The world of Immortal Sword.

Fairy Island.

Since the island is full of women, many girls have built a huge garden on one side of Fairy Island.

The vast garden is full of flowers, with all kinds of flowers vying for beauty, the splendor of peach blossoms, the grace of peonies, the coolness of roses...

However, at this moment, these flowers cannot cover up the beautiful figure of the person in the garden.


Zhao Ling'er looked at the chat in the group with a hint of resentment between her brows. Only when Luo Zhen came out to speak did she faintly reveal a bit of joy.

Then he read Luo Zhen's sentences word by word, walking in the dirt with a pair of embroidered shoes, as if he was particularly sad.……


A light and somewhat noble voice sounded from behind Zhao Ling'er, causing her to turn her head immediately.

A stunning young woman wearing a blue dress was slowly walking towards her. The tube top dress highlighted her beautiful figure and white collarbone.

The woman with a hint of maturity between her eyebrows walked to Zhao Ling'er calmly and said with a smile on her face.

"Mother, what's wrong?"

Looking up at Qing'er, the successor of Nuwa from the previous generation, Zhao Ling'er blinked in confusion and asked.

"I came to see why our little girl is so sad?"

Qing'er poked Zhao Ling'er's small and cute nose and said with a chuckle.

The womanly charm exuded in every gesture was extremely mature and tempting, and even the young girl Zhao Ling'er felt her heart skip a beat.

With this, At the same time, Zhao Ling'er was filled with envy in her heart. If she was as attractive as her mother, wouldn't Luo Zhen be easy to catch?

"Mother, what did you say?"She blinked her eyes as if confused.

"You girl... you're still pretending to be with your mother, don't think that your mother doesn't know your little thoughts."

Qing'er glanced at Zhao Ling'er angrily. The meat fell from her body. Do you really think she doesn't know anything?

"The reason why you are so distracted every day these days, and you don’t want to eat or drink, is it because of your brother Luo Zhen.……"

Speaking of this matter, the graceful and noble beautiful woman Qing'er's eyebrows stood up, and her eyes revealed a little bit of resentment.

"Tell me about your brother Luo Zhen. It’s true that he has known you for such a long time and has never come to see you.……"

Then she sighed softly, as if she also revealed a little resentment.

"Has he forgotten us and left us on Fairy Island for so long?……"

Speaking of this, it was Qing'er's turn to be sad, she said with some emotion

"how can that be possible?"

Looking at Qing'er who suddenly started to complain, Zhao Ling'er didn't want to think too much. She quickly stepped forward to help her mother.

"I had already met Brother Luo Zhen when I went to other worlds last time. He is still as enthusiastic as before. No, for us it is the past, and for Brother Luo Zhen it is the future......."730

Mentioning that cross-border tour, Zhao Ling'er said with longing, she seemed particularly happy.

Every time she recalls her first contact with Luo Zhen, the girl's heart is always filled with joy.

"Brother Luo Zhen is also very busy now, and he also has many things of his own to do."

The well-behaved and sensible Zhao Ling'er helped Qing'er walk out of the garden. She patiently guided the somewhat unhappy Qing'er.

Although Zhao Ling'er always felt that something was wrong, shouldn't it be her unhappy mother who came to comfort her?

Why did her mother Is Qing'er even happier than she is? Zhao Ling'er shook her head and didn't think much about it.

Maybe it was because her mother had been living on the deep island for a long time, so she was a little sentimental.

"When Brother Luo Zhen finishes his work there, he will definitely come to find us."

"After all, for brother Luo Zhen, the future has not happened yet, but for us, the future is already determined."

The pair of pink and phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and the graceful girl revealed the friendship that belongs only to girls.

"I believe that the fate between me and brother Luo Zhen will never be broken......."

Zhao Ling'er said foolishly.

Looking at the infatuated girl, Qing'er sighed quietly in her heart. She stroked her long silky hair, pursed her lips and said with a smile.

"Mother also believes that the fate between you and your brother Luo Zhen will never be broken."

"so......Mother, please don’t feel sentimental......."

Then, Zhao Ling'er smiled playfully at Qing'er, and her mood immediately improved.

"I believe that brother Luo Zhen will come sooner or later. We are now on Fairy Island, and our past destiny has ended. This explains everything."

She shook Qing'er's arm generously and said with a smile.

"Mom, you should be happy now, after all, you have escaped your original fate."

"All of this is due to brother Luo Zhen. Without him, we would not have the life we ​​have now."

Speaking of this, Zhao Ling'er's eyes were filled with longing for Luo Zhen.

"If it weren't for brother Luo Zhen, my mother and I might have to go through the fate of Nuwa's descendants again......."

