...... This is a period of history that has not formed a spatio-temporal anomaly, but is still fixed.

It is not the sacred tree that does such a thing, but the heavenly gods.


Before returning to this point in time, Kurumi Tokizaki had reminded that the situation this time was slightly different from the previous ones, and it should be said that it was closer to the situation at the time of Shika.

This is reflected from the very beginning. In the same way as Toka's time, it is not only the Divine Tree that needs to be used to come to this plane, but also the power of Kurumi Tokisaki.

However, despite being mentally prepared, the situation is still different from what Xia Solstice imagined.

When the summer solstice opened his eyes, what he saw was not a familiar street and city, but a somewhat familiar scene.

The dim sky, the molten earth, everything around is burning in flames, like an apocalyptic sight

Dense white monsters of all shapes filled the dim sky, like stardust, roaming in this city that originally belonged to humans~ wandering.

The ruined ruins that you can see, the flames that consume everything you see around you, are all indicating...... This plane has been destroyed by the gods.

According to Kurumi Tokizaki, this is one of the few planes that has not been taken over by the power of the Divine Tree.

Their original plan should have been to go to the world before it was destroyed, just like Toka did, and reverse the rest of history.


"The timing went a little wrong. "

The voice of Kurumi Shizaki in his head seemed to carry a trace of undetectable exhaustion.

Xia Zhi didn't say much, after all, the family had already helped, and it wasn't a big deal if something went wrong.

He looked up at the sky, not knowing what he was thinking.

"It's useless. "

Kurumi Tokizaki said

"As a response to my ability to travel through time, the history of this plane has been fixed by the gods. "

This is one of the reasons why she finally gave up on saving this plane in the first place.

Because the gods were preempted and the results were determined, any change to the timeline became futile.

If it weren't for the ability that Xia Solstice showed to change the space-time peculiarities of a similar nature, she would have even been ready to give up this space-time.

Listening to Kurumi Tokizaki's words, Xia Zhi remembered that when she was in the last peculiarity, the girl had told him that the gods had discovered her existence.

"In fact, as soon as they found me, they had already taken action. Kurumi Tokizaki then explained.

“...... It's just that at that time, Xixian was decisive enough that we were able to take the lead and launch a space-time barrier with the Divine Tree, blocking their further interference. "

It's a sprint race. Xia Solstice thought to herself.

Although the Celestials would not have been able to create independent space-time anomalies like the Sacred Tree without the help of Kurumi Tokizaki, it seemed that this level of manipulation was still possible for them to simply fix a period of time and space that had already established history after some preparation.

In the face of this sudden change, it must have been unprepared for Kurumi Tokizaki at the time, so it was normal for him to fail this time.

It's no wonder that she hadn't told herself much about the situation here before she came here, and for her, it was a piece of black history that she didn't want to mention.

Xia Solstice thought as he took his gaze back

"It's already okay, let's go. "

After a brief small talk, as if he had re-prepared his strength, Kurumi Tokizaki said.

However, at this moment, a weak cough was heard from the ruins on the side.

Xia Solstice followed the voice and looked to the side

I saw a petite green-haired girl lying under the collapsed ruins, among the ruins surrounded by flames.

...... Although the time coordinates were wrong, the spatial landing point was extremely accurate this time, and it happened to be near the target.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, looking at the extremely weak figure.

Petite and thin body,Sickly pale skin,At first glance, it's a very cute cute Lori.

...... If you ignore the hole in her chest.

The girl lay quietly on the ground, like a broken doll, letting the blood soak the ends of her hair and clothes, dyeing her dark red.

Strands of blood slowly flowed to the surrounding flames, slowly roasted and evaporated, just like her life at the moment, gradually moving towards the final end......


"As I said, it's useless to save her at this time. Kurumi Tokizaki reminded him in his mind.

They have come to the wrong point in time, and even if they are saved, they can't change the history that has happened, not to mention that there is no spirit crystal in the current girl's body.

Only by going back to an earlier point in time like Shika did this time, recovering the spirit crystal, allowing the power of the Divine Tree to regain control of this time and space, and recasting history, can she truly be saved...... and this world.

Xia Zhi didn't pay attention to her words, and stepped over to the petite girl who was lying in a pool of blood......


It hurts......

The girl thought to herself.

It's as if the heart has been torn apart...... Of course, this is just a metaphor, my heart is still beating, and it is somewhere else that is being torn apart.

