As the sun broke through the darkness, the ray of sunlight suddenly shone on the earth.

The sleeping earth was awakened again, and Tokyo resumed its daytime bustle.

As the largest city and the core economic center of the island country, it has once again begun to rotate.

The heavy rain last night seemed to have washed away everything, and the air today seemed so fresh.......

At least Touma Kazusa, who opened the window, was breathing the fresh air with an expression of enjoyment.......

"what a beautiful day......"

Touma Kazusa looked at everything outside the window and said with a little emotion.

Thinking back to what happened last night, the girl was obviously quite shy, but she finally solved the matter, and Touma Kazusa also felt a big stone in her heart.

"At worst, it will be wasted......"

Thinking back to those wonderful and gorgeous girls, Touma Kazusa thought with confidence.

"I won't lose to any of them......"

Dongma Hesha has full confidence in her own patience.

"It’s time to go out and find Luo Zhen......"

Thinking of this, Touma Kazusa ran out wearing slippers.

"Which room will he be in?"

Looking at the surrounding guest rooms, Dongma and Shamei's eyebrows flashed with interest.

She seemed very interested in shocking Luo Zhen.......

In the past, since the relationship was just between senior brothers and sisters, Dongma and Sha did not go too far when Luo Zhen occasionally stayed overnight.

But now that the couple's identity has been decided, it seems to be a normal thing for her as a girlfriend to scare her boyfriend.

The girl thought shyly......

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but smile.

This is also a rare experience for Touma Kazusa, who always likes to face others with a cold face.

"Just let me give you a good scare......."

Gently holding the door handle of the guest room, the little devil soul in Touma Kazusa was rarely released

"Got it!"

As the door was pushed open, the girl's eyes became brighter and brighter.......


But looking at the flat sheets and folded quilt, Touma Kazusa looked a little surprised.

"Did he stay in another guest room?"

She was puzzled that Luo Zhen did not appear in this room.

After all, Luo Zhen used to stay in this room every time he came, which was also the main target of her sneak attack this time.

However, looking at the empty room now, The girl is obviously a little confused

"I really didn’t expect that Hesha, you would have such a little thought......."

A chuckle suddenly came from upstairs. Touma Kazusa looked for the sound. Touma Yoko, who was wearing black lace pajamas, was lazily leaning on the handrail of the stairs and watching the scene.

Her short and medium hair was draped casually behind her back, and her pretty face was slightly red, as if she was elegant and noble with the unique charm of a woman.......

In addition, she also has a seductive style that only young women can have, which makes her look so tempting and charming.......

Looking at Touma Yoko, who seemed to have a hint of spring in front of her, even Touma Kazusa, who had always had a cold face, blushed.

Even she couldn't help but be obsessed with her mother's current charm.......

It seems that since my mother recovered from her illness, this is the second time she has behaved like this.......

An idea flashed in Dongma Hesha's mind, as if the last time Luo Zhen came, Dongma Yaozi's face was so red the next day.

It seems that not only does she like Luo Zhen, but her mother also likes Luo Zhen. Otherwise, he wouldn't be in such a good mood just because Luo Zhen came.

The simple Touma Kazusa sighed subconsciously deep in her heart.

At the same time, I feel even more proud of what I did yesterday.

After all, if it hadn't been for her, there would have been differences between the mother and her disciple.

If Luo Zhenzhen leaves then, not only will she be sad, her mother will definitely not feel better either.

"Hesha, what's wrong? Didn't you sleep last night?......"

Looking at Touma Hesha who had been deep in thought for a long time without speaking, Touma Yaozi couldn't help but feel a little anxious.

She then hurriedly walked down from the top, and she couldn't help but frown as she walked down.

Her whole body was sore and she was still a little uncomfortable with this look, but she still swallowed it as she was accustomed to wearing a mask for a long time.

After all, if she hadn't been overly aggressive yesterday night, she wouldn't have ended up like this.

"It's okay, mom.....`."

Smelling the mature body fragrance of Dongma Yaozi, Dongma Hesha's pretty face blushed slightly, and she said shyly

"It's just that I got distracted......"

"You girl, you really scared me."Tongma Yaozi saw Touma Hesha come back to his senses. After breathing a sigh of relief, he patted his chest gently and complained.

"Don't worry, Mom, I'm fine."

Dongma Hesha shook her head and quickly explained.

"In that case, let us talk about what happened to you yesterday night?"

Seeing that Dongma Hesha was fine, Dongma Yaozi lowered her beautiful eyes slightly and looked at Dongma Hesha with a half-smile and said

"ah......What happened to me yesterday night."

