Xia Solstice did run into a little trouble - he couldn't find his way back.

Because the area around the school park has been all over him in the past month or so,So he wanted to explore it farther away.,I didn't expect to accidentally open the area marked on the map.。

Just when Xia Solstice was thinking about whether to spend a little Dream Points to update the map, the sky suddenly became overcast, and soon it rained heavily.

To make it easier to load things, he now drives a minivan with his harvest this morning on the back.

Gasoline cans and canned snacks are not afraid of the rain, but comic books and some of the poetry books and novels you like under the snow are packed in cardboard boxes, so if you get soaked in the rain, you will be in trouble.

In order to avoid the rain, Xia Zhi temporarily drove the car to an underground garage, preparing to wait for the rain to stop before going back.

"I hope Xuexia can leave me some food. "

After cleaning up the zombies in the underground garage a little, Xia Zhi looked at the continuous heavy rain outside and sighed.

It's definitely impossible to rush back at mealtime, and I don't know how long this rain will be, I just hope that it will stop before dark, otherwise he will probably have to go back in the dark.

Xia Zhi, who had nothing to do, sat back in the car and began to sort out his harvest during this time in his heart.

In the past month,After he and Xue Xia cleaned up the zombies in the Patrol Hill School Park,Drove two big trucks to block the school gate,After repairing some damaged walls,Successfully completed the two side quests of [Establish a safe base] and [Clear the zombies in the school park],Obtained a reward of 150 dream points。

Combined with a few small side quests and occasional achievement rewards, he earns over 200 Dream Points in total, and after deducting the Dream Points used to repair generators, batteries, and school walls, as well as other expenses, he currently has 173 Dream Points left.

What can you do with 173 Dream Points?Summer Solstice tried it before, in this dungeon, you only need 400 Dream Points to resurrect a dead person, which is surprisingly very cheap, which means that the points he has now can be rounded up to almost half a person.

I just don't know if such a modification has any effect on the snow.,If it's useful.,It means that the girl is equivalent to an extra life.,Even if she accidentally dies one day.,I have the hope of resurrecting her.,Don't watch the main quest fail in vain.。

Xia Zhi couldn't help but yawn while thinking like this.

"Let's get some sleep. He thought to himself.

Looking up at the rain outside, which was not about to stop, he lowered his seat, pulled the quilt next to the seat over his body, found a comfortable position to lie down, and closed his eyes.


By the time the summer solstice woke up again, it was already afternoon.

The dim light and the incessant sound of the rain reminded him that the rain outside was not over.

Xia Zhi raised his head and looked out the window, frowning slightly.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but he feels that this rain not only has no intention of stopping, but has a tendency to get heavier and heavier.

"Boom ——!


As if to confirm his thoughts, with a deafening roar of thunder, the already heavy rain immediately became a little heavier. This is no ordinary heavy rain, but to the point where it can be called a storm.

"It's not good. "

Xia Zhi felt a little worried in his heart.

The sound of rain and thunder will alarm the zombies,Let them who were originally in a state of "energy saving" become restless,Although the zombies in the Patrol Hill School Park have been emptied,The surrounding defensive measures have been prepared,But no one dares to guarantee that there will be no accidents。

Thinking of the girl left alone in the school park,Xia Zhi gritted his teeth,After starting the car, he plunged into the rain.。


heavy rain blurred the windows of the car, and the raindrops kept beating the front glass of the car, making it impossible for him to see the road ahead.

Xia Zhi simply abandoned the pickup truck, found a heavy truck on the side of the road, and after spending two dream points to project the real-time map on the retina, he drove directly at full power according to the path indicated by the dream navigation, regardless of whether there were vehicles blocking the road or other obstacles, and just crashed all the way through.

Half an hour later, the surrounding roads gradually became familiar, and Xia Zhi, who had left the unfamiliar area, finally let go of the last trace of vigilance and slammed the accelerator to the end.

With the roar of the engine, the speed of the car was pushed to the limit, and after driving like this for about an hour, the familiar silhouette of the building in the distance finally appeared in front of his eyes.

At this time, the sky was completely dark, and the rain was falling in the midst of lightning and thunder, and the school building in the distance looked as if it was completely submerged in the storm.

Looking at the teaching building that fell into darkness,Xia Zhi noticed that the light that belonged to the school life department was not on,This discovery made his heart sink。

"Squeak ——!


It wasn't until it was about to hit the school gate that Xia Solstice braked and stopped the car. There was no time to drive away the truck stuck in the doorway, so he pulled the door open and rushed straight into the rain.

He didn't feel anything when he sat in the car, but when he got out of the car, he immediately realized how heavy the rain really was.


raindrops hit him hard, and the strong wind almost pushed him to the ground, Xia Zhi quickly lowered his center of gravity, lowered his head and rushed towards the teaching building not far away.


He ran upstairs.,Roughly opened the door of the school life department.,But I didn't find the girl inside.。

Where did she go?

As soon as Xia Zhi had such a question in his mind, he heard the sound of the door being opened and slammed at the end of the corridor outside, which seemed to be coming from upstairs.


Xia Zhi reacted immediately, turned around and ran out of the room, rushing towards the rooftop.

Halfway through the run, he saw the girl running down the stairs soaking wet, and although she was already in a mess, she still didn't let go of the two flower pots she was holding in her arms.

Xue Xia also quickly noticed the young man under the stairs, and his face showed a moment of surprise, and his tense expression relaxed, as if he was relieved.

But in the next moment, the lax nerves made her pay, and she seemed to have tripped over something under her feet, and the whole person fell forward uncontrollably.


Under the snow, Yukino subconsciously closed his eyes, and he could almost anticipate the pain coming from all over his body after he fell down the stairs.

However, ......

"Bang dang ——!


The sound of the flower pot shattering, but the expected shock and pain did not appear, and she felt herself fall into a warm embrace.

She slowly opened her eyes and found herself sitting on the ground tightly guarded, unharmed except for her heart beating a little faster after being frightened.

On the contrary, it was on the side of Xia Zhi, because he was knocked back two steps and fell to the ground, causing his butt to be hurt.

"You may need to lose weight. He tactfully offered his advice to the girl.

"Don't you think it's a bad thing to blame others for your own powerlessness, and even to make personal attacks for it?

Snow said as he broke free from the boy's arms.

She gasped for a few moments, calmed her somewhat scrambled breathing, and shuffled herself to sit down against the wall of the nearby hallway, falling silent as she watched the fragments of flower pots and dirt scattered on the floor.

“...... Thank you. "

After a long while, Xia Zhi, who was rubbing his buttocks, heard the girl's thank you in his ears.

He didn't respond, just looked up at the top of the stairs, where the door to the rooftop was still rattling in the wind.

"The rooftop door was blown open by the wind, and the door frame was broken and could not be closed. Xuexia explained in a slightly weak voice: "The battery pack seems to have been damaged by water, and two solar panels have broken, so I threw away the flowers and plants planted in the pot to save as many vegetables as possible, but the wind and rain were too strong, and I only moved a few plants to ......the flower pot for a long time."

...... I just broke two pots.

She didn't say the latter sentence.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter if the battery or vegetables or anything else, you're fine. Xia Zhi shook his head, got up from the ground, came to the girl and stretched out his hand to her: "How is it, can you still stand up?".

Yukixia nodded, took his hand and stood up from the ground.

She pulled her wet hair from her forehead to behind her ears, and after a few breaths, she said, "I left you some food, it should be cold now, I'll go and warm it up for you again." "

After speaking,She was going to walk towards the classroom of the school life department.,But before she could take two more steps,I felt a softness under my feet.,The whole person fell forward......

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