...... Xia Zhi began to regret it a little, he shouldn't have come up with such a solution.

He only thought about solving the problems at that time, and did not think that the solution of one problem could lead to more problems...... Maybe it has something to do with the fact that he's not a programmer.

First of all, Xia Zhi doesn't like to be photogenic very much, and he doesn't really like to take selfies.

So in the past, when he usually went out or was at home, he usually took pictures of Natsuori, and his own words, unless it was a photo with others, rarely left a photo of himself in his mobile phone...... On the contrary, it's Natsuori's side, and there should be a lot of photos about him.

Phone calls too, if not necessary, are rarely video calls on the summer solstice,

As for the experience of "live streaming" sleeping, it is even more unacceptable.

So in the face of the current situation, he is quite unaccustomed to it.

"Whew...... Calling ......" "One Three Seven"

In the quiet room at night, the sound of breathing echoes.

Xia Zhi looked back at Mio, who was sleeping next to her with her arms holding her arms and her eyes closed, touched her soft hair, and pinched her fair and tender face.


The girl let out a muttered indistinct sigh as if she had dreamed of some sweet dream, and hugged his arm even more, rubbing her cheek against his palm, revealing a sweet smile.

Gradually, the girl's breathing became steady again.

However, the summer solstice still couldn't sleep peacefully.

It should be said that the breathing sound that made him care about it was not from Mio's body, but from the mobile phone next to the pillow on the other side.

...... Yes, at the girl's insistence, from the time she went in to take a shower until now, the phone has not hung up.

This is one of the reasons why she no longer insists that she has to stay in a place where she can "see" the teenager, and is willing to go back to her room to sleep.

But as I said just now, the summer solstice is really not very used to being watched to sleep.

Originally, he wanted to stay up and quietly hang up the phone after the girl fell asleep


“...... Aren't you sleeping yet?"

Turning his head, a delicate face that occupied the whole picture appeared in front of him, looking at the pair of blue eyes on the screen that seemed to reflect a faint luster under the lens, blinking and blinking, Xia Zhi asked out loud.

The girl shook her head slightly, not the slightest sleepiness on her face.

...... Obviously, his girlfriend is asleep next to her, but he is openly "night chatting" with another girl in front of her...... When you think about it, it seems a little weird.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, shook his head, and then reminded loudly: "At your current age, it's not okay to lack sleep." "

"I'm not sleepy. The girl replied.

yes, I can see that.

Maybe I slept too long yesterday...... I knew I wouldn't let her continue to sleep at that time.

Xia Zhi thought about it, and felt a little regretful in his heart

...... It looks like there's nothing else to do tonight.

It's just that if this continues, won't it be like this every night in the future?

He suddenly realized such a problem, and looked down at the elf girl who was holding him

No way

Xia Zhi felt that he should think of a better way.


“...... Not a big deal. "

The next morning, the black-haired time elf girl sat down at the coffee table in the living room again, took a sip of coffee elegantly, put down the cup, looked at the teenager opposite and continued:

"I consulted with a professional, and based on the symptoms described, her situation was more like a psychological loneliness phobia with a fear of being alone after experiencing some stimulus...... And autism are two extremes. "

It's wonderful...... Uh, no, even if it's not autism, it's not great, is it?

Looking at the silver-haired girl who was sitting at the dining table not far away and solving breakfast, his eyes were still glancing at this side from time to time, Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

Then again...... (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Where did you meet the professionals?" he asked curiously.

"Based on my long-term relationship with Amnesty, it's not too difficult for them to help find one, right?" Tokizaki replied as a matter of course.

It seems to be the same

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

It's just that before leaving yesterday, he acted like he had nothing to do with her and wanted to go back to rest early, but in fact, he still secretly helped behind his back.

"Thank you, Kurumi. Xia Zhi couldn't help but sigh.


Shizaki said with a smile.

“...... How about you eat doughnuts next time?" Xia Zhi thought about it, tilted his head slightly and asked0 .

Why don't you complain about such things as doughnuts, no matter what you think, it won't be your own hands, right?

Kurumi Tokizaki, who was familiar with the boy, knew that with his character was not so diligent, he would personally cook for such a casual thing, shook his head slightly, did not dwell on this matter, and continued:

"Autism, also known as self-phobia, is a persistent, extreme fear of loneliness. At present, there are two types, one of which is also called special place phobia, which is manifested as an irrational and inappropriate fear of a certain object or a certain environment. "

...... To put it simply, when faced with such an object or environment, the phobia will develop an extreme sense of fear, so that they will try to avoid the environment in every possible way because they are afraid that they will not be able to escape. "

After saying this long series of words in one breath, Shizaki Kurumi breathed a sigh of relief slightly, picked up the coffee again and took a small sip.

You're not going to just memorize the whole thing, are you?

Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain.

"No, oh, another kind, because it doesn't match her symptoms, I don't have to carry it. Kurumi Tokizaki denied it.

Isn't this still a back?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, shook his head and pulled his thoughts back

Indeed, the illness mentioned by Kurumi Tokizaki is quite consistent with the girl's situation.

However, he also noticed some information in the girl's words

...... There is no mention of the reasons why girls show these 4.5 special attitudes towards themselves.

"Yes, she's not really afraid of not seeing you, she's just afraid of being alone...... In fact, as long as someone is with her, it's fine. "

Kurumi Tokizaki continued unhurriedly: "It's just that at this stage, she thinks that person has to be you. "

If you want to talk about it, this psychology should also have some dependency factors, but it is not completely certain at this time

If you think about it this way, the situation of girls may be a little more complicated than simple phobias.

“...... Did you do anything to her?" she asked curiously.

What can I do to her?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, hesitated slightly, recalled what had happened in the past two days, and felt a little uncertain.

Should...... Didn't you?


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