Everyday, everyday.

The bright moon gradually hung high in the sky, and Shiina Masahiro, who had finished cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, gently wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead and walked out of the kitchen.

"Mashiro, it's time for us to go back. "

Looking at Shiina Mashiro, who was sitting on the sofa immersed in his own world, a trace of tenderness flashed in Shiina Mashiro's eyes.

This is the first time she has experienced the feeling of family, and it is also the first time she has experienced the feeling of dependence.

Shiina Mashiro didn't hear Mahi's words, her little hand clutched the paintbrush tightly, and she carefully drew the drawing board in front of her.

And Shiina Masahiro was not angry, she walked to Shiina Mahaku's side with gentle steps, looked at the painting and suddenly exclaimed softly.

"It's so pretty......"

Shiina Mashiro's drawing board is the scene when the few of them were eating just now~......

Shiina Mashiro's natural stay, Shiina Mashiro's gentleness, and the spring wild dome with a little tsundere are all vividly displayed.

Shiina Masahiro couldn't help but think back to it, she seemed to have started drawing when she walked into the kitchen with her plate......

And it only took more than an hour for her to clean up the dishes and chopsticks in the kitchen and prepare the bento for the next morning and noon.

In such a short period of time, Shiina Mashiro was able to draw such a delicate painting, and her talent can be seen......

Thinking of this, Shiina Masahiro had a somewhat complicated expression. Even she could see Shiina Mashiro's talent, let alone the group of people in Great Britain......

It is conceivable that Shiina Mashiro gave up her artistic path and chose to come to the island country, what a price she paid.

For Shiina Mashiro's persistence, Shiina Mashiro also has a faint admiration in his heart.

"Mashiro, I will definitely help you fulfill your wish......"

Shiina Masahiro said silently in his heart.

"What are you doing?"

After washing, Kasuga Wild Dome pushed open the door of the bathroom, walked up to them with some confusion and said.

At this time, Shiina Mashiro just finished the last stroke.

"Qiong, this is for you. "

Then Shiina Mashiro raised the drawing paper in his hand and handed it to Kasugano Dom.

"What is this?" Kasuga Nodome blinked in confusion.

However, she still took the drawing paper in Shiina Mashiro's hand, and looked at the dinner picture that had been drawn, even Kasuga Wild Vault, who didn't understand art, could see the vividness in it.

"Wow, that's beautiful. "

Her silver eyes flashed with amazement, but she reluctantly put down the drawing paper in her hand and handed it to Shiina Mashiro.

"It's too expensive for me to take it. "

Although Kasuga Nodome liked this painting very much, he still decisively refused.

After all, just by looking at it, you know that this meticulously composed and delicate painting is worth a lot.

She couldn't take something so valuable......

Shiina Masahiro couldn't help but look at Kasuga Wild Dome with appreciative eyes, Luo Zhen did a good job in education, and Kasuga Wild Dome's tutor was in place at a glance.

She doesn't look like a tsundere girl on the surface, but she knows how to advance and retreat, and she knows the general situation. Know what you can and can't take.

At this glance, you can see that it is the result of Luo Zhen's careful cultivation.

"The dome is a friend. "

And seeing Kasuga Nodome retreat, Shiina Mashiro's eyes were obviously a little lost, and she whispered.

"Take it, Qiong. Mashiro treated you as a friend and gave you a gift. "

For her, it's just a painting that takes her hours to complete. "

Shiina Masaki finally looked at Kasuga and said.

"In that case, I'll take it. Listening to Shiina Masa's words, Kasuga Noqiong hesitated for a moment before accepting it.

"The dome is a friend. Seeing the Kasuga Wild Dome take it, Shiina Mako's white eyebrows and eyes were crooked, and those cherry blossom-like eyes suddenly lit up, and she said loudly.

"What friend...... It's just a meal to eat together. "

Kasuga Nokuro listened to Shiina Mahaku's words, raised his head quite arrogantly, and said as if disdainfully.

"The Dome is a Friend......"

Then Shiina Mashiro suddenly hugged Kasuga Wild Dome and said hard.

"Uh......h They all said they weren't friends. "

The spring dome screamed......

And Shiina Masa, who was next to him, stood with a smile.

"True white can read people's hearts, she obviously likes Xiaoqiong and makes such a move......"

She said playfully with her hands behind her back and a wink.

"What, that's so annoying. Kasuga Wild Dome seemed to be disgusted on the surface, but he silently gave up resistance.

After a long time, Shiina Masahiro walked to the entrance with Mahaku, looked at the Kasuga Wild Dome behind him and waved his hand.

"We don't have to send it, we're neighbors anyway. It's just a few steps away. "

"Besides, you'll have your lunch for tomorrow morning and noon. Just put it in the fridge and heat it up in the microwave when you need it. "

Then Shiina Masahiro said while changing his shoes.

"I see, thank you for taking care of me. "

Kasugano pouted, but she still had to admit that Shiina Maki took care of her.

