
Class A, first grade.

Kirisu Mafuyu, who has long pink hair, stood on the podium with a serious expression. She looked at the people below with a solemn expression.

"Students, another month has passed before I know it, and the monthly exam is coming soon. I hope everyone can be prepared."

Listening to Kirisu Mafuyu's words, even the first-year class A with good academic performance couldn't help but look bitter.

Although everyone has excellent academic performance, they can't help but face the monthly exams.

"Teacher, can you fail the monthly exam every month?"

"That’s right, everyone knows everyone’s results. Isn't it okay to test it yourself in class?"

"Other students only have midterm or final exams. How can any school test every month?……"

"Teacher, can't you react to the school and slow down the exam?"

Many students all wailed. Facing the January round of exams, everyone is a little depressed.

"Be still, be still."

Looking at the crying classmates in front of him, Kirisu Mafuyu lightly knocked on the table and then cleared his throat.

"Don't worry, everyone, everything will be fine when you are in your second year of high school.……"

"Teacher, is it because there is no monthly exam for the second year of high school?"A bold student asked with expectation in his eyes.

Listening to his words, the other students also cast expectant glances at Kirisu Mafuyu.

"No, it’s because everyone is used to it by then……"

The smile shown by Kirisu Mafuyu was so hateful in the eyes of everyone in the class.

However, among the many wailing students, there were some who did not show any disappointment.

For those who have excellent academic performance, the exam is a good place to decide whether to live or die.

"snort! This time, Yukinoshita Yukino, you will definitely be stepped on by me."

Shinomiya Kaguya sat in the back, looking at the cold figure in front, with a hint of coldness in her crimson eyes, she thought confidently

"Not only that, this time the first place must be mine."The girl who has stayed up late and burned the midnight oil for the past month is obviously coveting the number one spot.……

"Exam? So this round, the second place must be mine."

Sitting in the front row, Yukinoshita Yukino is wearing a Shuchi Academy uniform. Her unremarkable figure makes her stand out at the airport. The girl exudes an iceberg temperament, as if she is repelling others from thousands of miles away. Outside.

She pursed her red lips slightly, as if she could also detect the gaze of Shinomiya Kaguya behind her. How could Miss Yukinoshita Yukino, who has always been so strong, allow herself to sit in the second position with another person at the same time......

This time for the monthly exam, Yukinoshita Yukino also put in 100% energy!

"This round, I will definitely not lose."

Recalling Shinomiya Kaguya's provocative look under the report card last time, Yukinoshita Yukino was full of motivation.

"I believe everyone will work hard this time. After all, we have the top three students in this school in our class."

Tirsu Mafuyu looked at the figures of Shinomiya Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yukino and Luozhen below, nodded with satisfaction and said

"I believe that everyone will not let me down. After all, we are Class A of the first grade, the most outstanding class in the first grade."

If it weren't for Luo Zhen's excellent grades, Kirisu Mafuyu wouldn't have turned a blind eye to his skipping classes.

"Kirisu-sensei, this is not necessarily the case.……"

As if aware of Kirisu Mafuyu's gaze, Luo Zhen couldn't help but chuckle in his heart.

You know, this round is different from the previous one.

The squad leader who knows everything will not hide his strength.

Hanekawa Tsubasa: This round, I will use all my firepower!

Facing the nearly omniscient and omnipotent squad leader, Luo Zhen himself has no sense of crisis, but Yukinoshita Yukino and Shinomiya Kaguya may face a rare challenge this round.

"I hope the two of them can take the blow.……"

Looking at the two girls whose backs seemed to be burning with blazing fighting spirit, Luo Zhen couldn't help but thought with a strange look on his face.

After all, no matter how good the two girls are, there is still some distance between them when facing the monitor who"doesn't know everything, but just knows what he knows."……

"Mr. Monitor, I look forward to your performance this time.……"

At the same time, the first grade class B next door.

Listening to Shizuka Hiratsuka's speech on the podium, Tsubasa Hanekawa pushed up his glasses thoughtfully.

"Is the monthly exam coming soon? So……"

She looked at the descendants of the dignitaries in the class and couldn't help but hesitate. However, recalling Luo Zhen's original promise, she finally made up her mind.

"Well, classmate Luo Zhen, I have bet myself on you. I believe you will not let me down."

"Let me also see how far away I am from you when I'm at full strength.……"

As for the famous Luo Zhen in the school, Hanekawa Tsubasa was also very curious about how far apart he was from him.

After all, Hanekawa Tsubasa himself didn't do his best in the last exam. And this time, she will show her edge for the first time



With the monthly exams in the past, Kirisu Mafuyu started teaching again.

