The entrance of Hidechi-in.

"You ......"

Looking at the girl with a bright smile suspiciously, Fuyuma and Sa, who had a cold face, suddenly had an alarm bell in their hearts.

For some reason, she always felt that the woman in front of her was her mortal enemy, but she seemed to have some kind of sympathy for the woman in front of her.

This strange feeling made her quite puzzled......

"It's Fuyuma-san, right?"

Kogiso Yukina looked at the slender girl beside Luo Zhen and said thoughtfully.

"I've heard people say a long time ago, what about the famous ice beauty in the art class......"

Maybe it's also because of the sympathy, Kogiso Yukina also has a bright smile at her.

"It's just someone else blowing it, so it's not surprising. "

Fuyuma and Sasa crossed their arms to their chests and smiled disapprovingly, saying that for her, she didn't care about other people's titles for her.

After all, for the famous loyal dog, all she cares about is Luo Zhen.

However, in the face of Kokiso Yukina in front of her, Fuyuma and Sa's initial affection for her was still very high, and they didn't treat her coldly.

"Kazusa-san is really different from what I imagined, and everyone says that Kazusa-san is difficult to approach. I think it's good to be a good person. "

Kokiso Yukina looked at Fuyuma and Sasa in front of her, pursed her lips and said with a chuckle.

"Thank you for the compliment......" Fuyuma and Sasa said with a wink and a slight smile.

Luo Zhen watched with great interest on the side as the two heroines who killed you to death in the original plot interacted with each other.

In the original plot, these two people made his stomach ache more than once......

Now that he's in control, he's never going to have another stomach ache.

So for Luo Zhen, there is only one path he can choose.

That's all of it.

For this matter, Luo Zhen is full of confidence. The stomach pain brought to him by a white album back then, and this time he has to return it all.

"You guys, if you want to chat, you can add a 1ine, and if you continue to talk here, then I'm afraid we're going to be watched by others......"

Luo Zhen looked at the two girls who still wanted to talk and interjected with a smile.


At this time, Kokiso Yukina and Fuyuma and Sasa realized that there were already unknown how many people were watching them silently.

"Let's go inside. "

Kogiso Yukina hurriedly ran to Fuyuma and Sa's side with a red face, and said lightly 22 holding her wrist.

It's also strange to say, Fuyuma and Sasa, who are extremely disgusted with other people's closeness, are surprisingly not disgusted at all when facing the gentle smile of Kokiso Yukina.

"Okay, let's go inside. "

Fuyuma and Sasa then gave Luo Zhen a blank look and walked in with Yukina Kokiso.

"These two girls ......"

Looking at the winter horse and yarn that he left behind when he realized her new friend, Luo Zhen smiled helplessly and shook his head.

"Tut-tut, it seems that our junior brother Luo Zhen is not a sweetheart, and he was actually left behind like this......"

Then, accompanied by the sound of crisp footsteps, a pair of beautiful legs wrapped in black pantyhose appeared in Luo Zhen's sight with the fragrant breeze.

Then Luo Zhen looked up, it was Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a proud chest.

"It turned out to be Shiyu...... When did you come?"

Looking at the Kasumigaoka Shiyu wearing a white headband, Luo Zhen nodded slightly and said.

"People have been here for a long time, but someone's attention has been on those two beauties......"

Speaking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at Luo Zhen as if he was quite sad, and said with an unhappy face.

"Alas, who let me have already been eaten by someone, it's normal for someone to get tired, this is probably the old pearl yellow......"


Looking at the jealous girl in front of him, Luo Zhen suddenly felt a headache.

After all, each of these girls is a proud girl-like character, although they all acquiesced to him opening a harem, but it is normal to be a little jealous.

If they didn't even eat vinegar, then Luo Zhen would have to doubt their relationship with him.

"Is this vinegar delicious?"

Directly stepped forward and hugged Kasumigaoka Shiyu, and in a burst of exclamations from everyone around, he lowered his head and kissed Kasumigaoka Shiyu.

"Of course it's not delicious...... Sour, who likes to eat it?"

After parting, Kasumigaoka Shiyu touched her wet red lips, and gently rolled her eyes and said.

Originally, Kasumigaoka Shiyu, who was still in a bad mood, was in a much better mood after such a trouble.

After all, Luo Zhen took the initiative to kiss her in front of so many people, and according to the afterglow observation of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, many people took photos quietly.

Now today's school forum breaking news has come out again, and it must be her intimate relationship with Luo Zhen.

"In that case...... The other people must have a good face. "

Thinking back to the scandals that Luo Zhen had passed out without a real hammer, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu, who was originally in a bad mood, suddenly turned sour into joy.

