When Luo Zhen walked to the restaurant, Shinomiya Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai had left quietly.

He was the only one left with his hands behind his head, walking leisurely towards the restaurant.

"Am I turning into some weird big brother? What kind of problem girls are sending to me?"

Luo Zhen couldn't help but complain as he walked.

"Doesn’t this mean everyone believes you?……"A chuckle sounded next to him, and that gentle voice seemed to be teasing Luo Zhen.

"Who do I think I am? Isn’t this squad leader Hanekawa Tsubasa? What a coincidence that I met you here."

Luo Zhen raised a smile and said to the graceful girl next to him.

"Is there a possibility? It's because everyone has to go to the cafeteria to have lunch together at noon."

Listening to Luo Zhen's teasing, Hanekawa Tsubasa pushed up his glasses helplessly, shook his head and said.

"What? It turns out that the all-powerful monitor also needs lunch, which really surprised me. Luo

Zhen put down his hands and looked at Hanekawa Tsubasa next to him, who could not hide his beautiful appearance even though he was wearing glasses, and said with some astonishment.

"That's what you said……"

Listening to Luo Zhen's teasing, Hanekawa pursed her lips angrily, looking a little angry.


Then with the sound of the shutter, Hanekawa Tsubasa looked at Luo Zhen next to him with some astonishment.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Luo Zhen who was looking at his phone with satisfaction, Hanekawa Tsubasa blinked and asked with some confusion.

"It's really strange that the squad leader, who knows everything, can be angry. Luo

Zhen waved the mobile phone in his hand and said with some emotion.

"This is so rude...I'm a normal human being, of course I get angry too."

Listening to Luo Zhen's teasing, Hanekawa Tsubasa said in a dumbfounded voice.

"That's not necessarily the case. The squad leader who knows everything usually looks like he's sure of winning. This is a rare CG. Of course I want to keep it in my collection. Luo

Zhen looked at the slightly dissatisfied and angry girl on the phone, nodded with satisfaction and said with a smile.

"Is it that strange?"

Looking at Luo Zhen's seriousness, Hanekawa Tsubasa covered her mouth with her little hand, obviously a little stunned.

She didn't expect that it was just an expression of hers that could actually make Luo Zhen take it so seriously.

Unknowingly, Hanekawa Tsubasa's heart It's also quite touching

"Of course, I want to keep this expression of the squad leader well. Luo

Zhen said seriously.

"You are really……"

Hanekawa Tsubasa covered her face and couldn't bear to look at it, but she also forced to suppress her pounding heart.

"At a loss. I'm not the kind of person who knows everything. After all, I can't understand you.……"

When she said this, she raised her head rather resentfully, her eyes staring straight at Luo Zhen, revealing some curiosity and exploration in her eyes.

"Luo Zhen, what kind of person are you?"She couldn't help but murmur to herself.

Hanekawa Tsubasa, who once read all the books in the library by himself, thought that his eyes could see through many people and things in the world.

For many people who talk too much. Hanekawa Tsubasa She can see through it at a glance. Her knowledge can be said to be extremely rich.

However, looking at Luo Zhen in front of her, Hanekawa Tsubasa cannot understand him no matter what. He is like those books about quantum mechanics that Hanekawa Tsubasa has read in the library. The same as books.

It is always so mysterious, always so mysterious. The mystery makes Hanekawa Tsubasa, a mature and rational girl, can't help but explore.

He is like the ever-hopping candlelight, so gentle. , so bright, so warm, makes a child like Hanekawa Tsubasa who has been lacking love since childhood involuntarily want to get closer.

However, Hanekawa Tsubasa, who has seen the evil hearts of countless people, shrank before taking a step because she was afraid When she stepped out, what greeted her was the abyss

"Can I trust him?"

Looking up at Luo Zhen with a bright smile in front of him, Hanekawa Tsubasa asked himself, and couldn't help but hesitate.

This girl who remarried with her mother to her stepfather's house since she was a child, and then adopted a new stepmother with her stepfather after her mother's death, seemed a little hesitant.

"Okay, stop thinking about it so much."

Luo Zhen seemed to be aware of the complicated and hesitant heart of Hanekawa Tsubasa in front of him. He generously grabbed Hanekawa Tsubasa's hand and said with a smile.

"Let’s go eat first. People are iron and rice is steel. Feeling hungry if you don’t eat a meal"

"What you say makes sense……"

Listening to Luo Zhen's teasing with a smile, Hanekawa Tsubasa chuckled and said with a crooked eyebrow.

Unknowingly, the worries and doubts in her heart quietly dissipated.

Luo Zhen then generously grabbed Hanekawa Tsubasa's jade hand and led her towards the cafeteria.

A pair of eyes under Hanekawa Tsubasa's glasses stared closely at Luo Zhen's back. Looking at that muscular back, she was unconsciously fascinated.……


Suddenly, she made a confused sound

"What's wrong?"Luo Zhen in front turned around with some confusion, looked at her and asked

"It's nothing, maybe I made a mistake."

