When it comes to getting closer, apart from being at the dinner table, there is another way that Xia Solstice can think of.

Naturally, it's just playing games together.

It's just that when Xia Zhi and the girl finished tuning the song recorded today, and when they finally relaxed and had nothing to do, they made such a suggestion, and took out a revolver from their pockets, but they were driven out of the house by the elf girl mercilessly.

Kurumi Tokizaki can't figure it out.,How can anyone choose Russian roulette ~ handicap gambling for amateur games.。

Is this a little game to enhance relationships?

"Huh, I don't think there's a problem?"

Xia Zhi tilted his head sideways, and said as a matter of course

"Didn't someone say that the relationship that has lived and died together will be stronger?"

Although that's what you say, how many lives do ordinary people have, dare to play like this?

“...... How about trying a different gun next time?" Kurumi Tokizaki suggested.

"For example?"

"Well...... Flintlock pistols or something?"

So what's the need for betting...... Betting on the bore?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

He thinks that since it's roulette, at least it needs to be roulette, right?

...... Like a multi-tube gatling or something.

While the two of them were gagging every day, they returned to the school where Kamisato Hinata and the others were.

For a man like him to enter a school that is basically a girls' school, the guards guarding the school gate have no intention of stopping him at all.

Coming here, Xia Solstice wasn't for anything else, just like this morning, he took the tuned song to Hinata and asked her to help release the song.

Although it's not impossible to say that you release it yourself, but the resources on the Taisha side, why don't you use them?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and came to the classroom of the original girls, only to find that they were not inside.

Did you go to another course?

I heard Hyuga say that in addition to the content of compulsory education and ordinary schools, the brave also have other special courses other than basic courses.

In other words, they have a lot less spare time than the average student, right?

It's really hard, brave man of this era...... It's completely different from the group of girls three hundred years later.

Recalling the rich after-school life of the girls in the brave department three hundred years later, who were busy looking for cats, weeding, picking up garbage, cleaning the park, rehearsing dramas, etc., after school every day, Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Walking casually on the campus,There was no one around him.,Let him inexplicably feel like he's back in the original patrol hill school park.。

Before he knew it, he came to a building that was different from the other school buildings.

It looks like a dormitory, right?

Looking at the few clothes that were obviously girly styles hanging on the balcony to dry, Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment

...... No, don't go up.

It's one thing to go to a "girls' school...... It's not like he hasn't been to Natsuori's school before.

But entering the girls' dormitory is a different matter

...... Hey, similar to the girl's boudoir, it doesn't seem that she hasn't come in?

Xia Zhi shook his head, dispelled this idea, and was about to turn around to leave, but heard a girl's voice with a hint of surprise on the side

"Summer Solstice...... My lord?"

Xia Zhi turned his head and saw the black-haired girl standing at the door of the dormitory building, tilting her head slightly

"What a coincidence, isn't this a small county?"

Small, small county?

The girl seemed to be taken aback, obviously not expecting him to call herself that.

"What's wrong, don't you like it?" asked Xia Zhi.

"Not really!"

Jun Qianjing hurriedly shook his head and denied it, and was about to say something, but was interrupted again by the young man

"That's fine...... In exchange, just call me the summer solstice. "

Such...... May I?

She was a little dazed in her heart (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

After all, the boy is a god......

"So, Koma, can I give you a mission?"

Without giving her more time to think, Xia Zhi said as he shoved u into her hand

"Please hand this over to Hinata. "

“...... I know. "

Jun Qianjing retracted her thoughts, and in the face of the first task given to her by this god, her expression became serious and serious, and she tightly grasped the u in her hand

0 begging for flowers

"I'll swear to the death to get the job done. "


It's not to that extent.,There's still a backup of the same song on Miku.,It's a big deal to go back and copy another copy if you lose it.。

He shook his head and held out his hand to the girl's cheek.

"Then, as an early thank you......"

As he spoke, he gently brushed away the long black hair on the side of the girl's face.

Jun Qianjing's body stiffened in place, feeling his movements, as if he remembered something, he immediately came back to his senses, and hurriedly tried to cover his ears.

However, the next moment, a soft touch came from her ears, which made her body stiffen again

Immediately afterward, a faint white light lit up, and a warm temperature came from the ears.

This warm and comfortable feeling made the girl immerse herself in it, and her body gradually relaxed.

After a moment, Xia Zhi withdrew his hand, looked at the girl's small ears that had become white and delicate again as the scars on them disappeared, and nodded with satisfaction

"That way, it's even better. "

He touched the girl's head

"So, see you next time, my Miss Brave~"

After speaking, Xia Zhi waved his hand and turned to leave.


Looking at the back of the young man leaving, Jun Qianjing, who came back to his senses, gently touched his ear, the place where he had been scratched by his classmates with scissors.

There is no longer that familiar roughness, and the beginning is smooth and delicate

There was no more pain.

The pain that had been with her all along, as if it had been dispelled by the warm current just now, disappeared at this moment.

Instead, there was a residual warmth, as if I could still feel the gentle touch just now

"Summer Solstice ......"

Muttering the name softly, she believed it even more

The boy may really be the god who came to save them.

...... That being the case

The girl withdrew her hand, her eyes becoming firm......

... Small table....

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