Apocalyptic world.

Bed master city.

Poison Island Dojo.


It was still the roar of the zombie outside the window that woke up the Poison Island Guy, and that roar had long been used to by the Poison Island Guy.


She rubbed her eyes in a daze, and her long purple hair, which poured like a waterfall, casually fell over her body.

In her long purple hair, you can faintly see the white fragrant shoulders and the marks on her body......

"What's going on? Are the zombies crazy again?"

The poison island girl yawned gently, and the coquettish style that was inadvertently revealed could make anyone stunned......

However, in this room that exudes a strange smell, only the poison island is enjoying the silence alone.

She then slowly lifted the quilt, the girl put on her slippers, felt the soreness coming from her body, and her willow eyebrows frowned slightly.

However, she has been practicing kendo since she was a child, and she has long been accustomed to physical soreness, not to mention that from a certain point of view, she has long been accustomed to this kind of thing.

So she still didn't hesitate, and pushed open the door and walked out......

"Hey, Shizuka-sensei......"

When the poison island boy pushed open the door, he saw Shizuka Jukawa running in the corridor.

"It's Hanko-chan......"

Looking back at the Poison Island Guy who walked out of the door, Jukawa Shizuka's eyes suddenly lit up, and she waved at the Poison Island Guy with a little excitement.

The apocalypse has ravaged many people, leaving many people muddy and the walking dead.

However, for Shizuka Jukawa, there is still no change. She's still so natural......

"Shizuka-sensei, what are you doing here?"

Then Shizuka Jukawa seemed to think of something, and she hurriedly ran to the side of the poison island girl in a kimono, and pulled her to run up happily.

For a while, the poisonous island guy who couldn't keep up with the rhythm was confused about this.

"Don't you know?" said Shizuka Jukawa.

"What should I know?"

Poison Island blinked strangely, but seeing Shizuka Jukawa like this, she already vaguely knew that all this might be related to Luo Zhen.

After all, if there is any change in the apocalyptic world recently, it is probably the arrival of Luo Zhen......

"Oh, I forgot. Yesterday, I heard that after 18 Luo Zhenjun came, he pulled you into the room......"

A natural and pretty teacher clapped his hands and said with a sudden realization.

"No wonder you don't know about it. "

"So is this matter related to Luo Zhenjun?" Hearing Shizuka Jukawa say this, the Poison Island Guy didn't have any shyness.

After all, she is generous, as a martial arts girl, she has never felt shy about this aspect of things.

Coupled with the man who serves him, the poison island boy is not ashamed.

What's more, she has long been at peace with several beauties in the Dojo on Poison Island, and they have seen the more shameful side of each other, so naturally it doesn't matter what is going on in this regard.

"That's right, it is said that Luo Zhenjun wants to test a new trick, and he wants to use the zombies outside to practice his hands. "

Shizuka Jukawa, who folded her hands, said expectantly, Luo Zhen and the others protected her very well, and Shizuka Jukawa is still the teacher who is a little natural.

"We're all here to see the excitement. "

She then dragged the poison island girl to the front yard in a hurry......

"So that's ......" A flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the poison island boy.

The two of them then ascended to the high platform and came to the edge of the sturdy outer wall set up at the Poison Island Dao site.

"Luo Zhenjun...... Sure enough, it's an existence that I will always look up to. "

The poison island boy standing on the city wall looked at the figure walking on the desolate street outside, and a trace of amazement flashed in his eyes.

However, as a qualified Yamato Nadeshiko, Poison Island has no jealousy and loss in her heart, she can only be happy and surprised for Luo Zhen.

"I won't give up just yet, sooner or later, I will definitely catch up with Luo Zhenjun......"

Poison Island was not discouraged, she said confidently.

After all, having mastered the golden finger of the chat group, the group members in their group can be said to have a bright future.

"Xiang, look who I've brought here,......" Shizuka Jukawa, who then walked up to the city wall, waved at a hot beauty who had already been staying above.

"It's a gentleman, I'm sorry I didn't call you, we thought you should be too tired, so we wanted you to have a good rest. "

Nan Lika looked back at the poison island girl who followed Shizuka Jukawa, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes, and then she said with some embarrassment.

"It's okay......" Poison Island smiled gently, she also understood the kindness of several people.

After all, after the hard work of last night and night, they also want to let themselves sleep well.

In these last years, many beauties in the Dojo of Poison Island have gradually formed deep friendships.

