Ze Yue looked at Gao Chusheng and felt that Gao Chusheng’s women’s clothing should be very good.

When the time comes, it will definitely have a special taste.

Thinking about it this way, Zeyue stopped standing.

Gao Chusheng didn’t know that Ze Yueji was already thinking about pouting him, and if he knew, Gao Chusheng would definitely let Ze Yueji experience what it was to be pouted before he died.

Gao Chusheng said, “Mr. Zeyue, don’t misunderstand, I’m also not interested in men.” By interest, I mean Mr. Sawagoe, you have a rich love history. ”

Ze Yue stopped laughing: “Boy, you are right.” As long as it is the woman I want to get, there is nothing I can’t get. ”

For this, Ze Yue is very proud.

Gao Chusheng said, “Mr. Zeyue knows, some of your women want to see you.” ”

Ze Yue was stunned for a moment: “How do you kid know that they want to see me?”

Gao Chusheng didn’t answer, just said, “Doesn’t Mr. Zeyue want to see them?”

Ze Yue said: “Although I don’t know what your kid is talking about, I Ze Yue has always been in a thousand flowers, and a leaf does not stick to my body.” ”

The main thing is a person who walks away with pants.

Speaking of this, Ze Yueji looked at Gao Chusheng with some suspicion: “You boy, shouldn’t it be my descendant?”

Ze Yueji has many descendants, sons and grandchildren.

A flash of unhappiness flashed in Gao Chusheng’s eyes, and he was actually regarded as a descendant by Ze Yueji.

Forget it, it’s too lazy to calculate.

After all, there is nothing to worry about with a dying person.

Gao Chusheng said: “No, Zeyue stops rotten people like you, and the descendants will only be rotten people.” And I am excellent, I cannot be your descendant. ”

Zeyue stopped his anger: “What do you say, boy, do you want to die?”

After being scolded by a woman, Ze Yue will not care, and he can find it elsewhere when the time comes.

But the man’s words will not endure it.

“I don’t want to die, but someone will definitely die. ”

Gao Chusheng stood up.

“Kasumigaoka-san, Sawamura-san, let’s go. ”

Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiri have long wanted to leave.

Gao Chusheng and the three walked out.

Ze Yueji immediately followed.

He has not yet convinced Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri that he will not give up.

When I came to a place where there were many people outside.

Gao Chusheng said, “Ze Yueji, can you not follow us.?”

Ze Yueji smiled disdainfully: “Boy, the road is not your home, I can go as I want, it has nothing to do with you.” ”

Speaking of this, Ze Yueji looked at Kasumigaoka Shiyu and the two again.

“Miss Kasumigaoka and Miss Sawamura, don’t play with this kid, come and play with my brother, I promise to make you have a great time.” ”

Shiwa Kasumigaoka and Eiri both frowned.

I have never seen such a toothless person.

The low of the lows.

Gao Chusheng looked around, there were many people.


Thinking so, Gao Chusheng exchanged a drop of deep sea tears.

With a finger pick, he flicked this tear of the deep sea into Ze Yuezhi’s eyes.

This allows you to see thirteen female ghosts and goddesses.

“Is it raining?”

Ze Yue wiped his eyes with his hand and looked up at the sky.

It didn’t rain.

Ze Yuezhi no longer raised his head, but the moment he looked ahead, Ze Yuezhi’s face immediately changed, full of fear.

“What, what?? What are you?”

Ze Yue said in horror and stepped back one after another.

His steps were unsteady, and he sat on the ground.

“Don’t come near me! Get out of my way! Get out of the way!”

Ze Yueji shouted, waving his hands wildly.

The thirteen female ghosts and goddesses who had been following Ze Yue all cried out in excitement.

“Stop! You can see! You can see it, right? You can see me!”

“Great! You finally see me! Finally see me!”

“You’ve always wanted to stop seeing me!

“Stop! I’m in so much pain! It’s really painful! I need your comfort!”


The thirteen female ghost gods kept talking, and pounced on Zeyue together.

“Get out of the way! Get out of my way! Ghost! There are ghosts! Save me! Save me…”

Ze Yue stopped crying for help.

This look of fear and pain attracted everyone around and surrounded them.

“How can this save him? There is nothing around him.” Afraid of being like this, is there really a ghost harming him?” (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!)

“How can there be a ghost, most likely a madman neuropathy, mad here.” ”

“It may be that the sheep has a crazy attack, don’t go near him, maybe you will be accidentally injured by him.” ”

Call the police or call the hospital?”


People talked about it, but none of them came close to Ze Yue.

After all, Ze Yueji’s limbs are moving around now, and the look of shouting in fear is still quite scary.

What if I get close and accidentally get hurt?

Eiri and Kasumigaoka Shiwa were both stunned to watch this scene.

Ze Yueji was just fine, and he followed them.

How did it suddenly become like this?!

“He, what’s wrong with him?”

Ying Li asked puzzled.

Of course, this is not sympathy for Ze Yue.

It’s just more confusing.

Shiwa Kasumigaoka heard Sawakoshi say ghosts, which made her think of something.

Could it be said that Ze Yue saw the ghosts and gods, and was found by the ghosts and gods that he could see them?

Then the ghosts attacked Ze Yue.

This is a reasonable inference.

Although Shiha Kasumigaoka has depth, she cannot see these ghosts and gods.

Because her depth is only 50, and the depth of these ghosts and gods is above 50.

Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu glanced at Gao Chusheng, Ze Yueji suddenly like this, is it related to Gao Chusheng?

“Senior Gao, why is this rotten person suddenly like this?”

Gao Chusheng spread out his hands: “Who knows, maybe it’s really a sheep mad attack, or maybe it’s because of too many bad things and being punished by heaven.” ”

Kasumi Hills Shiyu felt that Gao Chusheng must know something.

It may even be Gao Chusheng’s doing.

But Kasumigaoka Shiyu won’t say anything.

Ze Yue stop such a person, must have done a lot of bad things.

It was as if he had been punished by heaven.

“Ah, ah, help…”

Ze Yue’s cry became more and more painful.

His body began to be torn apart.

Feet, legs, hands, arms… All was forcibly torn off by Qian Lihao.

In the end, even the head was pulled off.

Oh, and the little head was ripped off too.

In this way, his whole life is either foaming, or Zeyue on the way to bubble.

It was divided into thirteen equal parts.

“Terrible! terrible…”

“Are there really ghosts?”

“Even if a sheep has a mad attack, it is impossible to divide yourself into so many madness. ”

“There must be a ghost. ”

Everyone retreated, and some of the timid ones had already begun to run.

Ze Yueji was torn into so many pictures, it was too terrifying.

Many people are afraid to look.

For example, Kasumigaoka Shiwa and Eiri have long turned around and did not dare to look.

If you watch too much, you will really have nightmares in the evening.

Only Gao Chusheng watched the whole process.

Even if others looked at it, they could only see that Ze Yue was inexplicably divided into so many parts.

Unlike Gao Chusheng, you can see how the thirteen female ghosts and gods tore Zeyue apart.

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