Without continuing the topic, Xia Solstice pushed the girl away from her body and sat down back in her original position.

"You want to repent?"

Liuyu tilted his head slightly and asked him.

There was no hint of anger or dissatisfaction in the words, as if they were simply asking questions in their hearts.

Strictly speaking, we didn't make a final contract for that matter, did we?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

Of course, it's not that he doesn't plan to save Liu, but the girl has some small misunderstandings about the content of the contract.


Since you haven't reached a contract, it seems that it's okay to regret it after you're done...... Ahem, nothing.

“...... I will save you, but not the current you. "

Xia Zhi shook his head, looked at the girl in front of him again, and said seriously:

"I need you to be open to me and accept my existence wholeheartedly. "


After listening to the young man's words, Liuhu fell silent, and after a moment continued to look at him and asked, "...... Can I understand that what you want to save is not the current me, but the original me who has no heart lock?"

"I said, I want to save you all. "

Faced with the girl's inquiry, Xia Zhi replied

"It's not just you now, it's also about you who has your own feelings. "

The current girl is not all the "six", but she lacks a part of her emotions.

Since a part is missing, it can hardly be called complete, right?

The words of the summer solstice convey such a meaning.

“...... It's mine...... All"

Liuyu silently recited this sentence in his heart again, shook his head, looked at the boy again, and replied:

"I don't deny what you're saying, but I also don't think I'm a 910 complete. "

She paused for a moment and continued to whisper, "...... I'm just actively discarding unnecessary things. "

The human body excretes unnecessary substances every day to maintain the operation and health of the body, and it cannot be said that the human body is incomplete after discarding those substances, right?

In the girl's opinion, the so-called affection is an unnecessary part of the same.

No, even more harmful...... Hazardous substances.

“...... Those things will only bring misfortune. "

She muttered softly.

"It's not unnecessary, it's just that you don't feel it right now. "Summer Solstice returns.

"What's wrong with that?"

Liuyu tilted his head slightly, with a natural expression.

Xia Zhi knew that she didn't understand, but she couldn't understand it.

Everyone has a different opinion, and people who have feelings will feel pathetic, but people who give up feelings can't empathize with this, and they can't understand what is sad about it

People can't understand each other in the first place, let alone one of them actively seals their hearts.

Looking at the blonde girl with a calm expression in front of her, Xia Zhi's mind couldn't help but think of Huby's figure.

Some people have tried their best to find the existence of "heart", while some people have taken the initiative to give up their "heart"

The unevenness of the world is sometimes so emotional.

From their own point of view, it is impossible to say whether such a decision was right or wrong for them at the time.

But one thing is certain

Hughby, who has found his "heart", is now very happy


He breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the elf girl in front of him, tried to change the way of communication, and said loudly: "Equivalent exchange, six." "

"I have taken action, and I deserve to be rewarded accordingly. "

“...... If I save you, what can you bring me?"

"Didn't I already promise to be your X slave?" replied as a matter of course.

Xia Solstice pulled a few black lines down his head.

Can you stop mentioning this stubble?

"What if I don't want your body?" Xia Zhi said, shaking his head.

Liuyu frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he asked suspiciously:

“...... So what do you want?"

Now I don't seem to have anything else to pay for except this body.

As for the spirit crystals...... Isn't that part of the "body" in her mind?

"It's simple...... I will give you my heart to save all the beings named Star Palace Six, and in the same way, I want to get your feelings in return. "

Xia Zhi stretched out his hand to the girl in front of him, looked into her eyes and said:

“...... So, open your heart to me, Six. "

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of him, Liuyu was silent for a moment, and continued to ask: "Is the bargaining chip of the transaction my sincerity?"

"That's understandable. Xia Solstice replied.

If she thought that feelings were unnecessary before, then it would be good to make them "necessary".

