“...... What's the matter?"

Looking at the elf girl who came to the bathtub, Xia Zhi asked out loud.

Fortunately, at this time, he had habitually cut off contact with Kurumi Shizaki, otherwise he would probably be watched by her again.

Answer. Come and help the summer solstice wipe your back. The girl said with a wink.

"I don't need to. Xia Solstice replied.

"Confused. Summer solstice, can you wipe the back?"

Xixian asked suspiciously.

It's not something you can't wipe off.

I'm just taking a bath, and I've already taken a shower before washing.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, changed the topic and continued to ask

"Aren't you afraid of the cold?"

Xixian shook his head: "It's okay. It was warmer in the bathroom than outside, and Yuxian didn't feel cold. "

That being said, I didn't turn on the heater myself, and the temperature of the water vapor alone didn't make much of a difference in this season.

From the slight trembling of her crystal red skin, and the faint faint pimple that appeared, it could be seen that what she had just said was obviously stiff.

Xia Zhi sighed slightly, stretched out his hand and gently grabbed her wrist.

Then, under the girl's puzzled gaze, she pulled her into the bathtub with a slight force in her hand. The water level in the bathtub immediately rose and soon overflowed

The superior apartment is good, and the bathtub is bigger.

Xia Solstice couldn't help but sigh again in his heart,

Looking at the girl sitting in front of her, her body was so stiff that she didn't move, and the ruddy flush that spread from her neck to the back of her ears also proved that her heart was not as indifferent as she had just shown.

Xia Zhi stretched out his hand again, and the moment he touched the white skin behind his neck, Xixian's body trembled subconsciously.

However, Xia Solstice didn't do anything but gently untie her hairband.

Long bright orange hair spreads out like a waterfall, rippling across the water.

“...... Emphasize. Xixian is here to help Xia Solstice wipe his back, not to be wiped on his back. After taking a deep breath, Yuxian said.

"I've seen your sister. "

However, the boy's next words made her stop talking again.

"She's very worried about you. "

Xia Zhi took the shampoo from the side and continued

"Because she hasn't been able to get in touch with you and doesn't know your specific situation, she has been depressed for a long time...... It's hard for her to be separated from you for so long. "

Hearing this, Xixian pursed her lips slightly.

There's no way around it...... If she could, why wouldn't she want to explain it all to Yakuya?

"I actually have a sister too...... Although it's not my own sister, our relationship is also very good. "

At least, it's better than the average brother and sister, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, applied the shampoo to the girl's long silky hair, and carefully rubbed it to lather

"There was a time when I accidentally disappeared, and she told me that during that time she was in a mess every day, and she felt as if she was dead. "

As he spoke, he patiently rubbed and washed every corner of the girl's long hair. Gradually, some foam began to waft on the surface of the bath.

"So I'm actually very guilty, and she did a lot of nonsense later, and I didn't blame her much. "


Xixian quieted down, quietly feeling the skillful technique of the young man, and with the comfortable touch from the gentle strength on his head, his heart couldn't help but soften.

Xia Zhi continued: "She later told me that at that time, she only thought that as long as she could find me, it didn't matter if she exchanged everything......"

“...... That's what Yakuya said at the time. "

Xixian was slightly stunned for a moment, and wanted to look back at Xia Solstice, but saw him pick up the shower and turn on the faucet.

She subconsciously held her breath so as not to choke on the current.

The warm water washed away the foam from her hair, and because of the teenager's experienced special care, not much water actually flowed to her face.

"So, you don't have to care so much about the pay. "

Xia Zhi put the shower back, looked back at the girl and said with a smile:

"That kind of thing, your sister has already paid for. "


Xixian slowly opened his eyes and looked at the summer solstice again. Her freshly rinsed hair was wet on her forehead, like a small animal drenched from the rain, adding to her feeling of weakness and pity.

“...... Just kidding. "

Xia Zhi breathed a sigh of relief, reached out to help her comb the messy hair next to her cheeks, and said softly

"Didn't I say it from the beginning? I'm here to save you, whether it's you or Yakuya...... This reward has already been given by someone. "

The two sisters, who had never been separated since they were "born", were suddenly separated, and naturally wanted to find each other's existence.

It was also at the beginning that Yusan left Shikoku to find his sister, and the elven power used outside the barrier exposed his existence, allowing the gods to discover their existence, which eventually led to the end of the previous world line.

According to Kurumi Tokizaki, it was also the first time that the gods were aware of the timeline anomaly and her existence as a time elf.

In other words, the reason why the girl is willing to give everything in order to save Yakuya is that in addition to her thoughts and love, there is also some self-blame from her heart.

Xia Solstice thought to himself.

"But there's one thing that's not lying...... I did say yes. "

Looking at the puzzled elf girl in front of him, a smile appeared on his face

"So, do you want to meet her?"


Xixian hesitated for a moment, but shook his head slightly:

“...... Reply. Xixian can't leave this plane. "

Xia Zhi did not accept the reason for her refusal: "Don't care about that kind of thing, you just need to give your answer, and leave everything else to me." "

Hearing this, Xixian's ears moved slightly, and she raised her head to look at him and asked:

"Confirmed. Really, can you?"

"If I can't even do this, how can I save you?" said Xia Zhi, who gently touched her head.

Feeling the soft touch coming from her head, the girl did not speak, but lowered her head slightly.

Xia Solstice didn't rush and waited quietly for her answer.

...... There is no basis and no proof

But Xixian subconsciously believed it

The boy was telling the truth.

After all, there is no point in deceiving her, and now she has nothing left.

Why, for the sake of this, she did it to such an extent?

She remembered in her mind what the boy had just said.

...... Save.

“...... Summer solstice. "

After a long time, the girl's soft voice came.

I don't know if it's an illusion, compared to the tone in which she usually speaks with little change, the girl's voice seems to have a special emotion at this moment, and it has become much softer?

Xia Zhi lowered his head with doubts, but suddenly felt a softness coming from his mouth.

“...... Conventions. "

After a few moments, he was separated from the boy again.

Xixian blushed slightly, her gray-blue eyes reflected the young man's face, and said softly:

"It has nothing to do with Yakuya, this is the reward agreed in advance between Xixian and Xia Solstice. "

She leaned on the boy and closed her eyes slightly

“...... At the same time, it is also a thank you for the sunset. "

It's not a transaction...... After all, the original deal was not made in the first place.

Not out of temptation...... After all, at that moment just now, she didn't have the idea of expecting a return.

It was the gratitude in her heart, and some other emotion, that drove her to do it.

...... Of course, it may also be very comfortable when you have just been washed your hair.


She thought to herself, raised her head again, and winked at the summer solstice

"Request. Can you continue?"

... Door....

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