The depth was terrifying… 4444!

This is Miss Mary!

Just looking at Miss Mary, Gao Chusheng felt a tide of malice and chaos, and madness poured into his brain.

His whole body was like falling into an ice cave.

The brain begins to ache, and it is getting more and more painful.

Ghosts of this level, just looking at it, will make people fall into madness and headaches.

In fact, Gao Chusheng should not have seen ghosts and gods of this level.

After all, his depth is only 1209 meters, and he can only see ghosts and gods with a depth of 1209 meters at most.

As for his spiritual vision, it is only a low-level spiritual vision, and he can only see ghosts and gods with a depth of 999 meters at most.

The ghosts and gods that the current spiritual vision can see are not as many ghosts and gods as they can see in their own depth.

His own depth and spiritual vision could not let Gao Chusheng see this ghost and god with a depth of 4444 meters.

But he did see it now, and he saw it very clearly.

There is only one reason.

Miss Mary floated.

Her original location was in the Abyssal Deathlight Layer 4444.

But her current position has risen to 788 meters in the deep sea weak light layer.

This position can naturally be seen clearly by Gao Chusheng.

It is difficult for the ghost to float on her own, and someone is pulling her up.

And not alone pulling.

Gao Chusheng thought of the video of “Miss Mary” he saw before.

As this video spread, more and more people recognized Miss Mary.

This cognition turned into a spiritual thread that dragged Miss Mary up and down.

Maybe it won’t be long before Miss Mary will be able to float to 0 meters.

That is, the ghosts come ashore.

At that time, everyone can answer every call made by Miss Mary.

One thing to explain is that it will not weaken the strength of the ghost god in the slightest.

Even if Miss Mary rises to 0 meters, her strength is still 4444 deep.

Floating up just allows more people to see ghosts and gods, and all aspects of ghosts and gods remain unchanged.

“Give it a shot!”

As the head hurts more and more, the mind becomes more and more confused.

Gao Chusheng understood that he didn’t have much time.

Otherwise, Miss Mary would have gone crazy before she really made a move.

You have to give it a fight in this limited time.

“Kill you! Kill you! Kill you.~! ”

Miss Mary whispered and rushed towards Gao Chusheng at an extremely fast speed.

Almost in the blink of an eye, she rushed in front of Gao Chusheng, and she swung the black machete that was two meters long in her hand and slashed at Gao Chusheng.


Gao Chusheng used the running shoes of the ghost god for the second time.

Avoided Miss Mary’s slash.

Gao Chusheng appeared five meters behind Miss Mary.

“Spichum Ray!”

Gao Chusheng let out a low roar, and the left hand holding the sword of his sister hit his right wrist.

The light shot out and instantly bombarded Miss Mary’s back.


A loud explosion sounded, and the light splashed everywhere, making it difficult to see the situation for a while.

“Hit, hurt…”

Gao Chusheng’s eyes stared dead at the light of the explosion.

He didn’t expect this blow to take out Miss Mary.

But at least it should cause harm to Miss Mary.

The power of Gao Chusheng’s blow is equivalent to the power of 4836 meters deep.

The increase of the sister sword is 100%, that is, it is doubled from 1209 meters, which is 2418.

Spicum rays are twice as large as themselves, 2418 times 2, which is 4836.

Such a power should also cause Miss Mary no less damage.

Soon, the light dissipated.

Gao Chusheng’s eyes widened: “How could it be…”

Unexpectedly, he was unharmed.

Yes, Miss Mary was unharmed.

At this time, Miss Mary was wrapped in a huge black shark.

Shrouded in this huge shark, Miss Mary was unharmed.

“This shark…”

The moment I saw this huge shark just now.

Gao Chusheng felt a tremor of fear that reached the depths of his soul.

The blood all over his body was cold, and he trembled unconsciously.

This giant black shark… What exactly is it??!!

However, there is one thing Gao Chusheng can be sure of.

That is, he could not defeat Miss Mary. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Not even the slightest damage can be inflicted on the other party.

Not to mention defeating.

The gap is too big and too big.

Miss Mary raised her machete: “Kill you!” ”

In a blink of an eye, he rushed to Gao Chusheng.

Gao Chusheng used Ghost God’s running shoes for the third time.

He appeared eight or nine meters away from Miss Mary.

Ghost god’s running shoes, today’s three opportunities have run out.

Next, Gao Chusheng will not be able to avoid Miss Mary’s attack.

Gao Chusheng naturally will not wait for death.

Gao Chusheng quickly took out a humanoid wooden carving with chopsticks long from his pocket.

During the day, when Miss Mary first called.

Gao Chusheng exchanged this thing in the system mall.

Replace wood carvings, disposable props, exchange requires 500 points.

Gao Chusheng threw the replacement wood carving to the ground.

Miss Mary, who was about to attack Gao Chusheng, stood in place and was stunned for a moment.

She looked at Gao Chusheng, and then at the replacement wood carvings on the ground.

The next second, she rushed forward.

Rushed to… Before replacing wood carvings.

The machete in his hand kept chopping at the replacement wood carving.

Soon, the replacement wood carvings became countless broken wood.

Miss Mary collected the knife, her body slowly faded, and disappeared into Gao Chusheng’s home.

“Hoohoo, hoohoo…”

Gao Chusheng kept exhaling the atmosphere, and the clothes on his body were already wet, which was caused by cold sweat.

The pain and confusion in the brain made Gao Chusheng unable to stand.

Gao Chusheng slowly sat on the ground and looked at the pile of broken wood.

“If I hadn’t replaced the wood carving, my current fate would definitely be a pile of minced meat.”

Replacing wood carvings allows Gao Chusheng and wood carvings to exchange identities.

In this way, the purpose of deceiving ghosts and gods is achieved.

In Miss Mary’s eyes.

Gao Chusheng is a wood carving.

The wood carving is Gao Chusheng.

This is also why Miss Mary cut the wood carving into pieces, in her eyes, this is Gao Chusheng.

As for the real Gao Chusheng, in her eyes, she is a wood carving, and Miss Mary is not interested in cutting wood carvings.

She only likes to cut people!

It’s just that tonight it was cut wrong after all.

“What a terrible ghost.”

Gao Chusheng shook his head.

For Miss Mary, Gao Chusheng’s only impression now.

Only that terrifying horror to the extreme.

As for the beauty of Miss Ma (of) Miss Rei, what kind of thing is that?

Beauty is not worth mentioning in the face of absolute horror.

Gao Chusheng looked at the sister sword in his hand.

“If the increase in my sister’s sword can be 300% like before, maybe it can hurt Miss Mary.”

But Gao Chusheng also knew that the increase in his sister’s sword to him was not as great as before.

It’s like having half a glass of water, throwing a stone into it, and the water will rise a lot.

This rising water is equivalent to an increase.

But if it’s half a bucket of water, throw the same stone into it, and the water won’t rise much.

The increase has become smaller.

At a depth of several hundred meters, the increase is 300%.

But now Gao Chusheng has a depth of 1209 meters, an increase of only 100%.

“System, can you tell me, what is that giant black shark?”

Just thinking about that huge black shark, Gao Chusheng’s heart would be irrepressible with fear.

“Host, that’s the Dead Light Sea Shark unique to the Death Light Layer Ghost God!”

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