If the girl thinks that the so-called affection will bring misfortune

Then it is up to herself to redefine it, and what they will bring now will be her "luck"

...... No

Xia Solstice thought to herself

Although a girl without a "heart" gives up pain, sadness and loneliness, she also gives up the ability to be happy, happy and feel all the good...... In other words, she gave up the possibility of "happiness".

So, to have a relationship again, that means

“...... You're going to get it back."

He looked into the girl's eyes and continued to whisper, "Yes, it belongs to the possibility of your happiness." "


The six fell silent.

The reason why she blocked her heart before was that she decided that the disadvantages brought to her by her feelings far outweighed the benefits

But if now, reopening the heart lock can make the teenager promise to save himself from this world (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

After the pros and cons are re-weighed (ABBJ), the benefits of lifting the lockdown and restoring feelings seem to have regained the upper hand.

If it is a normal ordinary person, he will probably hesitate at this time, after all, his previous self gave up everything to block his feelings, and there must be a reason to do so.

But now she will only think about problems with pure rationality.


“...... Seal the Lord ......"

With the girl's soft call, the key-shaped tin staff condensed in the void and fell into her hands.

She flipped her little hand and aimed the top key part at her chest, but she didn't immediately insert it.

"Rebuild the deal. "

Liuyu turned his head and looked at Xia Solstice to confirm again

"I give you my heart, and you give me the corresponding salvation, is that so?"

"And my sincerity. "

Xia Zhi added, chuckling: "Count it, you earned it." "

Liuyu didn't care about the second half of the sentence...... That kind of thing is not in the reward she needs, and it doesn't really matter if she has it or not.

"However, there is one thing that I need to correct. "

Holding the soft and warm little hand stretched out by the girl, Xia Zhi corrected and said:

"It's not a deal, it's an agreement. "


Liuyu tilted his head slightly, as if he didn't understand a little, but the young man didn't seem to have the meaning to explain

...... Anyway, he said yes, right?

Looking at the hand he was holding herself, the girl thought to herself.

It doesn't matter if he breaks his promise later, after all, this contract is not unilateral, and if he reverses it, he just needs to re-seal it.


"Open ......"

The girl inserted the Sealant into her body and turned it slightly.

With a soft "click", something was changed

What will happen when the heart that has been closed for a long time and cannot feel the emotions will be untied again one day?


In a trance, an illusion of light shining into the darkness that had been closed for a long time rose in Liu's heart

Countless emotions poured into her mind, causing waves in her originally unchanged heart...... No, it should be said that it is a choppy wave.


The girl's body trembled slightly, the vision in front of her kept flickering, and the torrent of feelings paralyzed her body and heart.

Abnormal...... My current self is very abnormal

No, it should be said that she is normal now

Liuqiao is very aware of his current situation

Myself...... Because of him, he took the initiative to open his heart lock and let the originally monochromatic world be occupied by invisible colors that he had not felt for a long time

The rich feelings washed over her heart like a flood bursting her banks, and the feelings that had been suppressed and closed for a long time were suddenly released, and all the feelings seemed to be infinitely magnified at this moment, making her heart a mess.

The only thing she could feel in her confused mind at the moment was the tangible touch and warmth coming from her hands


Her heart inexplicably recalled the words of the young man just now

My own sincerity and ...... Happiness......?

"When the ......"

The sealing master fell off from the hands of the six worns and fell to the ground, and the girl's body fell down as if it could not be supported, and was caught by Xia Solstice in time


Feeling the warmth of hugging himself, and the heartbeat that clinged to his body, Liuyu raised his head and looked at the young man in front of him in confusion

"Summer Solstice, I ......"

She opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something, but the next moment she was suddenly stunned


The girl's eyes widened slightly, and she remembered the things she had done and said when she faced the boy......


Liu's body trembled slightly, and his cheeks were visibly red


Xia Zhi tilted his head slightly


The girl blushed and pushed away the summer solstice, and the Lord of the Sealers opened the pitch-black hole in the void, hid in the black hole and disappeared.

That's really ...... I can't calm down.

Looking at the place where the figure of the six mews disappeared, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.


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