"Mr. Xia Zhi, this accident is very diligent. "

In the living room in the afternoon, Shizaki Kurumi took a sip of coffee lightly, looked at the black-haired boy opposite and said with a smile

"I thought you'd get tired of it with your girlfriend and the little brave for a few days before you thought of me. "

What you say, don't I usually work hard? Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

...... All right.

Recalling some of his usual actions, Xia Solstice decided not to argue with the girl on this issue.

However, he didn't agree with the girl's latter sentence.

"I think about Miss Mad Three every day, and I can't wait to get the reward in the future. "


Kurumi Shizaki narrowed his eyes slightly, kept the smile on his face, couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry, and continued in the same tone: "But I didn't say that there will be such a reward in the future." "

"How about talking about it now?" Xia Solstice tilted his head slightly.

“...... Hehe. "

Miss Time Elf smiled without giving a positive answer, and took another sip of coffee.

"What reward?" Mio on the side stepped forward and asked curiously.

“...... Some of the additional small rewards for clearing the level are also here. "

Xia Zhi said as he took out a small cookie from the tray and handed it to Cong Yun beside him.

Cong Yun said thank you softly, opened his small mouth slightly, and took a bite lightly.

...... I'm leaving you to take it yourself.

When Xia Zhi thought like this, he only felt the soft and wet touch of his fingers being licked by his little tongue

When he came back to his senses, he noticed that Xiao Congyun had already finished eating the biscuits in three or two bites, licked the corners of his mouth unsatisfactorily, and cast an expectant look at him.

Where are you a kitten?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and after stuffing a piece of doughnut into her hand, he turned his gaze to the silver-haired girl who was also sitting next to him on the other side.

From the moment she started, the girl didn't say a word, silently holding her cup of coffee, as if everything that happened in the world around her had nothing to do with her.

It should be said that since she said those two sentences last night, she has stopped talking, and she rarely reacts to some things around her.

I don't know if it was the previous experience that stimulated her spirit, or if she was frightened or something, which made her feel as if she had a sense of alienation and isolation from the world around her.

The only good news is probably that she has not developed autism that completely closes off her own world. Although I don't want to communicate with people, I like to stay where there are people.

To be exact, I like to stay in a place where I can see a teenager.

“... ~..."

Xia Solstice tried to pick up a small cookie and handed it to her as well.

Seeing his actions, the girl, who had been silent since just now, finally had some reaction, and her eyes fell on his hand.

After thinking about it, she didn't take it, but also opened her small mouth and took a bite gently

...... You don't want to learn from others.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and stuffed the remaining biscuits into her hands, lest she learn from Cong Yun later.

"Mr. Xia Zhi, you're really busy. "

Kurumi Tokizaki, who witnessed the whole process on the side, couldn't help but sigh.

Don't look at the excitement, it's not for fun to invite you over.

Xia Zhi glanced at her angrily

"Uh-huh, I know what you want to ask. "

Kurumi Tokizaki also took a biscuit, dipped it in coffee, and put it in his mouth...... I don't know where she learned this way of eating.

"Yes, I know her. "

After patting the cookie scraps on his hand, Kurumi Tokizaki replied.

Rather, she can be said to be quite familiar with that girl.

...... However, the "kite origami" I know shouldn't have appeared in this place.


Kurumi Tokizaki's gaze fell on the silver-haired girl beside Xia Zhi who hadn't looked at him since just now, as if the person they were talking about wasn't her at all

“...... Did something happen?" she asked aloud. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Something happened. Xia Solstice replied.

If you say it, you don't say it.

Shi Qi thought to himself, and he was not angry about anything, and after thinking about it, he changed the topic and continued with a smile: "...... Not only me, but that little brave man of yours should also know him. "

My little brave?

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, and then quickly reacted

Crazy three-fingered, it can't be a garden, right?

However, she had obviously seen the kite origami yesterday night and this morning, but she didn't say anything to herself?

It stands to reason that if you really know it, the garden shouldn't hide this kind of thing from you.

Maybe it's because she's changed so much that she didn't recognize it all at once. Kurumi Tokizaki replied nonchalantly.

Too much has changed......

Xia Zhi frowned slightly, and couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

If, according to previous speculation, the current little origami strayed into that world from another timeline, then it is very likely that she should have come from some "past" point in time.

In other words, what the garden knows is actually the ...... when he grows up That is, the "now" kite origami?

It does seem to make sense.

So the question is, where is that origami now?

"I wouldn't advise you to see her now. "

As if he saw what the young man was thinking, Shizaki Kurumi reminded him loudly.

Xia Zhi tilted his head suspiciously: "What's the matter? Is she in a state where she can't see people now?"

"That's not it...... It's just that it's not time to lift the current space-time barrier. Shizaki shook his head and said.

Xia Solstice recalled that the girl had said before that like other planes and planes that were isolated by peculiarities, they were now within a spatio-temporal anomaly.

...... In other words, the current time-space peculiarity was formed with the help of the power of that "kite-one origami"?

According to the order summarized by the previous experiences, it is not so surprising.

If that's the case, he can probably understand what Kurumi Tokizaki said.

This time-space anomaly, which has not been completely stripped away, is not only a doomsday clock for this world, but also a layer of protection, protecting the current space-time, even if all the past anomalies are removed, the butterfly effect caused by it will not have any impact on the "present".

This layer of last insurance does ensure that the summer solstice can act recklessly in the past, without worrying about the gardens of this time and space being affected in any way...... Moreover, this is probably the reason why the "Iris Origami" in the present is not affected by the "historical" changes that he experienced in the past, and he still retains the memory of Kurumi Tokizaki and only has the reason for the original experience.

Even if they didn't consider this, they had already chosen to dismantle the other anomalies one by one in order of timeline just in case and the chaos that might result, so of course they couldn't dismantle the current anomalies in advance...... Otherwise, wouldn't it be pointless to do that earlier?

Only, here's a catch...... If you want to remove the anomaly, you need to first let the "kite origami" open up to himself.

"You don't think that I can get her down if I meet her once, do you?" Xia Zhi complained.

"Who knows?"

Kurumi Tokizaki smiled meaningfully, and instead continued the topic, he reminded:

"However, Mr. Xia Solstice can prepare in advance now. "

What to prepare?

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, followed her line of sight, and landed on the silver-haired girl sitting next to her.


He felt that the girl had misunderstood her.

Do you think I'm the kind of person who can play with Project Light?


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