Listening to the familiar course, Luo Zhen held his chin with his left hand, as if he was listening seriously.

However, Kirisu Mafuyu on the podium looked at the serious Luo Zhen and couldn't help but twitch his mouth.

She seriously suspected that Luo Zhen had wandered off to the outer world...

However, considering Luo Zhen's nearly perfect score, Kirisu Mafuyu took a deep breath and chose to ignore it.

"Just think of it because he helps me tidy up my house every week......."

Kirisu Mafuyu thought with a blush on her face, but looking at the blush on Kirisu Mafuyu's face, the classmates in the class could never imagine why she blushed?

At this moment, Luo Zhen had already unconsciously focused on the chat group.

Busushima Shura:"Have you noticed that Miss Administrator seems to be flying recently."

Little Princess of Peach Blossom Island:"What does flying mean? Sister Yazi, please pay attention to your words."

Little Princess of Peach Blossom Island:"Management Sister Yuan didn’t fall down at all, her tail is almost up to the sky now." Eldest

Miss (administrator):"Ahem, cough, cough, please pay attention, please respect the distinguished Lord Ou Huang. I am really Smuggling from Africa was successful."

Pipi Xi:"? So, is it difficult to get good things in the intermediate lottery?"

【Pipixi has shared the group skill"Holy Light""】

【Pipixi has shared the group skill"Angel Prayer""】

【Pi Pixi has shared the group technology"Sophon Fragments""】

Pipi Xi:"By the way, don't you get all these good things in the mid-level lottery?"

Looking at the inquiry of a certain sinister Tianji King, the chat group was silent for a long time.

Miss (Administrator):"......"

The only thing that greeted her was Lu Qianran's long six points.

Soft Bone Charm Rabbit:"......Haha, a sure kill! It was definitely a killing blow for the administrator lady."

The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"Pipi Xi, Queen Hexi, you will never know how big a blow your words gave to a certain administrator lady."

The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"Don't worry, Miss Administrator has long been used to it. After all, she has long been accustomed to being a non-chief."

The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"If she hadn't happened to meet Mr. Luo Zhen, she would have continued to fight against the African chiefs to the end."

The female swordsman in the dungeon:"I feel sorry for Miss Administrator. Miss (administrator), it doesn’t matter. If the administrator needs something, Aisi can give it to the administrator if she draws it."

Miss (Administrator):"......Thank you very much, Ais. Although I always feel a little miserable, Ais, you are the best angel."

Mediocre time traveler:"Ahem, cough, cough, I can't pretend to be deaf and dumb about this. Ace is not the best angel."

Mediocre time traveler:"These two are the best angels. Picture.jpg!"

The ordinary time traveler:"Little yellow face wearing sunglasses (proud).jpg!"

The female swordsman in the underground city:"Mr. Luo Zhen, who are they?"

Looking at the picture shared by Luo Zhen, Aisi was obviously a little curious about the blond and silver-haired girls looking at each other from a distance.

The eldest lady (administrator):"Hey, I always feel that they two look familiar."

Lu Qianran also looked at the picture with curiosity. She always felt that the two people looked familiar.

"Strange, where have you seen them?"The girl scratched her head.

The ordinary time traveler said:"One is named Shiina Mahiru, and the other is named Tachibana Kanade. Not everyone is called angel......"

The eldest lady (administrator):"Wow, you really deserve to die. Is this the real European Emperor? It's so sour......."

Listening to Luo Zhen's understatement but not losing sight of Versailles, in Qin Shi's world, the face of Lu Qianran, a former homebody, was almost deformed with soreness.

The eldest lady (administrator):"The legendary little angel Mahiru is awesome and scheming. A gentle and virtuous eldest lady, but a scheming little genius. She is worthy of the name of an angel. I am drooling with envy." The eldest lady (administrator) Member):"And Xiao Zuo, I suddenly remembered it. You seemed to have shown off before, right?......This time it was even more sour."

The eldest lady (administrator):"Stand on the top of the floating world and play the voice of angels. Angel Kanade is AB's most popular heroine."

The eldest lady (administrator):"You actually gathered two angels in one go. It's really so bitter......."

The eldest lady (administrator):"Complain again, why can I only live in the world of Qin Dynasty, but a certain European emperor can travel to the world of comprehensive comics. I am so envious that I almost cry." The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"Although I don’t know anything about these two people, but looking at the administrator’s madness, I know that these two are definitely great young ladies."

Busujima Shura:"Of course, how could there be ordinary girls around Luo Zhenjun?.I believe Luo Zhenjun......"

The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"Miss (Administrator), Miss Administrator, are these two young ladies very powerful? Mengxin doesn't understand, can you explain it to Mengxin?" The

Soft Bone Charming Rabbit:"As expected of you. Miss Zi is really good at breaking defenses."

