girl said shyly


She frowned in confusion

"I always felt that the tone he spoke just now was weird, like he was my elder......"

"How is this possible?"

The girl then shook her head and rejected her idea.

In the new January, I want full subscriptions, monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation votes, and everything for free. The author of the street fight would like to thank everyone...

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