Xia Zhi had a strange dream, in which he could easily go to heaven and earth, move mountains and reclaim the sea, modify reality at will, distort time and space, and be omnipotent like a god.

But the biggest difference between dreams and reality is that dreams have to wake up after all, and reality is the end of dreams.

When you wake up from a dream, everything in the dream will burst like a bubble, which is why it is called illusory.

But this time it was different, there was a strange feeling in the summer solstice, something in that dream did not disappear with him when he woke up, as if the dream was not completely over, but continued to reality.

This feeling of being awake makes Xia Zhi very uncomfortable, and he can't even go to class at ease, and he can't listen to the lecture properly.

So after class, he dragged his groggy head to the health room and found the school's health teacher. But when he explained the situation to the teacher in the health room, he got the diagnosis that "you are just simply sleepy" and the treatment advice of "sleeping less in class in the future".

Although the tone of the teacher in the health room was very affirmative, Xia Zhi still insisted that she had misjudged.

He only slept for half a class in the morning, and he didn't even have time for a class, but before that, he could sleep directly from morning class to lunch break, so it was impossible for him to fall asleep just because he slept for half a class.

The diagnosis did not match the facts, and Xia Zhi felt that he had probably met a quack.

"Are you alright, Xia Zhi-san?".

Seeing Xia Zhi coming back from the health room, the short-haired girl sitting at the back table of him said with concern: "If you are not feeling well, just lie down in the health room for a while, and I will help you and the teacher ask for leave." "

Xia Zhi felt that if he really wanted to do this, the health teacher might directly knock himself out of the door.

He shook his head and declined the girl's offer.

"I'm much better, thank you for your concern, add ......" The words came to his lips, but Xia Zhi suddenly got stuck, and he found that he couldn't remember the girl's name, as if it was called Jia or something?

"My name is Kato. The short-haired girl reminded intimately, and she didn't look angry at all that her classmates who had been with her for a year couldn't remember her name.

"Oh, thank you, Kato-san. "Xia Zhi corrected his mistake in time.

"Is there anything else the teacher at the health room said?" asked Megumi Kato.

"Nothing. Xia Zhi replied, "She just let me rest less." "

Megumi Kato tilted her head slightly, feeling that she should have misheard a word.

Xia Zhi wanted to say something, but saw a line of subtitles suddenly appear in front of him:

[The dream game has been loaded successfully, you are welcome to use it].

Here are some instructions for use:

[You can only enter the dream game while you are asleep].

[Click on the dungeon interface, you can choose to unlock any dream dungeon to enter, and after completing the task, you can get dream point rewards].

[Reminder: Dream points can be used to modify dreams, and players are invited to explore the rest of the usage].

[Happy playing].

Xia Zhi suddenly felt that he might be wrong to blame the health teacher, and that he might really be in a daze, so that he had hallucinations in front of his eyes.

After a brief chat with Megumi Kato absentmindedly, he quickly ended the conversation, sat back in his seat, and tried to close his eyes for a while before opening them, but the words in front of him did not disappear.

After thinking for a moment, Xia Zhi tried to whisper, "Quitting the game?".

The subtitles disappeared, and the vision was clear again, and even the head, which had been a little groggy all morning, was much clearer.

It's pretty much like it. Xia Zhi thought to himself and decided to give it another try:

"Start the game?".

Welcome to the Dream Game ......

Subtitles reappear.

"Exit the game. "

When the voice falls, the subtitles disappear immediately.

"Play the game. "

Welcome ......

"Exit the game. "


After trying it a few times, Xia Solstice was roughly sure that this thing should not be his hallucination, after all, he had never heard of anyone's hallucination being able to turn on and off at will like this.

In other words, your gold finger has arrived?

Thinking of this, Xia Zhi's mood became slightly excited.

It's been almost seventeen years since he traveled to this world, and it's the first time he's been so excited except for the one twelve years ago when he knew that he had traveled into an anime world.

He couldn't wait to delve into his newly arrived plug-in, but considering that he was still in school, in order to avoid accidents, he could only wait patiently for the arrival of the school bell according to the excitement and curiosity in his heart.

Thanks to the implementation of "happy education", the afternoon school time in schools in this country is generally only around three o'clock, which is an incredible thing for the summer solstice when he went to school at seven o'clock in the morning and left school at ten o'clock in the evening, and only had one day off a week, but after so many years, he is now gradually getting used to it.

After school in the afternoon, Xia Zhi made a call to the place where he worked part-time, and after finishing today's part-time job, he returned home with excitement.

His home is in a residential area not far from the school, and it is a very common two-story Japanese-style house, although it is not large, but it is enough for him and his sister to have a family before they start a family.

Parking the bicycle in the courtyard, Xia Solstice took out the key and opened the door.

The house is very quiet, and there is no familiar pair of small leather shoes at the door, and it looks like Xia Zhi's girl hasn't come back yet. Xia Solstice thought to herself.

After leaving a note on the table that said "You don't need to call me to dinner tonight," he went back to his bedroom and locked the door.

Lying in bed, Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, and now it was time to study this so-called dream game.

"Play the game. "

The words fell, and the familiar subtitles appeared in front of his eyes:

Welcome to the Dream Game

Currently Available Replicas: None

Do you want to load a dream copy?

"Yes. "

Start searching for selectable objects within the area

[The search is complete, and the number of heroines available in the area is: 3].

Randomly generating copies based on search results ......

Wait, am I reading something wrong? What is the heroine? Xia Solstice is full of question marks.

[Replica generated, please select].

[Option 1: No sound in the school park].

[Option 2: Distant Ethereal Sounds].

[Option 3: Dream Wedding].

Aren't you going to answer my doubts just now?" Xia Zhi asked in his heart.

The subtitles in front of him did not respond to his questioning, just hovering there silently, waiting for his choice.

"Aren't you going to answer my doubts just now?" Xia Zhi repeated in voice, but the subtitles were still motionless and did not respond.

It seems that this game does not seem to have intelligence.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, temporarily suppressed the idea of continuing his research, and shifted his attention to the three options in front of him.

Which one is better?

He hesitated, deciding to come in order.

[Whether to choose a dream dungeon: School Park is silent].

"Confirmed. "

At the next moment when the words fell, a deep sleepiness hit without warning, and Xia Zhi, who couldn't resist this sleepiness, gradually closed his eyes slightly, and his consciousness fell into darkness.

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