This is something that needs to be acknowledged even if it is a tsundere Kasuga Wild Dome.

"No, I should thank your family for taking care of you. "

And listening to Kasuga Nodome's thanks, Shiina Masahiro retracted his gaze and said with a serious expression.

"If it weren't for the job given to me by Mr. Luo Zhen, I would have had a headache. "

For Luo Zhen, Shiina Maki is grateful from the heart.

Originally, her daily routine of working several jobs every day was also stopped by Luo Zhen, and now she only needs to buy groceries and cook every day, and take care of a proud and awkward girl to live.

And being able to take care of Shiina Mashiro, this kind of day couldn't be easier.

Although Luo Zhen didn't say it, Shiina Masahiro will always remember his silent help.

"Well, the competition is really strong. "

After the two left, Kasugano Qiong, who was home alone, couldn't help but have a bitter face.

"Xiao Qiong, I still have something to do tonight, so I won't go back first. "

Looking down at the text message sent by Luo Zhen, Kasuga Yeqiong couldn't help but feel a little angry.

"Damn...... There must be a vixen, otherwise Ernie sauce wouldn't want to come back. "

The girl's silver teeth bited lightly, and she was extraordinarily jealous......

"I need allies. "

Thinking of this, Kasuga Wild Dome suddenly had a flash of inspiration, since she couldn't beat it, then she might as well join it.

And her best allies are ...... Kasugano turned his head to look at the painting on the living room table.

Kasuga's eyes lit up, and he suddenly had an idea in his heart.

"Sure enough, my allies can only look for them......"

Winter Horse House.

In the room of Fuyuma and Sa, the girl looked at Luo Zhen who was playing with her mobile phone and said with an unhappy face.

"What are you doing? My mom called you here to teach me how to learn, not to let you play with your phone. "

"But I'm texting Dome and telling her to have lessons at your house tonight. Let her rest early. "

Luo Zhen listened to Dongma and Sa's inquiry, and suddenly flipped over his mobile phone and waved his mobile phone and said.

Dongma and Saya were suddenly embarrassed, she didn't expect Luo Zhen to actually play with her mobile phone because of this kind of thing.

"But speaking of which, your room is still as cold as ever......"

Looking at the cold-colored bedrooms around him, Luo Zhen also changed the topic with interest.

"So what? I like it. Fuyuma and Sasa blinked and said unswervingly.

"Really, it's beautiful. Luo Zhen then touched his chin and looked at the bed and said meaningfully.

Winter horses and yarn: ??????

She followed Luo Zhen's gaze with some confusion, and suddenly saw the underwear half-pressed under the quilt......


Dongma and Sa, who were still innocent girls, suddenly blushed, and she hurriedly covered Luo Zhen's eyes and said.

"Don't look at it, I just forgot about it for a while. "

With a red face, she stammered a little.

"Okay, okay, I won't look at it. Looking at the winter horse and yarn in front of him who were a little troubled by him, Luo Zhen smiled and raised his hands and said.

Dongma and Sasha suddenly felt that their ears were hot, and Luo Zhen's arrival today caught her off guard.

made her a little too late to clean up her room, and as a result, the most embarrassing side of the girl was seen by Luo Zhen.

"Hoo ......"

Fuyuma and Yarn took a deep breath and hurriedly stuffed all their underwear under the quilt.

It wasn't until all the underwear was stuffed in that Fuyuma and Sasa let out a long sigh of relief.

"You can open your eyes......"

Looking at Luo Zhen, who was still with his eyes closed, Dongma and Sasha said with a red face.

"Don't think about it, I just forgot to clean up. "

Fuyuma and Sa's gaze met Luo Zhen's smiling gaze, and the girl then said with a little twist.

"Ah, yes, yes, I understand you, and Sa. "

Luo Zhen smiled and nodded in accord. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But...... Fuyuma and Sasa always felt as if someone had a smile in their eyes.

"Bang bang bang!"

Knocking lightly on the door, Fuyuma Yoshiko, who was wearing a thin black gauze pajamas, walked in from the door.

"Am I bothering you? This is a snack I have prepared for you. "

Holding the tray in her hand, Fuyuma Yaozi said with a smile.

"Hoo ......"

A certain Fuyuma and Sasa, who were in an awkward situation, breathed a long sigh of relief, at least she didn't have to accept Luo Zhen's scrutinizing gaze anymore.

"Mom, you're wearing too much, aren't you...... There are men in the family. "

Looking at the winter horse Yaozi who walked in, Winter Horse and Saya were stunned for a moment, and then said with a red face.

"Hey, am I overdressing?"

The short-haired Winter Horse Yaozi looked down at her pajamas suspiciously, and said with some puzzlement.

"I think it's good. "

"It's good, everything that should be exposed and what shouldn't be revealed has been revealed......" The corners of Fuyuma and Sa's mouths twitched, and they complained silently.

The fair-skinned skin of Fuyuma Yoko is something that even Fuyuma and Sasha are jealous of.