Hanekawa Tsubasa looked to the other side. There was nothing unusual about the empty environment.

After confirming again and again, she finally shook her head and said

"Then let's go quickly. I haven't been to the canteen for a long time, and I don't know if there are any new products in the canteen. Luo

Zhen said enthusiastically

"That will definitely happen. After all, these are chefs hired from major Michelin restaurants.……"

"Each of them has their own specialty dish, and each can only stay in the restaurant for seven days. Only those who are voted to stay by the students are eligible to stay....."

"In order to stay, they will definitely try their best to introduce their own special dishes."

Hanekawa Tsubasa stroked his hair and retracted his doubts.

"As expected of the squad leader who knows everything, even such trivial matters. Luo

Zhen looked at her with admiration and said

"This is just written in Shuchiin's charter. I just read a few more books. Hanekawa

Tsubasa covered his mouth and said with a chuckle.

"I don’t know everything, I just know what I know."

Unconsciously, Hanekawa Tsubasa regained his former confidence....... only......

Am I really feeling wrong? I always feel like someone is watching us.

Hanekawa Tsubasa turned his head in confusion, looking at the direction without any ripples, and thought in his heart with some confusion.

Especially after Luo Zhen took her hand, she could feel the burning gaze even more.......

However, seeing that the man didn't come out for a long time, Hanekawa Tsubasa didn't take it to heart.

"Forget it, what kind of true hero is a submissive? It's just a person who hides his head and shows his tail."

She shook her head gently and put the matter behind her without hesitation.

It wasn't until long after they left.......

Hayasaka Ai and Shinomiya Kaguya, who had lunch boxes under the bushes, let out a long sigh of relief.

"Xiao Ai, why are you stopping me? At worst, we'll just go out"

"Who said people can't have lunch here? We are here for a reason. Shinomiya

Kaguya said angrily as she looked at Hayasaka Ai in front of her.

"If you love her, then go out and chase her openly."She looked at the blond hot girl in front of her, and she hated the iron.

Normally, Hayasaka Ai always teased her about being submissive when she met her sweetheart.......

As a result, now that Hayasaka Ai is in this situation, isn't he still a coward?

Shinomiya Kaguya looked particularly disdainful at the"King of Strong Mouth" in front of her.

"Miss, just let me go."

Haysaka Ai looked at Shinomiya Kaguya and couldn't help but said with a wry smile.

"My relationship with Luo Zhen actually didn’t reach that point, we were just friends."

When she said these words, Hayasaka's heart was bleeding. She couldn't forget the advantages that shameless guy Luo Zhen took.......

It's just that Hayasaka Ai, who has just let go of the past, is still not sure to face the rumored girlfriends around Luo Zhen.

What's more, the girl Hanekawa Tsubasa is worthy of her fear. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Hanekawa Tsubasa's grades appear to be average, he was selected as class president because he was gentle and enthusiastic towards others.

But Hayasaka Ai always felt that under those glasses, Hanekawa Tsubasa seemed to see through everything.

Facing Hanekawa Tsubasa like that, Hayasaka Ai actually felt a little guilty.

After all, Luo Zhen didn't hide anything from the beginning to the end. He was so generous and scumbag to so many girls. She was too embarrassed to use excuses to make trouble

"This must have been intentional on his part."

Recalling the Luo Zhen who always had a smile, Hayasaka thought angrily.

"Miss, don’t talk about me anymore. Isn’t it the same for you yourself?"

Looking at Kaguya Shinomiya, who was holding her waist and hating that iron was not made of steel, Hayasaka Ai silently complained.

"When someone faces Mr. Luo Zhen, isn't it true that he is submissive and loses repeatedly?"

"I was just letting him......Sooner or later I will defeat him"

(acab) Perhaps it touched Shinomiya Kaguya’s sore spot. She puffed up her cheeks angrily and looked at Hayasaka Ai with some unhappiness.

"It's a shame that I'm so worried about your condition, little Ai, and I specifically asked Luo Zhen to enlighten you, but instead you're teasing me here."

"Miss, I'm sorry. This is my fault."

Looking at the unhappy Shinomiya Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but feel a flash of guilt.

For his childhood playmate, how could Hayasaka not know her awkward character?......[]

For her sake, Shinomiya Kaguya was even able to put aside her arrogant side and proactively ask Luo Zhen for help.

Having such a best friend, Hayasaka Ai feels really sweet.

However, facing Hayasaka Ai's gaze, Shinomiya Kaguya obviously felt guilty.

After all, she was actually following Luo Zhen in an unsuccessful attempt and was forced to tell the truth. If Hayasaka Ai found out, he would definitely make fun of her again.

For a time, the two masters and servants had their own thoughts.

"So that’s it, let’s have lunch."

Hayasaka Ai said with an awkward smile on her face.