Recalling the plot related to Immortal Sword One that she had seen after joining the group, Zhao Ling'er said with some emotion.

No matter how hard Li Xiaoyao tried, he still failed to save Zhao Ling'er and Qing'er, but instead allowed tragedies to happen one after another.

Whether it’s Caiyi or Lin Yueru......

"well......This may be the fate of our world."

Listening to her daughter's emotion, Qing'er also showed a little sadness in her eyebrows.

She had also heard Zhao Ling'er talk about the plot related to Immortal Sword One before.

After all, the content of the plot was deeply related to her. But how to say it?......There is always a subtle feeling.

I look at the person in the painting, and the person in the painting looks at me. It made her feel like Zhuang Sheng dreamed of a butterfly.

However, Qing'er was deeply convinced of his final choice.

If Luo Zhen had not appeared to save their mother and daughter, she would have fulfilled her mission as the descendant of Nuwa.

Protecting the earth is her eternal persistence


When Zhao Ling'er mentioned this matter, her eyes suddenly lit up. Her eyes were filled with gratitude and friendship for Luo Zhen.

"Brother Luo Zhen was born to break our destiny......I believe he will definitely come, this is our fate"

"Are you not sad now?"

Qing'er looked at Zhao Ling'er who was re-energized and said with a smile.

"Well, thank you mom for helping me clear up my confusion."

Zhao Ling'er said with a smile like a flower.

"You, according to Luo Zhen, are emo......"

After poking Zhao Ling'er's forehead, Qing'er said with a helpless smile.

"Even without me, you will be able to come out sooner or later"

"But it was my mother who helped me get out of my confusion......."Zhao Ling'er took Qing'er's arm at this time and said coquettishly

"Mother is the best......"


Qing'er touched her daughter's head and smiled softly.

Then, accompanied by Zhao Ling'er, he returned to his room and lay on the bed to rest.


She finally quietly pulled out a portrait from under the bed, touched the portrait in a daze and said

"Someone comforts Ling'er, but who will comfort me?"

The moonlight shone on the portrait, and Luo Zhenzhen looked at the people outside the portrait with a smile. In the garden, Zhao Ling'er, who had adjusted his mood, looked at the private chats in the dimensional chat group in front of him, and the girl's eyes suddenly lit up.

It was unremarkable. Traveler:"Ling'er, are you there?

Fairy Island girl:"Brother Luo Zhen, I'm here." Zhao

Ling'er was extremely happy to be able to have a private chat with Luo Zhen.

The ordinary time traveler said:"Do you remember my previous promise?""

Zhao Ling'er watched Luo Zhen speak, and her heart was beating wildly.

Could it be that......

Then Zhao Ling'er suppressed the expectations in her heart and replied tremblingly.

Fairy Island girl:"Of course I remember......"(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The ordinary time traveler:"So Linger, do you welcome me as a guest?"

The girl from Fairy Island:"Of course I'm welcome......."

Zhao Ling'er's red phoenix eyes, which had a cold look on her face, suddenly narrowed, and she said with a crooked smile.

Fairy Island girl:"I will always welcome brother Luo Zhen......"

An ordinary time traveler:"Okay, I'll go there right away." Looking at Luo Zhen's reply, Zhao Ling'er immediately held her breath.

She never imagined that she was still missing Luo Zhen this afternoon, but that Luo Zhen would come to her world in the evening.

Fairy Island girl:"Then Ling'er is waiting for Brother Luo Zhen right here......."

Then a whirlpool appeared, and Luo Zhen's figure gradually appeared in front of Zhao Ling'er.

"Long time no see, Linger......"

Luo Zhen looked at the slightly excited girl in front of him and said with a smile.

Zhao Ling'er has black hair, tied into twin ponytails with a blue ribbon. He wears a plain half-arm collar with a pair of collars, an indigo breast pocket on top, and white trousers on the bottom. He is dressed like a Taoist.

It feels like dreaming back to the original sword era

"Brother Luo Zhen, welcome to the world of fairy swords."

Zhao Ling'er said with a slight smile, her eyebrows curved.[]

The bright moon is in the sky, shining on this lonely fairy island offshore.

Due to the formation on the island, the entire Fairy Island is filled with fairy spirit and is shrouded in fog all year round.

Even the fishermen who go fishing are usually reluctant to come to the waters of Xianling Island. They may have to wander in the fog for several days before leaving.......

At this moment, Zhao Ling'er had her hands behind her back, and she was walking forward with brisk and cheerful steps.

"Brother Luo Zhen, brother Luo Zhen, why did you come to our world?"The girl's oriole-like voice sounded, and it seemed particularly brisk.

Perhaps because he was infected by the mood of the excited girl in front of him, Luo Zhen also said with a smile.

