"Whew...... Ha...... Ha ......"

The girl walked panting down the hillside, panting uncontrollably, sweat dripping from her smooth cheeks.

If she still had the strength to shout tired before, now she doesn't have that strength at all

"Wait...... Wait...... Don't leave me behind......" She weakly held out her hand to the summer solstice.

Oh, there's still a little bit of strength.

Xia Zhi stopped, turned his head to look at the pale-faced girl behind him, took her hand, lest she fall due to physical exhaustion, and asked thoughtfully

"Do you need me to carry you?"

"No need to ......"

Lily shook her head weakly, beads of sweat spilling down her hair and face with her movements, and the whole person looked as if she had been fished out of the water

After standing there and resting for a while, she finally regained some strength and replied gasping for breath

"Let me ...... Take a break and ...... Okay......"

By the way, this is the third time she has said this sentence along the way. And they are now only about a third of the way to the top of their destination.

This kid, his physique is inevitably a little too bad, right? Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain in his heart.

Xia Ori's physical strength was also very poor before, but it was only because of neglect of exercise, and it didn't reach this level...... You know, the heaviest bag is now what he helped hold.

The girl's physique feels much worse than the average of ordinary people.01

Looking at the red-haired girl with a pale face, standing in place and panting constantly, Xia Zhi didn't let go of the hand holding her after thinking about it, and tried to mobilize a trace of divine power to transmit it to the past


Lily's body trembled slightly, and her pale cheeks regained a trace of blood and became a little ruddy.

"What's wrong?" Xia Zhi asked with his head tilted slightly.

"I didn't ...... Nothing ......."

She hurriedly shook her head, let go of the hand holding the young man, and said in a panic with a slightly red face

"I, I'm rested...... Let's move on!"

It seems that the divine power is still somewhat useful to her, and she has recovered her full strength without much rest.

It didn't take long for the girl to find out about it herself

For the rest of the journey, she hardly needed to rest, as if her body had inexhaustible physical strength, supporting her to climb to the top of the mountain in one breath.

Looking down at her hands, Lily's eyes were full of surprise.

With her knowledge reserves, it is not that she cannot explain the current phenomenon

But...... It stands to reason that only when a person is dying or seriously injured will a person secrete a large amount of adrenaline to make a person forget about fatigue and pain for a while

And you will encounter this situation yourself......

"Do you mean...... I'm going to die?" she muttered to herself.

Summer Solstice: "......"

You don't have to be so pessimistic, right?

"Maybe it's a blessing from the gods. After thinking about it, he said.

"I don't believe anything I haven't seen. Lily lowered her hands and replied decisively.

I see.

It seems that seeing is believing.

Xia Solstice didn't care, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with it. Otherwise, if you believe everything that has not been confirmed, wouldn't you believe that there are dragons, angels, monsters, fairies, Ultramans, goblins, monsters, magical girls, and other messy things in this world?

It's a little too tiring.

After standing in place and resting for a while, after confirming that there was indeed nothing else unusual about her body, Lily breathed a sigh of relief and prepared to continue moving.

Unlike the previous section, the final section to the summit is not open to visitors, and there are no steps for people to walk, as if they were made of rocks, and the road is more like a rock wall, with only a few chains to grasp.

Lily took the lead, stepped forward and grabbed the chain on it, as if preparing to take advantage of the momentum just now.

I can't see that she's quite brave sometimes.

The girl hesitated for a moment, turned her head to look at Xia Solstice and said:

“...... If I fall, catch me. "


Xia Solstice chose to retract what he had just said...... Sure enough, this is still the Lily who was afraid of walking at night before.

"Remember, you must catch me!" the girl reassured worriedly.

"Don't assume you're going to fall. "

"I'm not preset, I'm just ...... Insurance only. "

The girl's mouth hardened, and she turned around and grabbed the chains, and climbed up the steep and messy rocks little by little.

