Living with girls, there will always be a lot of inconvenience, and I have a deep understanding of this summer solstice.

Fortunately, he also has a lot of experience in this area.

The experience of getting along with Xia Ori in the past laid a solid foundation for his later cohabitation with other girls.

Xia Solstice sighed while returning his gaze to the map of the city in front of him, which Hyuga had brought to himself, and used a marker pen to select the box of the area he had already walked through today, thinking about tomorrow's route planning in his heart.


There was a soft sound, and the bathroom door was opened, and the hot air with the scent of shower gel came out of it.

The red-haired girl wiped her hair with a towel, walked out of the bathroom, looked at the young man sitting in the living room, and reminded:

"Mr. Xia Zhi, I've put the hot water back on, go wash it~"

Xia Zhi let out a soft "um", raised his head to look at the girl who had just come out of the bath, and after thinking about it, he beckoned to her.


The girl tilted her head slightly.

Although 07 had some doubts, she still followed the boy's instructions and stepped forward and sat down beside him.

Xia Zhi took the towel in her hand and asked while helping her wipe her hair

"Where do you think we'd start tomorrow?"

Do you want to continue?

Yuna Takashima quietly stuck out her tongue, looked at the map spread out on the coffee table, thought about it, and replied:

"Tomorrow, let Xiaojun accompany Mr. Xia Zhi?"

For today's events, Qianjing-sao doesn't seem to be very happy anymore, judging from the attitude she showed in the morning, if she is still alone with the teenager's words tomorrow, it is estimated that she will be even more unhappy, right?

"In that case, won't today's efforts be in vain?"

Xia Zhi replied, "After all, the food we have eaten so far is judged by your preferences. Now, if the judging criteria change, it's time to start all over again. "

Be...... Is that so?

The girl thought hesitantly.

Although it sounds like this, why, do you always feel that there is something strange?

She couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Xia Zhi looked at the red-haired girl sitting in front of him

The hair that had only been wiped with a towel was not completely dry, it looked a little wet, the shoulders exposed outside the bath towel were slightly red, and the delicate and fair skin had tiny droplets of water, and with the evaporation of water vapor, it was slightly steaming, and there was a faint fragrance that I don't know if it was shower gel or something else.

I remember when I took a shower last night, the shower gel didn't seem to smell like this, right?

I don't know what brand I'm using, so I'll bring a bottle back to Natsuori when the time comes. Think it's a souvenir brought back from another world?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and after simply wiping the girl's hair, he took out a hair dryer, plugged it in, turned on the lowest wind power, and turned on the switch.

Listening to the sound of the fan running, the girl came back to her senses.

"The ......"

She was just about to speak, when she felt the soft touch coming from her head, she seemed to be startled, and her body involuntarily trembled slightly.

"Don't move. "

A gentle voice came, as if hearing some magical spell, the girl really stopped moving, and then her body quickly relaxed.

Xia Zhi didn't say anything, and gently helped her dry her hair.

"......" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Listening to the sound of the fan in her ears like white noise, feeling the slight touch of the teenager's fingertips rubbing between her hair and brushing her scalp from time to time, she narrowed her eyes slightly, and unconsciously seemed to be immersed in it.

"So, have you decided?"

I don't know how long it took, but the boy's voice pulled her back from this immersion, and after a moment of hesitation, she replied

"That, it's up to Mr. Xia Zhi to decide. "

It's the same as "whatever", and it's an answer that has no reference value at all. Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"So...... Start with your favorite food of the day. "

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi threw the ball back again.

"Eh, but ......," the girl couldn't help but hesitate even more.

She hasn't picked out which one she likes the most today.

Xia Zhi sighed slightly and shook his head: "You are like this, but you can't become a qualified judge." "

"Yes, I'm sorry, I'll try!" said the girl who apologized nervously, forgetting that she was "forced" to be the judge in the first place.

After drying her hair again, Xia Zhi nodded with satisfaction, put away the hair dryer and stood up 643.

"That's it, I'll go take a shower first. "

Xia Zhi, who said this, rubbed the girl's head, rubbed the hair that had just been blown again, and after saying hello to her, he turned around and walked towards the bathroom.


Feeling his hand leave her head, the girl was slightly lost.

She shook her head, got up from the couch again, picked up her change of clothes, and put them in the washing machine on the balcony.

Then she went into the boy's room, ready to take the futon she had just bought today and wash it with her.

However, at this moment, her eyes caught a glimpse of the dirty laundry basket placed in the corner of the room, and there were several other clothes in it.

“...... Huh?"

Didn't he wash the clothes he changed into yesterday night?

...... I guess I don't want to wash it, so I'm going to wash it myself, right?

The girl thought as she came to the dirty laundry basket.

Then, when she took out the clothes inside, she just saw one of the black shirts, and the inconspicuous dark red mark stained on it, couldn't help but be slightly stunned......


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