Hearing the young man rarely call out his full name, Jun Qianjing was stunned for a moment.

Then she heard Xia Zhi's next words, and she was even more puzzled in her heart

Am I not your brave man now?

Originally, I wanted to ask like this

But looking at the young man's serious eyes, she suddenly realized that there may be a difference in "essence" in this.

“...... Well. "

Without asking anything more, after taking a deep breath, Jun Qianjing nodded firmly.

After getting the girl's consent, in order to avoid causing a riot on the street, Xia Solstice first launched a small blockade

The flames of the stars rose up, turning into a substantial wall that enveloped the space around the two of them.

The geometric array like a magic array expands around the "zero five-three", and the bright red space descends, freezing time and space.

Looking at the bright red world that suddenly stopped around him, a look of surprise appeared in Jun Qianjing's eyes.

She looked back at the boy as if she wanted to ask something, only to find that he had closed his eyes.

What the summer solstice wants to do is simple.

Three hundred years later, the brave are not without a "way" to deepen their connection with the sacred tree. For example, the garden was once known as the closest warrior to the gods.

By constantly opening and sacrificing one's body to the sacred tree in exchange for a demigod body that is closer to the gods, it is essentially a process of gradual assimilation with the gods.

Of course, the summer solstice can't make them go through that kind of process of constantly blooming

...... Or rather, he has the means to do it in one step.

After all, there are two brave men who have been completely assimilated into the body of a god after being completely baptized by divine power.

In the past, the summer solstice and the sacred tree were of course two completely different existences.

Otherwise, there would be no garden n... Snatched up the statement.

It's just that the current Cong Yun has become a new divine tree, completely replacing the original existence of the divine tree.

And don't forget, the subordinate god who thinks he is the summer solstice, and the divine power that constitutes the existence of Cong Yun after the new life is completely derived from the summer solstice.

In other words, their power is originally of the same origin. In some ways, apart from divinity, the existence of Cong Yun is not much different from Yuan and Dongxiang to the summer solstice.

So thinking about it the other way, when Cong Yun, who is the same source as himself, has become a sacred tree, the connection with himself has become closer, which is equivalent to the connection with her has become closer, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, gently clenched the girl's little hand, and mobilized the power in his body

The next moment, a soft white light lit up, enveloping Jun Qianjing's body.

Unlike the previous two times, Xia Zhi didn't feel any resistance this time, and his strength easily integrated into the girl's body.

Gu Qianjing could feel that a very comfortable and warm air enveloped her body, flowing through her whole body, making her feel as if she was immersed in a warm embrace.

"Hmm...... Hmmm......"

This overly comfortable feeling made her grit her teeth slightly, her cheeks were slightly red and she couldn't help but let out a moan, and her expression changed slightly, as if she was trying to endure something.

Fortunately, the feeling came and went quickly, only a few moments later...... At least to the senses of Gunqianjing, the warm current that flowed through his body quickly disappeared.

But...... The warmth that filled the body did not disappear.

As the lockdown was lifted, the noise around me came back into my ears, and the world resumed its operation again.

"Is there anything you don't feel comfortable with?" Xia Zhi asked with concern as he looked at her.

“...... I am fine. "

Jun Qianjing shook his head lightly (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

It should be said that it is better than ever.

The girl looked down at her left hand and tried to shake it

She could feel that the power flowing through her body at this moment was more abundant than ever. Not only that, but the connection with the boy in front of him has become closer, as if ...... He's always been there for him.

At this moment, she was finally able to understand what the young man had just asked if he was willing to be his brave man....

Indeed, there is a difference in "essence".

“...... The first. After taking a deep breath, Jun Qianjing raised his head and looked at the young man and asked.

"What?" Xia Zhi was slightly stunned.

"How many am I?" Gun Qianjing looked into his eyes and continued to ask.

Xia Solstice finally reacted to what she wanted to ask, and after thinking about it, she replied:

"In this era, it's only you for the time being. "

Without asking anything more, Jun Qianjing retracted his gaze, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly in a nice arc.

I care about this order, like a child.

Looking at the girl's rare childish side, when Xia Zhi sighed so much in his heart, he heard a familiar voice behind him

"Summer solstice!"

Yakuya, who came out of the store, was happily greeting the young man waiting at the door, but suddenly noticed the hands of the two still holding each other, and couldn't help but tilt his head slightly

"Not long after leaving, Xia Zhi took the hands of other girls, and he really couldn't let his guard down for a moment. "

Xixian nodded: "Agreed." The summer solstice is too attractive to girls, and 4.6 is not clean and self-loving at all, so it is easy to be tempted by other women to cheat. "

After thinking about it, she added: "Especially with the blessing of the other party's Yakuya-like advantage." "

Yakuya puffed out his cheeks in dissatisfaction: "Hey! What is the advantage of Yakuya!?"

"Laugh. Yuxian thought that Yakuya should know it, after all, it was Yakuya himself who said it. "

"I wasn't talking about boobs!"

pointed out. Xixian didn't say that...... After all, this is the advantage of Xixian. "

Without waiting to eliminate the "foreign enemy", the two sisters quarreled again.


So, having said that, the latter sentence is redundant.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.


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