Listening to Touma Yaozi bringing up old things again, Touma and Sha suddenly looked embarrassed.

"Yes, yesterday night I was helping you, a little girl, and what about you?...."

Touma Yaozi looked at the somewhat flustered Touma Hesha and chuckled in his heart.

Should I say that Touma Kazusa is still too young? It was just a slight test, and Dongma and Sha were immediately confused.

"Mom, am I also afraid that the two of us will quarrel? After all, he is also your most proud disciple."

Touma Kazusa's eyes rolled, she hugged Touma Yaozi's arm and said coquettishly

"He is my disciple, but you are also my daughter. How could I let my daughter suffer such injustice?"

Looking at the aggrieved Touma Hesha, Touma Yaozi chuckled in his heart, but still said quite seriously on the surface.

"Sure enough, my mother is the best to me."Hearing Touma Yaozi's words, Touma Kazusa suddenly said with a smile.

Looking at Touma Kazusa with an innocent smile, Touma Yaoko couldn't help but feel guilty.

This is also for Kazusa.......She couldn't help but comfort herself mentally.

Then she pretended to be serious and looked at Touma Kazusa in front of her,"I can't use my daughter's happiness to pave the way for my disciple.......What kind of person do you think your mother is?"

"Mom, I volunteered."Fuyuma Kazusa said confidently.

"Compared to them, I am the one who loves Luo Zhen the most. I believe I will outlast them......"

Thinking back to those women who were as talented as her, Touma and Sa felt that they couldn't compare to them in some aspects.

But when it comes to feelings for Luo Zhen, after several years of getting along with Luo Zhen, Touma and Sha feel that they will not be inferior to anyone.......


Looking at the determined girl, Touma Yaozi sighed softly.

"I hope you won't regret it later"

"Mom, don't worry. I won't regret it......"The girl said firmly

"Okay, okay, then I won’t be this evil person and let time prove everything."

Looking at the confident girl in front of him, Touma Yaozi shook his head and said with some emotion.

"hey-hey......Mom is the best."Touma Kazusa smiled brightly

"For an excellent person like my mother, it’s no wonder that she felt much more energetic after recovering from her illness. Even I, a woman, am attracted by it. If my mother goes out, I might be able to charm many men to death."

Then Touma Kazusa looked at Touma Yaozi with a smile and said

"You girl, you're still making fun of me now......"Touma Yaozi gave Touma Kazusa an annoyed look, poked her head gently and said.

At the same time, I felt guilty for a while, so I quickly changed the topic.

"No more, no more, let's go have breakfast together......"

"OK"Touma Kazusa nodded obediently, and then looked around as if nothing had happened.

"Looking for your little lover?"

Looking at the girl looking around, Touma Yaozi also knew her state of mind and said with a slight smile.

"I'm just worried that if he doesn't eat in the morning, he'll be starved......."(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Touma Kazusa shrank her head a little aggrieved and said

"No need for you to worry......"Dongma Yaozi shook his head

"He seemed to have something else to do this morning. He said he had made an appointment with the editor to discuss the publication of a new book. So I left early......"

"I see." Dongma Hesha said with a slight disappointment.

"But before he left, he told me to watch you eat well."Fuyuma Yaozi looked at the somewhat disappointed girl in front of him, and the corner of his mouth curled up.

"He told me that he didn’t want his little girlfriend to starve to death. He would be sad by then."

"who is his little girlfriend......I didn't agree."

The originally shy girl suddenly became anxious and hurriedly walked down from the second floor pretending to be nothing.

But looking at where she was walking, it was in the direction of the restaurant.....

"Mom, it’s time to go to dinner."

Looking back at the lazy lady, Touma Kazusa's heart skipped a beat.

If she remembered correctly, her mother should have been wearing pajamas since she got up in the morning.....

That is to say......What Luo Zhen saw was also his mother wearing this gauze pajama.

Thinking of this, Touma and Sha suddenly became jealous.

But her mother shouldn't have much to do with Luo Zhen, after all, they are master and apprentice.[]

Behind her, Dongma Yaozi let out a long sigh of relief.

"Huh, luckily Hesha didn't notice"



Tokyo, Ginza Avenue.

An inconspicuous looking coffee shop

"Wow, as expected of Teacher Luo Zhen, this new work is indeed excellent."

Machida Enzi looked at the work in her hand and said with some joy.

"I knew that the famous teacher Luo Zhen would definitely not let me make this trip in vain."