"Of course, I made an appointment with Ling'er before, so naturally I can't break my promise and I will definitely come over to see you......."

"Wow, it turns out that I am so important in brother Luo Zhen’s heart."

Perhaps because she was in her own world, Zhao Ling'er was not as shy as she was in the Douluo Star world. She turned around and said excitedly.

"Of course, who can refuse such a cute and beautiful girl Linger?......"

Luo Zhen looked at the girl in front of him with a smile, and teased with a chuckle.

Looking at Luo Zhen's fiery eyes, Zhao Ling'er's face suddenly turned red.

"Brother Luo Zhen, you are so bad."

The girl turned her head shyly, looking particularly shy. However, her brisk pace remained unchanged. From this, it can be seen that Zhao Ling'er was still very happy.

"Brother Luo Zhen, it’s a little late today. Mom may be asleep. I’ll arrange for you to stay first."

"I will take you to see your mother tomorrow. I believe your mother will be very happy when she knows you are here."

Thinking about the beautiful young woman who was also complaining about Luo Zhen today, Zhao Ling'er said with some excitement.

I believe that when my mother knows the news tomorrow, she will definitely change her mind about brother Luo Zhen. He still values ​​me very much.

Someone considerate The young girl recalled Qing'er's complaints and couldn't help but think with some excitement in her heart.

"Then I'll just do as I please......"

Luo Zhen smiled disapprovingly. He looked at the slim figure in front of him and followed her closely.

"Ling'er, as a landowner, you have to entertain me well."

"Brother Luo Zhen, don’t worry, I will definitely satisfy you."

Listening to Luo Zhen's words, Zhao Ling'er looked back and said with a chuckle

"Well, brother Luo Zhen will just have to stay here for the night. I will take brother Luo Zhen around tomorrow."

Pushing open the door of the guest room, Zhao Ling'er said shyly.

"Fairy Island is no match for the world outside. Please forgive me, brother Luo Zhen."

"This is already good......"

Looking at the antique room, Luo Zhen also smiled and said

"What's more, Ling'er personally chose this for me, so naturally I don't have much opinion."

"But it was already getting late, and Ling'er still wanted to leave.?"

Looking up at the shy girl in front of him, Luo Zhen raised a smile on his lips.


Zhao Ling'er's face suddenly turned red. She subconsciously raised her head and looked at Luo Zhen in front of her.

"Brother Luo Zhen, H is a forbidden matter."

She crossed her hands subconsciously and shyly ran to the door of the room and said

"Even if Brother Luo Zhen wants to marry me, it will have to be ordered by my parents. According to the matchmaker, this is a bad behavior......."

She finally glanced at Luo Zhen with a blushing face, and then hurriedly ran out of the room.

"This spirit......"

Luo Zhen stared at the back of Ling'er who left, and didn't say anything, just smiled softly.

He believed that as long as he kept Ling'er, a certain girl who had been captured by him would definitely not resist.

But Luo Zhen didn’t do that either.......

After all, Ling'er's first time still has to give her a good impression.

Zhao Ling'er hurried back to her room, with a little shyness still showing on her brows.

"Brother Luo Zhen is so bad."

The girl's pink cheeks were slightly bulging, and she looked quite unhappy.

She sat in front of her dressing table and poked it gently with her two index fingers.

"He actually teased me in this way. As expected, Brother Luo Zhen is the worst man in the world."

The girl complained angrily, but she was extremely happy in her heart.

However, because Luo Zhen's arrival made her excited, it also made her unable to sleep at the moment.

So she opened the chat group and started chatting silently.

Fairy Island girl:"Have a good evening, everyone. It looks so lively today."

The descendant of Nuwa:"Good morning Ling'er. Indeed, the administrator has just failed to smuggle in for the tenth time in a row. Of course the group is happy."

Miss (Administrator):"Damn it, this is not a failure. After all, for me as an African, this is just my normal performance."

Little Princess of Peach Blossom Island:"Hahaha, Miss Administrator, is she no longer hiding her identity?"

Soft Bone Charming Rabbit:"That's right, I thought the administrator lady would deny it a few times. Now it looks like it's lying flat."

Xianling Island girl:"I'm afraid the administrator lady is used to her own identity, right?"

The eldest lady (administrator):"Cough cough cough......Indeed, I seem to be getting used to being African......."

The eldest lady (administrator):"The girl wants to cry but has no tears.jpg!"

Pipixi:"But Ling'er seems to be in a good mood today, and she actually took the initiative to come out and talk to us."

Fairy Island girl:"Ah? Yes? Is it so obvious?"

Touching her cheek, Zhao Ling'er was a little confused.

Only then did she notice her own brows in the mirror, with the shyness and joy that only belonged to a girl..

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