When I woke up from my sleep on the summer solstice the next day, it was almost noon.

It's good to wake up naturally, but there's also a disadvantage to getting up late at night...... For example, if you accidentally miss lunch or something.

Fortunately, there are not many people who know Xia Zhi in this place, and they rarely take the initiative to disturb them, even if it gets up late, no one comes to knock on the door, otherwise it is really not very convenient to open it at this time.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looked at the orange-haired girl beside him, and still didn't wake up with her eyes closed. The delicate and lovely little face, fair and soft skin, and pink lips are slightly open, making people can't help but want to kiss it.

After falling asleep quietly, Yakuya feels a little cuter than usual.

Belch...... Maybe it has something to do with the psychological factors that I experienced at the moment after yesterday night?

Xia Solstice shook his head and turned his gaze to look around

Speaking of which, where did the sunset go?

Just as he was thinking to himself, he felt a movement in his arms. Then a little head came out of the bed, yawned a little, rubbed his eyes and greeted him:

"Greetings. Good morning, summer solstice. "

The light quilt slipped off her body, revealing her fair shoulders, and a few strands of hair fell from her shoulders and fell on Xia Zhi's face, bringing a slight itchy touch.

"Good morning. "

Xia Zhi gently brushed the hair off her face, rubbed her head, and asked softly, "Do you want to sleep a little longer?"

Yuxian shook her head, thought about it, winked at him, and then slipped into the bed.

...... I feel that Xixian, who is quiet and gentle on weekdays, seems to adapt quickly to this kind of thing, and it seems to be particularly bold.

In comparison, Yakuya, who is usually lively and bold, is unexpectedly much more shy at this time.

Looking at the girl beside her with her eyes closed, her cheeks flushed with a hint of crimson, and her eyelashes trembling gently with her breathing, she was obviously pretending to be asleep, and after thinking about it, Xia Zhi still had no intention of demolishing her.

It's just that it's almost past lunchtime, and the two of them are obviously inconvenient to get up at the moment. Ye Kuya, who is still pretending to be asleep, will not talk about it, as for Yuxian...... Don't look at her so energetic now, but in the end, she is still an ordinary person's body, and she really wants to rest more, right?

So, do you want to cook for the first time in a long time?

Xia Zhi pondered like this, but he was a little reluctant to get up for a while.

...... Let's order takeout.

He thought to himself.


In the end, it was Xixian who took the initiative to take up the responsibility of cooking, got up from the bed, said "thank you for the hospitality" to the boy, and got dressed and walked out of the room.

By the way, because she didn't bring her clothes yesterday, she was actually wearing Yakuya's clothes...... According to her own words, she felt a little stuffy, but she could barely bear it.

"What do you think about that?"

Xia Zhi looked at the orange-haired girl who was still sleeping in the crook of her arm and asked.

In the face of the boy's ridicule, Yakuya did not answer, but just opened his eyes and looked at him in shame.

For the girl's "counterattack", it is estimated that there is still some time, and the summer solstice, which is reluctant to get up and can't sleep for a while, decided to consolidate the family status by the way.

Anyway, I am also their "master", right?

An hour later, when Yuzun knocked on the door, Yakuya finally got out of bed.

Because her clothes were worn away by Xixian, she casually found a piece of summer solstice clothes in the room and put them on her body.

Compared with the summer solstice, although the height of the girl 157 is smaller than that of Xana and Hugh, it is still a little petite, and the clothes worn by the summer solstice are obviously one size bigger on her, but it does not make people feel awkward, and it unexpectedly looks quite harmonious.

"This shows that this palace and Xia Solstice are fateful people, with the power to transcend the blood covenant, and the silk threads of fate are intertwined with us, weaving into a network far closer than dusk and dawn!"

Yakuya crossed her hands on her waist and said with a smug expression, not showing that she was too tired to get out of bed just now.

"Translation. Ye Juya is saying: can be so perfect with the dearest summer solstice, Ye Juya is indeed the destined bride of the summer solstice. Ye Kuya won't buy clothes in the future, and it doesn't matter if he always wears the same set as Xia Zhi. Xixian blinked and helped translate.

Yakuya's cheeks flushed again, "Yushi, what are you talking about?"

"Laugh. Unlike Yuxian, Yakuya didn't feel bored at all when she wore a boy's clothes, which made Xixian very envious. "

"You were clearly talking about mockery!"

Listening to the daily quarrels between the two sisters, Xia Zhi couldn't help but want to sigh again, their relationship is really good.

Because of the rush of time, coupled with the fact that his physical condition was not very good, Xixian did not prepare a sumptuous lunch, which he didn't care much about.

It's just that......

He looked down at the rice in front of him

...... Who taught you how to cook red bean rice?

"Confused. Isn't that right?" Xixian tilted her head slightly.


There's nothing wrong with that.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Although the spirit crystals of Yakuya were collected, this mission was not completed, after all, as another twin elf, the source of the power of the two space-time peculiarities, the spirit crystals of the sunset still have not been successfully collected.

It's not that Xixian is unwilling to give the spirit crystal to Xia Zhi, but at this moment, she only exists in this imitation body in the form of consciousness, and the spirit crystal is not in this body.

Her body is still in Shikoku. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

So, after the girls had finished eating and rested, and had finished their messy beds and rooms, and said goodbye to Utano and the others, they returned to Shikoku.

"Come back, come back~" Yakuya said happily.

You haven't been here before, why did you come back...... Are you familiar with this side?

Looking at the orange-haired girl who was curiously wandering around the house, Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Like Yuzu, Yakuya's body can't leave the Suwa region for the time being, so the summer solstice also created a new body for her, which can be regarded as following her previous wish to have an extra body.

Of course, out of respect for the original, Xia Solstice didn't change any parameters when it was imitated, but Yakuya doesn't care about that kind of thing now.

"Hee-hee, Xixian is like a sleeping beauty, so cute......"

Looking at the body of the elf girl lying asleep on the bed, Yakuya squatted down and poked the girl's cheek, feeling his fingertips slightly press down the fair and pink face into a depression, and then quickly bounced up, as if he thought it was fun.

She turned around, looked at the boy and proposed, "Do you want to kiss Xia Solstice?"

When Xixian on the side heard this, he also cast an expectant look.

Your consciousness is not in it now, and you won't feel anything if you kiss it.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"Is this Yuzu's room?"

After a moment, as if he had had had enough, Yakuya withdrew his hand, looked at the surrounding room, and asked curiously.

"No, this is my room. Xia Solstice replied.

Yakuya: "......?"

As I said before, this is Yuxian's home, but there is a boy's room. And Xixian also slept in his bedroom when he had his own room (Zhao's).

...... So the two of you have been together for a long time?

Yakuya's cheeks puffed out in dissatisfaction.

However, this kind of thing doesn't matter now.

Compared to this......

She turned her head to look at Yuxian, and saw the same meaning in the other person's eyes

After taking a deep breath, Yakuya spoke

"So, Sunset. "

"Agreed. "

Xixian nodded, and said with the girl:

"Let's continue our showdown!" ×2

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned.


"Haven't you agreed to live with each other?"

"That's right, the original purpose is no longer there. Yakuya replied.

"However, this game has not yet been decided. Xixian continued.

So now, they're not fighting over who will be the last one left


They glanced at each other, turned their heads to look at Xia Zhi, and said in unison:

"Who will be the bride of the summer solstice has not yet been decided. "


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