It was only then that Xia Solstice realized a problem...... She's wearing a dress, huh?

After a moment of silence, he pretended not to see anything and silently looked away

"Summer ...... Summer Solstice ......"

However, after waiting for a moment, a crying voice came from overhead.

What's wrong?

Xia Zhi raised his head suspiciously, but saw the girl's body clinging to the rock wall, clutching the chains, looking at him with teary eyes, looking pitiful

"Help Me ......"


Looking at the girl who didn't dare to climb up halfway up the mountain, Xia Zhi couldn't help but think of the stupid cat at home who didn't dare to climb down the tree.

...... No, she's dumber than the cat, at least the kittens climbed the tree.

"No more...... At first, it was fine, but after looking down, I realized that it was terrible, what if I really fell?"

The girl's voice trembled, as if she was really scared

"Then don't look down. The summer solstice was puzzled.

"I can't help it! There's a guy down there looking at the bottom of my skirt. "

...... She found out.

Xia Zhi looked away awkwardly (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Don't look anywhere else, hurry up and save me!!"

Between personal privacy and "life", it seems that she still chooses the latter.

In the end, without much effort, the summer solstice brought the girl to the top of the mountain.

Finally arriving at a relatively flat place, Lily breathed a sigh of relief and turned to look at the young man, her cheeks flushing slightly

“...... Perverted.

The first thing I said to save you was to scold your "life-saving benefactor", is this really good?

Fortunately, she also seemed to know that at least half of her own responsibility was involved, and Lily didn't say much.

"It's a pervert, but I want to thank you. Thanks to you for saving me, if I were alone, I guess I would really be hanging halfway down the mountain, and it would be really dangerous. "

As soon as she came to a safe place, Lily, who was still teary-eyed and pitiful just now, quickly recovered her spirits, and she had to sigh that she switched states faster than ordinary people.

"So, so...... If you peek at the bottom of my skirt, it's a write-off. She looked away slightly and said with a red face.

If you're shy, don't mention it.

After resting for a while, after asking for a schoolbag from the summer solstice, the girl took out an assembled telescope from it.

It seemed as if she was preparing to use this thing to observe the bridge and walls in the distance.

"All the routes to the outside of Shikoku have been blocked by Amnesty, and I want to investigate to see if I can go straight to the top of the wall with a glider at this altitude. "

Noticing the young man's curious gaze, she explained as she busied herself.

That's right......

Summer Solstice looked back at the wall in the distance, at this altitude, if 580 was downwind, it was indeed not impossible to glide to the top over there...... It's just that it takes a lot of luck to come along

"Have you ever learned how to use a glider?"

"No, but you should learn it pretty quickly, right?" replied the girl.

You're very confident...... But how does it feel so unreliable?

On the other side, the girl had already assembled the telescope and was about to set it up to the edge of the platform when her feet accidentally slipped


Fortunately, Xia Zhi grabbed her hand in time, which prevented her from almost fulfilling the "preset" of falling down just now.

"Thank you...... Thank you. "

Lily gasped for a few moments, looked at him and thanked him.

If you don't have a teenager, you guess you're really going to fall, right?

"Your Excellency has commanded you, so I must catch you. Xia Solstice said.

But this is pulling ......

As if knowing that now was not the time to complain, Lily blushed slightly, grabbed the boy's hand and stood up again, turning her head to look at him again

"That, I'm ......"


Just as she opened her mouth slightly, and was about to say something, suddenly, she noticed something unusual.

All the sounds around him disappeared in an instant.

She looked around suspiciously

Undulating waves in the distance, clouds floating in the sky, gentle breeze blowing beside you...... Everything came to an abrupt halt, as if the whole world had come to a standstill.

This is...... What's wrong?, the girl's eyes were full of confusion.

On the other side, Xia Solstice raised his head and looked at the sky that was torn apart in the distance and bloomed like a glaze-like streamer, and quickly realized what had happened

"Turning the ...... into a sea of trees"


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