If it's called takeout in this weather, will it be cold when it's delivered?

Looking at the dripping rain outside the window, Xia Zhi thought worriedly in his heart.

Of course, he didn't care about these things, but if he was to help Lily with him, he would have to pay a little more attention.

People don't want to eat dinner anymore, and if they send a cold dinner, they must be even more unappetizing, right?

Or...... It's better to make some noodles yourself.

Just when Xia Zhi was planning to cook in person after a long absence, he seemed to feel something and tilted his head slightly.

After thinking about it, he didn't go to the kitchen, but turned to the door and opened it.

Appearing at the doorway was a petite figure soaking wet.

"If you're back, why don't you just come in?"

Xia Zhi looked at the elf girl in front of him and asked.

I didn't lock the door.


The girl was silent about this, not knowing whether she didn't want to answer, or if she didn't know how to answer for a while.

Xia Zhi sighed slightly.

"Come in first. "

He made way for the girl and took out a new pair of slippers from the 02 shoe cabinet and handed them to her...... She wore it away yesterday, and she hasn't returned it yet.

Seeing that the young man didn't ask anything, and walked into the back of the house like this, Liuxiao hesitated for a moment, and followed closely behind him. The rain continued to drip from her body, leaving a clear trail of water on the ground.

Summer solstice:......

He shook his head helplessly, beckoned the girl to sit down in the living room, brought her a dry towel, and then went back to get the mop and wiped the water on the floor.

"Summer Solstice ......"

Looking at the busy teenager in the living room, Liuxiao opened his mouth slightly, as if he wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Xia Zhi's first step

"Let's go take a shower first. "

As he spoke, he handed the girl the paper bag he had taken out of the room, explaining:

"When I came back from outside today, I bought some clothes by the way, which were bought according to your size...... I don't know if it fits or not. "

Anyway, even if it doesn't fit, the girl can use her spiritual power to reconstruct it herself, right?

...... Oh yes, and there are intimate clothes that Lily went out of order to buy. It's just that considering the girl now, Xia Solstice didn't say this.

Looking down at his soaked body, Liuhu nodded, took the paper bag, and turned his head to walk in one direction

"That's your room over there. Xia Solstice reminded her.


The girl's footsteps paused slightly, her cheeks flushed slightly, and her steps quickened slightly, and she walked into the bathroom indicated by the other party, and slammed the door shut.

Originally, seeing her taciturn, I thought she was locking her feelings again, but it didn't look like it.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, took out the wristband from his personal universe, turned around and went into the kitchen to get busy.


In the bathroom filled with warm steam, Liuqiao sat in the bathtub with his legs crossed, his long golden hair spread out in the water, fluttering slightly with the current

Looking at the slightly rippling water in front of her, a strange emotion spread through her heart.

Originally, she was still worried that her "awkward" farewell would make the boy angry, but now it seems that he didn't seem to care about what happened at that time.

I wasn't particularly happy, nor was I angry as expected, but I was very normal, as if I was a family member, welcoming myself back


The six meadows recalled the ...... the boy had just mentioned. That room of its own

"From now on, this will be your home. "

What came to her mind were the words that the boy had said that day when he introduced himself to the room


Her eyes grew confused, and her head sank beneath the surface, leaving behind a string of "gurgling" bubbles.

When Liujiao, who had finished taking a shower, drying his hair, and put on new clothes, came out of the bathroom, he found that there was already a steaming bowl of lid topping on the table.

"Once you've had your fill, then go to sleep and get some rest. "

Summer Solstice, who had returned from Lily's side, said this to the blonde girl.


There was a delicious aroma in the air, and looking at the steaming bowl of noodles in front of him, an inexplicable emotion rose in Liu's heart.

She finished her noodles silently, and quietly watched as the boy packed up the dishes and chopsticks and was taken back to his room.

"There's a quilt in the closet, you can add another bed if you feel cold, the switch at the head of the bed can also control the light, and if you feel hungry at night, you can come to me, I probably didn't go to bed so early...... If someone knocks on the door tomorrow morning, it's okay to ignore her, she won't be knocking long before she has to go to school. "

Xia Zhi helped the girl make the bed, and after giving her a few words, she was ready to turn off the lights and leave. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Summer Solstice ......"

Before leaving, Liuyu suddenly spoke out and stopped the young man.

"Huh?" Xia Zhi looked back at her suspiciously.

"I ......"

Taking a deep breath, as if a decision had been made, the girl continued with a blushing face

"The original promise is still valid, I, I will...... Grant your request, even if it's ...... That's okay......"


She raised her head, her eyes were slightly apprehensive, and she looked at the young man with a hint of hope and asked:

"You're going to ...... Save me, right?"


Xia Zhi sighed slightly, came to her bedside, lowered his head and looked into her eyes: "Have you forgotten what I said at the beginning?"

...... the original words?

Six Yu blinked, recalling the conversation between the boy and himself

The bargaining chip of the transaction is not the body, but one's own ...... Wholehearted......?

"It's not a deal, it's an agreement. "

Xia Solstice corrected

He gently took the girl's little hand and touched her head

"So, get some good sleep. "

After a moment's pause, 547 looked into the girl's eyes and said softly

"Don't worry. "

“...... Either way, I'll save you. "


Is it not a deal, but an agreement......?

I felt the warm touch of leaving with the boy's hand leaving his head after saying "Ann", but the peace of mind and warmth in my heart did not disappear.

The sincerity of the exchange, as well as the ...... Your own happiness......

Looking at the back of the young man disappearing behind the door, silently reciting this sentence in her heart, the girl's heart rose up with the wonderful emotion she had felt before

Gently pressed her hand on her chest, feeling the emotions surging in her heart, intertwined and spread in her heart, and gradually occupied her heart again

She pursed her lips slightly and stretched out her little hand again

"Seal the Lord ......"

The light gathered in her hands, condensing into a key-shaped angel


The "key" turned slightly, with a slight sound, sealing something in her heart.

However, this time she is not blocking her feelings.

Instead, he tried to freeze this emotion and warmth in his heart

"Ann ......"

The girl's lips moved slightly, and her soft words echoed in the quiet room, as if in response to the boy's goodbye.

Surrounded by this beautiful warmth, she slowly closed her eyes and gradually fell asleep......


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