After all, in the face of the murderous zombies outside, all they can rely on is each other.

"Sister Yanzi, you are so powerful......" Miyamoto Rei, who had two dull hairs on her head, looked at Poison Island with admiration.

There was a glint of adoration in her eyes, and she was about to become her little fan sister now for the poison island girl.

"Nothing, it's just that practice makes perfect. I'm sure you can too......"

Touching Miyamoto Rei's little head, Poison Island said with a smile.

"Hmm...... If only I had your strong combat power, sister......"

Miyamoto Li then glanced at the poison island girl enviously, and said with some longing.

If she was as powerful as the Poison Island Girl, then she wouldn't have raised the white flag and surrendered every time.

Although Poison Island often raised the white flag and surrendered, it often lasted longer than she fought.

And the next day, he could still walk around lively, which made Miyamoto Li envious.

"Mom, what do you mean by him?"

And in the corner on the other side, Saya Takashiro cautiously leaned against Yuriko Takashiro, a charming beauty in a kimono, looked at the man walking on the deserted street, and asked cautiously.

"I don't know, maybe he's here to test it. "

Yuriko Takashiro was dressed in a black kimono, and her dignified and charming expression was accompanied by a little abstinence. People can't help but sigh with emotion about a surviving person......

As an elite returning from Wall Street, Yuriko Takashiro stared at Luo Zhen's back, and her mind was full of thoughts.

"Alas...... Saya, I'm really sorry for you. "

As if thinking of something, she looked down at the Takashiro Saya next to her, who looked eight points similar to her, and said helplessly.

"If it weren't for your father's iniquity, our mother and daughter would not have fallen to the point where they are now. "

Speaking of this, her face showed a little pain, and the pain on the wife's face added a bit of charm to her......

"Mom, I'm not bitter......" Looking at the self-pitying Yuriko Takashiro, Saya Takashiro, who is a high-IQ genius, hurriedly took Yuriko Takashiro's hand and said.

"It's good that we're able to survive in these troubled times. "

Saya Takashiro also has her own thoughts about this, and with a bright smile, she snuggles up in Yuriko Takashiro's arms, looking extraordinarily sincere.

"As for other things, we don't have to think too much. There are not many legal constraints in this last days, and the most important thing is to be able to live. "

"What's more, we live in the Poison Island Dojo, and the living materials here are enough for us to survive. "

"Saya, you're sensible too......"

Seeing that the arrogant girl in front of her was finally sensible, Yuriko Takashiro held her in her arms with some relief.

Gently burying her head in her own peak, Yuriko Takashiro was also a little relieved.

Thinking back to the past, Saya Takashiro always looked domineering, but now after many rounds of tests in the last days, she has gradually become sensible and empathetic.

"Mom, only in this troubled world did I understand how important my relatives are. "

Looking up at the abundant beauty in front of her, Saya Takajo, who was originally extremely proud in the school, rarely showed a smile, and she sighed softly.

"Yes, Saya, Mom will accompany you all the way. "The only pillar that Yuriko Takashiro can survive is now only Saya Takashiro.

Holding her daughter, the beauty in a black filial piety dress also thought with some relief.

Soichiro, you must be willing to see this situation, Saya and I will live well.

Not to mention, if it weren't for your inclination, we wouldn't be where we are now.

Recalling the stubborn Soichiro Takashiro, Yuriko Takashiro was also broken in her heart.

What's more, I haven't forgotten you, I have been wearing filial piety clothes for you, and I believe that you will definitely protect our mother and daughter in heaven, right?

Yuriko Takajo, who was a surviving person, prayed silently in her heart.

Of course, she is wearing filial piety clothes, and she will not admit to the fact that she is beating Luo Zhen to increase her sense of substitution.

What's wrong with her? It's just that she wants to keep filial piety for Soichiro Takashiro, the president of the "Worrying About the Country," but she was given a good education by Luo Zhen, a righteous flower planter.

I have to say that as an elite beauty who returned from Wall Street, Yuriko Takashiro is also quite brainy.

Of course, whether Soichiro Takashiro in a green hat in the sky will bless her, she doesn't actually care.

After all, it was Luo Zhen who really protected their mother and daughter, who was invincible in the world.

"Is this the power of space......

Walking on this desolate street, looking at the streets around him that have already formed cobwebs and the cars parked at the intersection, Luo Zhen thought thoughtfully.