"Eat lunch, eat lunch."Shinomiya Kaguya nodded, and quickly changed the subject with a guilty conscience.

It's just that......

Now looking at the satisfied Hayasaka Ai, Shinomiya Kaguya always has a sad feeling in her heart when she comes back to her senses.

"Strange, what's wrong with me?"

Fantasy about Luo Zhen and Hayasaka Ai being alone, Shinomiya Kaguya blinked, always feeling sour inside.

As a novice in relationships, Shinomiya Kaguya obviously didn't understand her feelings, otherwise she wouldn't She would not conflict with Hayasaka Ai in this sour mood.

And a guilty Hayasaka Ai did not notice a jealous Shinomiya Kaguya.

In this way, under the green shade, Shinomiya Kaguya and It can be said that the master and servant pair of Hayasaka Ai have a unique lunch together.



"Tachibana Kanade-san, are you an NPC born in the cafeteria? Why do you always end up in the cafeteria every time I see you?"

Holding the plate and looking at Tachibana Kanade sitting in front of him, Luo Zhen couldn't help but complain.

Tachibana Kanade:?????????

The girl tilted her head, obviously a little confused. Those eyes were like crystal. Transparent eyes are particularly flawless and charming

"Luo Zhen-san must have obviously forgotten the meeting under the grade list. At that time, I remember that Tachibana Kanade-san was also there."

Looking at the crystal-clear girl in front of him, Hanekawa Tsubasa, who was used to seeing all kinds of weird and weird people's hearts, pursed his lips and said with a smile.

"It turns out you were there at that time, Tsubasa......."

Luo Zhen said with sudden realization. Only then did he remember that he and Tachibana Kanade had met under the score list.

It seems that this NPC is not always refreshed in the cafeteria, which makes Luo Zhen feel a little regretful.

"Of course, it's just that watching your duel was fun, so I didn't show up."

Hanekawa Tsubasa covered her mouth and said with a chuckle, with a bit of a good show in her eyes.

"If Tsubasa had appeared, there wouldn't have been such a confrontation."

Luo Zhen complained silently.

Luo Zhen had inexplicable trust in Hanekawa Tsubasa. After all, the almighty squad leader's combat power in the anime is no less than that of the saint Megumi.......

In the absence of Sage Hui, she can be said to be killing indiscriminately on the emotional battlefield.

That bunch of girls with no emotional experience can't defeat this T.0 level super boss.

Thinking of a certain saint Hui, Luo Zhen couldn't help but be stunned.

Who said that Saint Hui never appeared? Even Kasumigaoka Shiu and Eiri have appeared, so why is the strongest boss among the passerby heroines not here?

Maybe the girl who can serve as an assassin in the Holy Grail War has already appeared in Shuchiin.

It's just that the power of the aura masking was so powerful that even Luo Zhen usually didn't notice it.

After all, when he was in school, Luo Zhen rarely turned on comprehensive perception except at specific moments.

Otherwise, being omniscient and omnipotent is destined to make Luo Zhen lose his feelings. What he prefers is this unknown happiness.

This is also the reason why he often fails to notice the girls hiding in the dark.

"If that's the case, then let it be. I believe that sooner or later I will meet that saint Hui......"

Luo Zhen couldn't help but think in his heart,"At that time, I want to see whether the almighty monitor is stronger, or my beautiful and picturesque saint Hui is more unparalleled."......"

Thinking of a certain squad leader, Luo Zhen looked subconsciously.

As a result, the squad leader holding the dinner plate next to her had disappeared, but the next second Luo Zhen saw her sitting opposite Tachibana Kanade, looking at Tachibana Kanade curiously

"Does Tachibana Kanade-san like Mapo Tofu?"

She looked curiously at the girl eating the Mapo Tofu set, and couldn't help but asked with some doubts.

"Of course, in most cases, when I see Kanade, she always holds the mapo tofu in her hand."

Luo Zhen glanced helplessly at the familiar Hanekawa Tsubasa, then sat next to him and said

"That’s why I wonder if Kanade is the NPC holding the Mapo Tofu set that is always refreshed in the restaurant......."

"not like this."Listening to Luo Zhen's complaints, Tachibana Kan blinked and said

"If I were an NPC, I should be able to grab the Mapo Tofu set meal every day instead of......"

Speaking of this, the girl gave Luo Zhen a faint look, instantly making Luo Zhen understand everything.

After all, Luo Zhen will never forget that his first acquaintance with Tachibana Kanade was actually because of the Mapo Tofu set that he didn't grab.

"Is Mapo Tofu so delicious? Can you let me have a taste?"

Hanekawa Tsubasa looked at Tachibana Kanade curiously, with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.


Reluctantly, she glanced at the Mapo Tofu set in her hand and pushed it over.

Tachibana Kanade still had a good impression of the bespectacled girl in front of her.

"Thank you very much."

Hanekawa Tsubasa stretched out his spoon and carefully took a bite....... after a long time......

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