
"Girls can't just lift their skirts in front of others. "

Walking on the wide streets of the community, Xia Zhi admonished the small origami holding hands and following him.


The girl lowered her head and responded with a soft, almost inaudible voice, not knowing whether she was frustrated or shy...... Judging from her slightly reddened ears, it should be more of the latter.

Obviously you can be shy, why do you want to do such a thing?

Xia Zhi was a little puzzled, raised his head to look at the silver-haired girl on the other side, thought about it and proposed:

"Can you say a few words?"

In this regard, Mio, who is also a girl, should be a little more experienced and convincing, right?

"What did you say?" Mio asked, tilting her head suspiciously, as she seemed to have just recovered from her distraction.

"Mio, as a girl, will also pay attention to her appearance in front of other people, and will not rip off her clothes, right?" Xia Zhi replied.

I remember she didn't even want to show anyone what she looked like in a swimsuit.

"But the summer solstice is fine. Mio subconsciously said as a matter of course.

Little Origami's ears twitched slightly, and she looked up at her.

Don't teach her badly.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and reached out to break the girl's head again.

...... He felt that, according to Kurumi Tokizaki's words, since he was now "raising" the girl, he should take on the responsibility of teaching her...... At least you can't make her a pervert, right?

Not to mention, in terms of family education, Xia Zhi is very experienced and confident...... Belch......

Recalling his past "cases" of educational failures, he hesitated suddenly.

As he pondered, before he knew it, they had left the neighborhood and came to the crowded street.


Looking at the crowd around her, the noisy and prosperous scene, the girl inexplicably felt like a world away.

Although it is a familiar scene...... But...... It's also very unfamiliar......

On the other side, Xia Zhi, who was contemplative, felt that his little hand was slightly tightened, and when he lowered his head, he found that the girl seemed to be a little nervous about the lively crowd around her, as if looking for a sense of security, and her petite and immature body was close to her.

This reminded Xia Zhi of the seven sins when he first dated himself

Obviously afraid of loneliness, but on the other hand, he avoids the crowd...... What kind of complex psychology is this?

Xia Zhi was a little puzzled and shook his head...... Originally, I wanted to take her to school to meet Yuna and them, but now it looks like it's better to forget it.

He thought to himself, and gently took the girl's other hand, and placed it in Mio's hand under her puzzled gaze.

"I'm not the only one by your side...... Your Mio-sister is too. "

Xia Zhi rubbed her hair and looked up at the silver-haired girl.

Mio blinked in understanding, and similarly squeezed the girl's little hand slightly.


Listening to the young man's words, the little origami seemed to settle down slightly, lowered his head slightly, did not say anything more, and did not choose to break free of his hand.

...... In other words, if she calls Mio "sister", will she be a little inferior?

Xia Zhi shook his head and didn't care anymore...... Mio herself didn't say anything.

Anyway, in order to avoid today's incident, let's buy some girls' daily clothes first, after all, you can't always wear someone else's, right?

Thinking about the summer solstice like this, he took the two to the shopping mall they went to the most.

"Hello sir, and the beautiful Miss Mio, we meet again~!"

Passing by the door of a shop window with dresses and dresses, the waiter happily greeted them.

Xia Zhi remembered, it seemed that this was the wedding dress shop they had been to twice before.

...... It's a busy weekday morning, but the only clerk in the store is standing at the door with nothing to do, looking like he's going to go out of business.

So I said earlier, how about hanging some serious wedding dresses in the window?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, and then seemed to realize something, and was slightly stunned

...... By the way, why did you only call Mio's name, you shouldn't have forgotten my name, right?

"Oh, is this your daughter? What a lovely child. "

The clerk noticed the silver-haired girl who was being held by the two, as if she was cute, and squatted down to reach out and pinch her face, but was avoided by the girl and hid behind Xia Zhi. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Xia Zhi didn't quite understand how she recognized her as her daughter.

Let's not talk about the difference between her and Mio's hair color...... Even if they did get married at the time and decided to have children immediately, wouldn't it be faster?

...... However, considering that Mio is not human, maybe the elf's pregnancy time is different from that of humans?

He couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"We're here to buy clothes for this kid today. "

Yes (is it okay) the clerk in front of me who gave him and the summer solstice, the wedding dress that he likes very much, Mio still has a good impression, and replied loudly.

"...... for clothes?"

The other party was slightly stunned for a moment, and his eyes fell on the immature and lovely face of the girl who was hiding behind Xia Zhi and only showing half of his little head and looking at him nervously, and his expression hesitated slightly

"That...... Buy her a wedding dress now...... Could it be too soon?"


A question mark popped up on Xia Zhi's head when he came back to his senses

I know your performance is not very good, but there is no need to "sink" the business to this extent, right?

...... In other words, do you really have a wedding dress of this size style in your store?

He complained inwardly.


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