She also nakedly hammered her relationship with Luo Zhen.

After all, if the two don't have an intimate relationship, then how can they kiss each other directly......

Looking at the beautiful Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Luo Zhen was also relieved.

From a certain point of view, these girls are still very easy to coax, and they only need to tell them with practical actions that he will never give up on anyone, so everyone will basically turn a blind eye to his opening of a harem.

In the face of such girls, even if they have a small temper, Luo Zhen can accept it with a smile.

"That's pretty much it. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu glanced at Luo Zhen beautifully, and said with satisfaction.

"No, no, no? There's no one really forcing someone to make that decision, right?"

Then a ridiculous voice sounded, which immediately made Luo Zhen and Kasumigaoka Shiyu frown.

"It turned out to be a snake ......"

Looking at the snake dreamer who was wearing Xiuzhi school uniform, but still couldn't hide his mature and charming charm, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly frowned.

"Snake squander, do you know that this is the most annoying ......?"

She looked at the snake Mengzi in front of her with a smile and said with a dissatisfied face.

"I'm talking about things with my junior brother, what are you doing here?"

"Oops, yes......" Listening to the words of Kasumigaoka Shiyu, Snake Mengzi didn't seem to be embarrassed at all, her slender hand gently covered her red lips, and she glanced at Luo Zhen with a charming look.

"I just feel that Senior Brother Luo Zhen is really unlucky to have a senior sister like you, and he has only been enrolled for a long time, and he has instantly become the focus of the topic. "

She walked slowly to the two of them with elegant cat steps, and her charming eyes were crooked, and she looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a smile and said.

"What do you want to do?"

Looking at the snake Yumeko who was approaching in front of him, Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly raised ten thousand hearts.

Perhaps because the same kind of people know their kind best, Kasumigaoka Shiyu doesn't believe that Snake Yumeko would be so kind.

"Of course it'......" A smile curled up at the corner of Snake Mengzi's mouth, and she gently leaned her face to her and Luo Zhen.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu subconsciously turned her ears sideways, wanting to hear what she said?

But they didn't hear anything, but the students next to them all looked at them in amazement.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu frowned, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, and when she looked back, the scene she saw made her brows jump wildly.

It turned out that Snake Mengzi took advantage of the gap between her turning her head and instantly leaned on Luo Zhen, but Luo Zhen reacted more timely, and directly avoided the kiss of Snake Mengzi with a side face.

"Senior Sister Snake, you're going a little too far. "

Luo Zhen looked at the charming snake Mengzi with a little dignified in front of him, and suddenly frowned.

"What are you afraid of...... You can even accept Kasumigaoka Shiyu, why can't you accept another me?"

Snake Yumeko smiled disapprovingly, and then she spread her hands and said.

Kasumigaoka Shiyu almost exploded when she looked at this scene......

"Snake classmate, I have an emotional foundation with my junior brother, but I don't know how to get together like someone......"

At this moment, she looked at the red kiss mark on Luo Zhen's mouth, and her brows jumped wildly.

"I have come to join you, not to break you apart. Looking at a certain Kasumigaoka Shiyu whose mentality exploded, Snake Yumeko covered her mouth and chuckled.

"Senior brother, what do you say this should be done?" and Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu looked at a certain snake dreamer who did not enter the oil and salt, and suddenly frowned, and turned his head to look at Luo Zhen.

"This ......"

Luo Zhen also suddenly had a headache, after all, Snake Mengzi did a bit too much this time.

His relationship with Snake Mengzi has not gotten better yet, but Snake Mengzi gave him a surprise in front of everyone.

Is this a show of love to him?

This is clearly in front of all the classmates, slapping Kasumigaoka Shiyu in the face.

The tears in the burgundy eyes of Kasumigaoka Shiyu can see how painful this always proud girl is now......

She can accept Luo Zhen to open a harem, but she definitely can't accept someone who jumps his face like this, and this person is still the guy she hates the most.

"In that case...... Luo Zhen looked at a certain snake dreamer who was still chuckling, and made a decision in his heart.

He walked straight to the side of the road in Shuchiin, where there was a puddle of mud left by the rain just yesterday.

Luo Zhen directly bent down to pick up a handful of muddy water and gently washed his side face.

Due to the muddy water, Luo Zhen's side face looked a little dirty.

However, the students at the scene suddenly entered a death-like silence, including Snake Mengzi was stunned, and she looked at Luo Zhen in disbelief.

Washing her face with muddy water, this is clearly mocking the snake Mengzi, her kiss is not as clean as muddy water......

"Well, really good. Snake Mengzi sneered, she didn't pretend at the moment, her red eyes stared at Luo Zhen fiercely.