Young Master of the Nalan Family:"Should I say she deserves to be Zi? She is already at full strength in terms of verbal attacks."

Young Master Meng Tapir:"Stop talking.. I feel like the administrator is about to cry."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"Are you kidding me? How could I cry? It's their blessing that these two young ladies can meet ordinary time-travelers."

The eldest lady (administrator):"The two of them will definitely have a happy and bright future."

The Silhouette Charming Rabbit:"......Hey, did the administrator take the wrong medicine? Why does it feel so weird?"

The female swordsman in the dungeon:"Miss (Administrator), Miss Administrator, please don't be so sad. If you have anything, please tell me and everyone will help you."

The eldest lady (administrator):"What can I do? I mean everything I say.

Pipixi:"Do you believe what the administrator said?" Anyway, I don’t believe it."

Soft Bone Charming Rabbit:"That's right, I'm afraid even the simplest little Aisi can't believe that the administrator lady is so calm."

Xianling Island Girl:"Miss Administrator, do you need magic assistance? Has our chat group been hacked? Ms. Administrator’s account was hacked?"

The eldest lady (administrator):"Damn it, you guys are so hateful, can't I be a considerate eldest lady?"

Visible girl:"Instead of believing that Miss Administrator, you are a considerate young lady, it is better to believe that Miss Ying is actually disdainful......."

Traveler:"??? Who? Who is talking about me? I don't know that girl!!!"

Eldest lady (administrator):"You should go and play with your original god, go, go, go, your How's the lottery?"

Traveler:"I'm about to cry. I've drawn it hundreds of times and still can't get the Qingqing. It's really disgusting."

Traveler:"But it doesn't matter. I'm ready. Now leave Mondstadt and go to Liyue. I don’t believe that I can’t get out of Keqing while holding Keqing in my arms......."

Traveler:"After all, I'm not the administrator, so I don't have such bad luck."

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"I really thank you for not forgetting to mention me at this time."

Ben Zina:"Oh , I suddenly understand why Miss Administrator is so humble?"

And a certain Yuki Asuna, who looked at the conversation between Zaiying and Lu Qianran, said with sudden enlightenment.

The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"??? Why? Sister Yuki, please tell me, I'm very curious!" (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"Chitanda Airi's curious eyes.jpg!"

Ben Zina:"A certain administrator lady is still counting on someone to continue to convey the power of the law of yin and yang to her. How could she offend her dearest adoptive father now?" The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"That's it, administrator Miss’s European Emperor Experience Card has a time limit!"

Miss (Administrator):"Ahem, are you kidding me? How is this possible? How could I give up for the Law Experience Card? You guys underestimate me too. You have some moral integrity."

The female swordsman in the dungeon said:"But Miss Administrator, you seem to have no moral integrity."

Seeing the most simple and honest Ais asking the most deadly question, the administrator of a certain chat group suddenly fell into a long-term confusion. silence.

The eldest lady (administrator):"Is my character so unworthy of being trusted?"

Listening to her sincere and earnest question, the chat group fell into a long silence for some reason.

Miss (Administrator):"??????"

The eldest lady (administrator):"Are you talking? Why don't you talk? You make me so panicked!" The forever seventeen-year-old girl:"It's not that everyone doesn't talk, it's mainly that everyone doesn't know what to say for a while. Okay."

The mediocre time traveler:"In terms of shamelessness, I am willing to be inferior to the administrator."

The female swordsman in the dungeon:"The administrator's shame is something I can always learn from.

" Miss (administrator):"You should teach me something better! The bun-headed girl is furious.jpg!"

The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"There is no way: the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked, who made us meet such a person? Where is Miss Administrator?"

Busujima Shura:"Rong'er is right......."

The eldest lady (administrator):"It's really abominable. The members of the group bully me for being old and weak: I can't bear to face me as a thief, and I openly hug the grass into the bamboo. My lips are burnt and my mouth is so dry that I can't breathe."

The eldest lady (administrator):"God! If you hear my call, please give me new group members."

Miss (administrator):"I am willing to use myself as a non-chief for a hundred years in exchange! Please listen to my prayer."

Busujima Shura:"Miss Administrator, aren't you afraid that this wish will come true?"

Eldest Miss (Administrator):"I'm not afraid, my power of law has been used up. I fully believe in my luck."

【Group activity has reached the standard】

【The dimensional chat group is looking for new people to join. 】

Miss (Administrator):"??????"

The eldest lady (administrator):"I'm sorry, God, I retract my oath! I didn't swear!" The little princess of Peach Blossom Island:"As expected of the administrator lady, her main thing is to be a flexible person."

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