Since the apocalyptic world has come for a year or two, the original noisy city is completely quiet at the moment.

The zombies that used to be all over the city have gradually become scarce, or they have become accustomed to being nocturnal and nocturnal.

The survivors of the apocalypse seem to have a balance between the zombies.

And walking in this desolate street, Luo Zhen is also full of emotion.

Compared to the Douluo Star World and the Super God World that he had traveled through before, the Doomsday World where he was now was actually of a lower world level.

Even the Fantasy Land Flower version of the Douluo Star World far surpasses the Doomsday World in terms of combat power.

After all, a certain blue-silver entwined god king can easily hit a hundred thousand catties of combat power......

In the fantasy world, it belongs to the earth flower board, but in the doomsday world, the blue and silver entwined god king can be called a motherland.

But this is also more convenient for him to use his own spatial laws, this time Luo Zhen did not use the crossing charm of the chat group, but chose the spatial laws he comprehended.

This also made Luo Zhen gradually understand the laws of space that he mastered.

"Time is sacred, space is king. This is true......"

In the process of shuttling through one world after another, Luo Zhen can be said to have seen countless mysteries and mysteries......

What touched him the most was the supreme spatial law that he had comprehended.

"Is this the power of space......

Luo Zhen opened his eyes slightly, and he seemed to see everything in the entire Bed Lord City and even the entire planet.

Not a single drop of this planet can escape his gaze, and he is like a supreme being looking down on everything in the world.

Neither the zombies nor humans on the ground could detect his gaze, only the poison island boy shook his head and looked up with some confusion.

"Sure enough, only the girl is the beloved heroine of this world......" Luo Zhen touched his chin and said thoughtfully.

He even felt that if he wanted to, his power could even extend to the entire galaxy or even the entire universe......

And all this, he did not rely on the celestial computer Pangu and the dark matter engine in his body.

Looking down on everything in this universe, he relied on the supreme laws of space. 560

At this moment, he had already faintly realized that the most precious thing he had obtained in the chat group was not the five generations of gods rewarded by the chat group, nor was it the celestial computer Pangu rewarded by the chat group......

His most precious reward is the law of time and space obtained in the plot world through comprehension. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

These two are the most fundamental and eternal laws in countless universes......

The laws of time and space constitute the origin of everything, the beginning of everything.

And this supreme power of the law cannot even be given to the chat group, what the chat group can give is the power under the law.

However, such a force has no effect at all in the face of the law.

Just like Luo Zhen can use the celestial computer Pangu plus the dark matter engine plus the five generations of gods to scan the entire earth, or even the entire galaxy......

But when it spreads to the entire universe, the Five Generations Divine Body and the Celestial Body Computer are a little inadequate.

Because this is always the power created by the wisdom of intelligent beings, they always have a limit.

The laws of time and space, the most basic and constant laws of the universe, are never limited.

In the chat group, Luo Zhen's strength can be said to be the strongest, which also causes him to be vague about his future.

However, at this moment, after Luo Zhen tried to use the laws of space to travel through one universe after another, he gradually clarified his own path.

"The most precious thing about a chat group is not anything it rewards, but the members of the chat group that it invites, which I don't know. "

Walking on the street, Luo Zhen's eyes gradually lit up, and he had already understood.

Compared to the things rewarded by the chat group, the world behind the members of the chat group is the most important existence.

Every world is an extremely precious existence, and in that vast sea of worlds, it is not easy to find such a rich world with abundant laws.

In the process of traveling through the world, Luo Zhen has witnessed that kind of dead and silent world more than once. []

Each world has its own unique laws, but the natural laws of the desolate and lonely world are not powerful.

Luo Zhen only understood this truth now.

"Sure enough, there is nothing wrong with the ancient cultivators saying that they want the Dharma to have wealth and land. These things are always needed on the way forward. "

He sighed faintly, then withdrew his spatial laws, and everything was as if nothing had happened.

However, only Luo Zhen knows what kind of transformation he has undergone this round.

Looking back at the many girls waiting for him to return in the Poison Island Dojo, Luo Zhen also smiled brightly.

He then returned to the beautiful woman in a few steps.

"Congratulations to Luo Zhenjun, I found myself this round. "

Looking at Luo Zhen who broke the barrier in front of him, the poison island boy seemed to feel something, and congratulated with a smile.

ps. The author of the street asks for flowers, monthly passes, evaluation votes, and all orders. Thank you to the author!

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