"You see, normal people wouldn't want to waste their time following me all the way back and still sitting there listening to me talk so much, right?"

Walking on the dimly lit path, the girl followed Xia Zhi and said this, and the footsteps of the two echoed clearly in the quiet alley.

Xia Zhi felt as if she was implying that she was not a normal person.

"Didn't you pay?" he replied.

"It's another reward. "

The girl shook her head.

She still remembers her original statement quite clearly.

"Maybe I might be a pervert who likes to follow cute little girls?" After thinking about it, Xia Zhi suggested another possibility.

"A real pervert won't admit that he's a pervert, right?" the girl said unconcernedly.

Then, she was slightly stunned, as if she had reacted to something, and emphasized dissatisfiedly: "Also, I'm not small!"

Xia Zhi felt that she was still too easy to trust others, and there were people in this world who took advantage of her psychology to take the initiative to admit and win trust.

...... Although I really am not.

As for the reason for wasting time on her...... It's just that I'm a little interested in the first minister of the Brave Ministry.,080 has nothing to do with her being very cute.。

"You don't need to do anything more. "

Seeing that Xia Zhi fell silent after listening to his words, as if she was worried that he would refuse, the girl continued to say in a loud voice: "Just accompany me...... Just accompany me to investigate and participate in club activities!"

"I'm not a student at your school. Xia Zhi complained.

"It doesn't matter, my club is also not recognized by the school~"

Since it is not a formal association, the conditions for membership do not need to be formal...... What do you mean?

The original disadvantage turned into an advantage at this time.

...... However, I didn't say I wanted to join, did I?

"This is it. "

The girl stopped in front of a door.


Xia Zhi raised his head and looked at the door of the apartment with the hibiscus number in front of him, and asked out in confusion.

"Oh my family. The girl replied.

I know...... What I want to ask is, why did you bring me home like that? How wary of a strange man you met for the first time?

Or is it ...... You actually look very relatable?

Xia Solstice couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

"You said before, you don't have a specific destination, do you?"

Lily said as she took out the key and opened the door.

"Coupled with the fact that you're hanging out with me all night, I can also understand that ...... You don't have a place to live yet, do you?"

I've been upgraded from an idle adult to a homeless adult.

"I had a place to stay. Xia Zhi said seriously.

"Is this your home?" the girl tilted her head slightly.

“...... Not really. "

She looked like she was, and turned back and walked back into the room.

I always felt as if she had misunderstood something.

Looking at the door that was not closed, Xia Zhi hesitated for a moment, and followed into the house.

Walking through the hallway of the entrance, she could see that it was empty, and it was no wonder that she hadn't bothered to come back so late.

"What about your family?" Xia Zhi asked suspiciously.

"Dad works in another city...... It's only a few hours by car, but it's a long commute every day. "

The girl replied and turned on the electric light, which illuminated the room with a bright light.

"Wait a minute. "(abbg)

She said, walking to the side room.

“...... Do you have an impression of her?" Looking at the girl's back, Xia Zhi asked in his heart.

"Nope. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Kurumi Tokizaki's voice came from the bottom of his heart, and he replied:

"I'm very busy, and I rarely care about ordinary people's affairs, except for events related to elves and a few brave people. "

In other words, in the original history, girls were not some of a figure to be taken seriously, right?

“...... However, he is a funny child. Tokizaki said with interest.

When she doesn't need to be busy with her own work, she does have this leisure...... Or is it because you are too confident in yourself?

Xia Zhi shook his head and looked back at the room where the girl had just entered.

It seemed to be a living room, with similar furnishings to a normal room. If anything, it's probably that there is an altar inside, and on it is a picture of a beautiful woman who looks like a girl.

If I'm not mistaken, it should be her mother.

"My mother is an outsider, and when the wall appeared, she happened to be traveling in this country, and she has been living in Shikoku ever since. "

As if noticing the boy's curiosity, after folding her hands and worshipping the women on the altar, Lily stood up and explained, walked to one of the closets in the room, and took out a thick envelope from it.

“...... Since the day the disaster struck, she has been worried about her relatives in Shikoku, and until she died, she has been thinking about her hometown and family, and said that when the world returns to its original state, she can go outside the walls...... I want to go back to my hometown......"

I see

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

It seems that part of her obsession with the wall and her desire to look outside the wall is also due to her mother's influence.

"Let's go. "

Lily returned to Summer Solstice's side and looked up at him.

Xia Zhi was slightly stunned: "Where are you going?"

"As a reward for accompanying me to participate in club activities, I'll rent you a house to live in. The girl tilted her head slightly, and replied as a matter of course

"You don't want to live in my house, do you?"

...... Well, it looks like the basic wariness is still there.


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