It's hot......

It's like you're going to be pushed into an incinerator...... It turns out that as a cremated corpse, is this how it feels?

At this moment, I shouldn't be much better than those who are dead and waiting to be cremated, right......?

The hair that was already dry and curly must have turned yellow by this time...... No, it's scorched.

The clothes were soaked in blood, and the smell of blood was everywhere, and it smelled terrible to death...... After all, it comes out of my own body.

Unable to move, she felt more and more that her fingers and body were no longer one, and slowly, she could no longer feel her body.

Someone like me won't notice if he dies, and no one will be sad, right?

Thinking about it this way, maybe no one likes it, but it's a good thing......

Thinking so, the girl coughed weakly twice again, and lay quietly in a pool of blood waiting for her death.

However, at this moment, she heard a sound of footsteps in her ears

She reluctantly opened her eyes, and in her blood-blurred vision, she saw only a strange black-haired teenager striding towards her

...... Who is it?

The girl's head first popped up with such doubts, but then quickly noticed something else

...... It's terrible, I'm already so ugly, and I'm still being seen in the ugliest appearance before I die

She subconsciously struggled to get up, but her body no longer had the strength to support her to do such a thing. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't move. "

A gentle voice came, and the boy gently picked her up from the ground.

What does he want to do? Do strange things to himself?

However, with his barren figure and appearance, it is impossible to arouse a man's desire even in ordinary times, let alone after death.

Do you want to use your body as a reserve food? The current weather probably won't last more than a few days before it will rot......

Just as the girl was thinking, the next moment she saw a soft white light light light up, enveloping her body

...... It's so warm.

It was a subconscious thought in her mind.

The pain in his body seemed to disappear all at once, and was replaced by a warm current that filled his body, as if wrapped in a warm embrace

"If such a beautiful and lovely girl dies, it will be a great loss to the world. "

There was a warm touch on her head, which made her want to indulge in it, but after hearing the young man's words, she had some doubts in her heart.

Pretty and cute...... Are you talking about yourself?

No, it must be someone else.

The girl looked around with difficulty, but saw no one but them.

Still, she didn't quite believe that the person the boy was talking about was herself.

"You...... Is it ......?"

Finally regaining some strength, she reluctantly raised her head, looked at the boy and asked.

Her voice was so hoarse and terrible that even she couldn't tell what she was saying. However, as if he understood, the other party opened his mouth slightly


The other party seemed to say something, but the ensuing burst of dizziness made the originally clear words no longer real

“...... Can you tell me your name?

When he came back to his senses, the boy had already lowered his head and looked at himself as he asked.

Looking at the black eyes staring at her in front of her, this time the girl was finally sure that he was talking to herself.


Sure enough, he was going to die.

So what you see and feel now is still an illusion?

...... It doesn't matter, even if it's an illusion, even if it's deceiving yourself, it doesn't matter

"The ...... of the Seven Sins"

She closed her eyes slightly, leaned her little head on the boy's chest tiredly, and responded softly, "...... Seven sins, this is my name. "

"Well, like me, it's a cute name that people like when they hear it. The boy hugged her body, not disgusted by the mixed blood and dirt on it, and stroked her long green hair, and said with praise.

...... It must be an illusion.

Again, the girl thought to herself.

Whether it's being praised, hugged, or pampered

In the end, I still hope that someone will save me......

Can someone ...... Like yourself......

"Don't worry, I'll save you. "

The boy's hand stroked her hair.

The white light became brighter, and the comfortable warmth gently supported her body, and the originally empty "heart" seemed to be filled again.


Suddenly, the girl felt that she didn't want to die.

Even if it's an illusion

She wants ...... A few more moments...... This warmth......

After all, since it's an illusion, it's okay to be a little greedy, right......

"So, get some sleep first. "

Listening to the soft words in her ears made the girl's heart feel reassured, and the exhaustion in her heart made her want to close her eyes obediently.

However, before that......

"Your ...... Name......" she pushed herself up, looked up, and asked again with some difficulty.

After a brief pause, the boy replied

"Summer solstice. "

This time, the girl finally heard his name for real.

As if she had finally put her mind at ease, she slowly closed her eyes with peace of mind under this warm embrace......

“...... Well, wait for me in the past."

Before consciousness sank into a haze, the last whispered words of the young man came to his ears

“...... I will...... Save yours. "

... Pill....

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