"Editor Machida received the award, but it was just based on his feelings."

Luo Zhen, who was sitting opposite Machida Enzi, looked calm. He smiled softly and said.

If even he, who has the talent of a fifth-generation divine body, a celestial computer, and a literary master, cannot write good works, then this society should reflect on it. Reflected

"Although it was just my first encounter, I was already deeply attracted by the contents of the first few chapters."

Looking at the relevant draft in her hand, Machida Enzi said excitedly.

Since she gradually transitioned from the light novel track to the traditional literature track, she has also gained a deep understanding of various literary works.

Regarding Luo Zhen's new work, she can be sure that no literary work in the past few hundred years can compare with this one.

And now Luo Zhen is only a high school student, which means his potential in the future is endless.

Thinking of this, Machida Enzi became even more shocked. It was hard to imagine how amazing the potential Luo Zhen would be in the future.......

".As expected of Luo Zhenjun, once this new work comes out, Tokyo Paper will become more expensive again......"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu raised her legs slightly. The pair of black pantyhose appeared to be slightly reflective under the sunlight, and the slightly crystal clear legs showed the beauty of streamlines.....

She was also looking at Luo Zhen with her beautiful burgundy eyes in slight surprise.

She has long been convinced of Luo Zhen's talent and learning.

However, looking at this new work, she was still deeply impressed by Luo Zhen's imagination.

Luo Zhen vividly tells many social phenomena with his easy-to-understand literature. Just a cursory glance at Kasumigaoka Shiyu can make you think of many social phenomena......

No wonder Machida Enko was so excited.

Facing such an outstanding Luo Zhen, Kasumigaoka Shiyu was also a little excited.

Who wouldn't like such an outstanding man?

Kasumigaoka Shiu, who was feeling a little excited, looked at Machida Eonko who didn't notice next to her, and stretched out her legs quietly.

Luo Zhen glanced at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a strange expression and didn't mention it much.

Seeing this, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's lips curled up into a smile.

"Teacher Luozhen, have you thought of a name for this magnificent work?"

Flicking through the relevant manuscripts, Machida Enzi said with some respect.

"I didn't think this through......"

Luo Zhen was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly said with a headache.

Although he used the talent of a literary master to magically modify many works before, he made many works that were already popular in the world more in line with modern people's perceptions.

But in terms of naming, Luo Zhen directly used the name of the original work.

For this new work that he completed entirely by himself, he didn’t have much thought about the title of the work.

"In that case, I have an idea."

Listening to the conversation between the two, Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes suddenly lit up and he quickly interjected.

"Shiyu, do you have any good suggestions? Luo Zhen looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu curiously and asked

"Just the few pages I flipped through this book have revealed a lot about the nature of society."

The girl pondered for a moment, and she said cautiously. After all, this book is the most exciting one among Luo Zhen's many works. Naturally, she also wants to leave her name in it or have some sense of participation, but she also I don’t want to spoil the mood of this book.

"There is no way to describe and summarize this book with its simple title."

"I heard that in that big country in the West, there once was a female emperor, Wu Zetian, who erected a wordless monument for herself, describing her merits and demerits, all of which were commented by future generations."

"Then let's just call it"Unknown", and let fans find everything from the book."

"After all, there are a thousand Hamlets in the hearts of a thousand people, and every book lover should have a nameless one in his heart."

The girl looked at Luo Zhen carefully and said

"good idea......"Luo Zhen's eyes also lit up. As a person from a household with difficulty in naming, he couldn't appreciate Kasumigaoka Shiyu's proposal.

Directly solved the most difficult problem for him

"So Editor Machida, what do you think?"Luo Zhen and Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at the same time

"It is indeed a good name, and the name"Unknown" is also convenient for our editorial department to promote"

"The latest masterpiece of the famous literary master Luo Zhen could not be named because it was too rich in content. Everyone should have their own book title."

Machida Enzi thought about it purely from a business perspective, and agreed with Daji.

"In this case, I will go and contact the editorial department."

Then Machida Enko hurriedly left with the manuscript.

"Editor Machida is really full of energy. Luo Zhen looked at Machida Enzi’s back and said with a little emotion.

"Of course......This is a rare opportunity for editor Machida to get a promotion and a salary increase. Of course she has to be active. Kasumigaoka pursed her lips and smiled.

"Luo Zhenjun, it’s just the two of us next."

She looked at Luo Zhen with bright eyes and said

"Oh, really?"

At this moment, a rather charming voice suddenly intervened and said...

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