Asking for Flowers

Obviously she is already in her thirties and forties, but just looking at her skin, Fuyuma Yoiko is still like a girl in her twenties, and her milk-like white skin is particularly obvious under the black light gauze pajamas.

And the delicate and flawless face of the winter horse is like the grown up winter horse and yarn.

However, unlike the cold winter horse and yarn, there is still a little charm in the mature face of the winter horse Yoshiko.

In the face of such a slender winter horse, Winter Horse and Yarn themselves are a little ashamed.

And now looking at the winter horse Yaozi who was wearing light gauze pajamas, Winter Horse and Yarn were a little covered and couldn't bear to look at it.

The thin pajamas can't cover anything at all, and the black underwear of Winter Horse Yoko is particularly obvious.

"What's this? One is my disciple and the other is my daughter. It's all my own family......"

Fuyuma Yoko smiled disappreciatively, then walked in and put down the snacks in her hand.

"Don't think that you can get rid of your studies in this way, your academic performance has come up hard, but you can't just give up. "

She then pushed Fuyuma and Saa to Luo Zhen's side, sat her down, and said.

"I'm just here watching you, I didn't have a tube or yarn because of my body. "

"Now that my health is better, then I naturally have to grasp the results of Hesha, and I have to pay attention to it. "

"Luo Zhen, I'll leave it to you. "

Then Fuyuma Yaozi looked at Luo Zhen with a smile and said.

"Teacher, don't worry. Luo Zhen glanced at Dongma Yaozi with appreciation, patted his chest and said.

Then Fuyuma Yaozi sat straight on the bed of Fuyuma and Sa, and looked at them with interest with her cheeks.

"Is it pretty?"

Dongma and Sasha also seemed to be aware of Luo Zhen's gaze just now, and whispered a little sourly.

"You still eat your mother's vinegar?" Luo Zhen glanced at Fuyuma and Sasha a little helplessly, and also learned from her to whisper.

"Hmph, why not?"

A small vinegar jar Dongma and yarn puffed up.

"In that case......

Luo Zhen pondered for a moment, and then put his left hand down silently.


Dongma and Sasa looked at Luo Zhen in some amazement, "You're crazy, my mother is still there." "

Quietly glanced at Fuyuma Yaozi who was sitting behind her with her peripheral eyes, and Fuyuma and Sasa said after quietly breathing a sigh of relief when they saw that she was not paying attention.

"Are you still jealous now?"

Placing his left hand on Fuyuma and Sasa's legs, Luo Zhen said as he gave her a question.

"I'm not jealous anymore, you let go, okay?"

A certain shameful girl said with some pity.

"Of course not, I seriously suspect that you are having trouble again, and in order to prove my sincerity, I will not take it away until the end of my studies. "

Luo Zhen looked at the anxious girl in front of him and said with a smile.

"Ah......" Feeling the feeling of Luo Zhen's big hand on his thigh, Fuyuma and Sa's head suddenly became a little dizzy, if her mother found out, Fuyuma and Saa felt that they could not live on the earth.

So now she has to pretend that nothing happened.

"Thanks to Luo Zhen, without you, Kazusa's grades wouldn't have gotten up. "

And Fuyuma Yaozi, who was sitting in the back, looked at the two of them with great interest, and said with a hint of arc at the corner of his mouth.

"It has nothing to do with me, and if it weren't for Hasa working her own, she wouldn't have achieved such good results. "

Looking at the tense girl sitting up straight next to her, Luo Zhen also said with a bad taste.

"Yes, my family and Sago are really good. Fuyuma Yoko said with admiration.

"Mother, aren't you going to practice?" the girl couldn't help but ask, tensing her nerves.

"How important is it to practice the piano than my daughter? Of course I want to watch my daughter learn here. "

Fuyuma Yaozi waved her hand disapprovingly, and she looked at the back of Fuyuma and Saya while holding her chin.

"Hmm......" Fuyuma and Sasha whispered softly.

If it was, she might have been happy, but now, her heart is full of resentment.

It seems that she can only pretend that nothing is going on until the end of the review.

As the clock struck ten times, Fuyuma and Saya breathed a long sigh of relief.

"Alright, that's it for today's lesson. "

Luo Zhen looked at the relieved Fuyuma and Sa, and withdrew his hand from her tense thigh.

"It's finally over...... "Fuyuma and Yarn never felt that any day's review was as long as today.

And looking at the relieved girl, Luo Zhen's eyes rolled slightly, and he directly lowered his head and kissed her on the lips.


Dongma and Sasa's eyes suddenly widened, and they subconsciously glared at Luo Zhen, and then looked back.

She breathed a long sigh of relief when she saw a certain winter horse who was already dozing off in a daze.

I was almost seen by my mother......

And what she didn't know was that after she turned her head, a certain Dongma Yaozi, who was still dozing off just now, looked meaningfully at the backs of Fuyuma and Sha.

"This girl is really shy. Fuyuma Yaozi shook her head and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

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