"This time...... You win. Then she hurried into the school.

"Wow, Luo Zhen is so rigid. "

"Yes, I used to say that Senior Brother Luo Zhen opened a harem, but now I look at it, there is a reason why he opened a harem. In the face of his own woman, he is really maintained. "

"Luo Zhen's move is really handsome, isn't this the plot in Jojo. It turns out that Luo Zhen is also a Jojo fan. "

The boys and girls next to them said babblingly, and the silver-haired girl looked at Luo Zhen with bright eyes.

This is the first time she has seen real JoJo fans offline.

"Poof!" and Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who was still a little angry, looked at Luo Zhen, who was a little dirty, and suddenly turned into a laugh.

"Senior brother, you're ugly now. "

She then stepped forward, her fingers gently caressing Luo Zhen's muddy face, and said with a faint look.

At this moment, she only has Luo Zhen in her eyes......

"Who let her really attack you, of course I'm on your side. "

Luo Zhen looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu with a smile, but the mud stains on his face looked a little ugly......

However, Kasumigaoka Shiyu obviously doesn't care about this ugliness, or rather, in her eyes at this moment, Luo Zhen is the most handsome and manly......

"Luo Zhen, I don't regret choosing you. "

Kasumigaoka Shiyu said softly, and then in the exclamation of everyone, the famous goddess of the second grade took the initiative to tiptoe and approached Luo Zhen.

The two have been leaning together for a long, long time......

"Hoo ......"

After a long time, the gasping Kasumigaoka Shiyu touched his equally dirty cheeks and smiled extraordinarily brightly.

"Now, we're just as ugly. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


Looking at the infatuated Kasumigaoka Shiyu in front of him, Luo Zhen knew that she had completely fallen.

"Let's go, class is coming soon. "

Luo Zhen glanced at the students around him who were still eating melons, and hurriedly took Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hand and said.

"I'll go, and there's still ten minutes to go to class. "


"It's going to ring the class bell soon. "

Watching them run into the campus, the crowd next to them who had eaten melons and had eaten enough realized that class was about to start......

It's no wonder that the incident staged at the school gate this morning really made them eat a big 043 melon.

It's normal for them to forget about time for a while.

Now they all ran after Luo Zhen.

Today, there are a lot of students who are late for Hidechi-in......

Toilet. []

Looking at the two mud monkeys in the mirror, Luo Zhen and Kasumigaoka Shiyu suddenly sneered.

They then lowered their heads and quickly washed their faces......

"I'll be careful in the future, stay away from that crazy woman. "

Thinking back to that snake dream, Luo Zhen couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Sure enough, the thinking logic of the guy who came out of the Hundred Flower King School is different from that of ordinary people.

What others dare not do, their group of gamblers dare to do.

The snake dreamer is obviously a typical representative of this.

"That's not going to work......" Shiyu Kasumigaoka, who had regained her spirits, waved her finger with a smile.

Now she is no longer the Kasumigaoka Shiyu who suffered from gains and losses before, and her heart is full of confidence.

"You must fool her, and remember to call me when the time comes. "

However, for the crazy woman of the snake dream, Kasumigaoka Shiyu obviously has no good impression.

She looked at Luo Zhen seriously and said, "When the time comes, I will also cooperate with you, and I will definitely rekindle the fighting spirit of the snake dream." "

Looking at the Kasumigaoka Shiyu who was eager to try in front of him, the corners of Luo Zhen's mouth twitched.

What is this?

My girlfriend took the initiative to help me open a harem?

If this matter spreads, I don't know how many people will be envious, jealous and hateful.

"Besides, there are so many overlapping cuteness points between the two of us, don't you want to put the two of us together?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu leaned on Luo Zhen with a smile and said softly in his ear.

"As long as you can do it, I don't mind. I've wanted to see how that guy from Snake Yumeko behaves in bed. "

Thinking back to the surprise that the snake dreamed of giving her today, the girl was still a little angry.

"That's up to you. "

She patted Luo Zhen on the shoulder and said.

"Then you can leave it to me......" Luo Zhen sighed, he didn't expect that it was just a morning's work, and as a result, so many things happened.

The three kisses in the morning really changed a lot of things, and he also saw a lot.



Luo Zhen walked into the first-grade A class with everyone's admiration.

What happened this morning was quickly made known by the whole school through the campus forum.

Facing Luo Zhen, who is domineering and protecting her daughter, many female classmates said that they have become Luo Zhen's little fan sister.

Luo Zhen also became the focus of the crowd this time.

"Good job, Luo Zhen. "

Chitanda Airu winked at Luo Zhen and exclaimed.

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