Perverse! The members of the ministry are not allowed to take care of the minister's affairs!

Looking at the message replied by the girl on the phone, Xia Zhi pulled the corners of his mouth.

When did I become a member of your department?

And isn't that club of yours about to be abolished?

He shook his head slightly, put his phone away, and looked back at the blonde girl who had changed into her regular clothes, and beckoned to her.

Seeing this, Liuyu obediently came to the sofa in front of him and sat down, like a well-behaved sister.

Xia Zhi also sat down beside her, took out a comb to help her recomb her long golden hair.

The teenager did not continue to inquire about the previous matter.

However, the more he didn't ask, the more uneasy Liu's heart became~.

Do it yourself right. There was no doubt about that.

However, that was also something that the boy had explicitly opposed, and it would definitely make him angry if he knew about doing so...... This is also one of the reasons why Liujiao secretly did it behind his back.

But now the young man's reaction made Liu Yu a little unpredictable.

He didn't seem to be angry, and after asking once, he didn't ask about what had just happened.

What do you think, official?

Waiting until his hair was combed, Liuqiao hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at the young man: "Official...... I won't continue to ask about what I just said......"

"Shhhh "

Before she could finish speaking, Xia Zhi put a finger to her lips, made a silent motion, and then put a small beret on her head.

After thinking about it, he put another coat on her, took two steps back and looked at it, and Xia Zhi nodded with satisfaction.

Well, that's fine.

Although I don't know how to dress, I can't go wrong with the style that Natsuori used to wear in my memory, right?

"Let's go, let's go around. "

He took the girl's little hand again and led her out of the house under the bewildered eyes of the other party.

As soon as I came outside, I could feel the colder temperature than inside.

Xia Zhi helped tighten the girl's neckline, and asked her in a whisper Do you feel cold?

Six shook his head.

The elf's physique allows her to get along with each other even in the face of cold that is unbearable for ordinary humans. However, it is not because of this that she does not feel cold at the moment.

She quietly lowered her head, her little nose sniffing at her clothes, and she could smell the familiar smell coming from above.

The girl looked satisfied, and pulled the thick coat she was wearing slightly, so that she could wrap herself more tightly.

The coat that originally belonged to the summer solstice was still a little wide for her. Originally, the hem on Xia Zhi's body only reached the waist, but now it almost covers the girl's thighs.

However, there is no way around it...... Changing into someone else's clothes, she probably won't accept it, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and took her out of the apartment and into the street outside.

Unlike the bustle of the daytime, the city is more tranquil at night.

The street is dimly illuminated by the few street lamps, and the shadows under the feet change positions alternately with the light sources, and the shadows at the edges gradually fade, and then become solidified again as the next street light source approaches.

Holding the hand of the young man beside him, Liuyu looked at the scene curiously.

The streets that were still full of traffic during the day were now only the traffic lights at the intersection still flashing, and their footsteps clearly echoed in the empty streets.

For a moment, Liuqiao felt as if there were only the two of them left in the world.

...... This kind of world seems to be pretty good?

She thought to herself, hesitated for a moment, then raised her head and asked:

"This too, is it a date?"

"Yes. "

Xia Zhi gave an affirmative answer, "How does it feel compared to the daytime?"

"Very novelty. "

After thinking about it, Liu Yu gave this answer, "However, the concubine body likes it very much." "

It's better to say that as long as there is a teenager by her side, no matter where she goes on a date, she is very happy and likes it, right?

"That's not all. Xia Zhi shook his head and said.

Having had relevant experience, he knows very well that the experience of a night date is more than that.

Seeing that there was still a lot of time, Xia Solstice took her back to the places she had visited on a date during the day.

Shopping malls and movie theaters are closed, of course, but the snack streets and late-night restaurants on the roadside are still brightly lit, and the parks are still open.

It's obviously the same city, but just because of the different times, what is shown in front of the girl has become a completely different face.

Holding a large bag of snacks and snacks, walking on the sightseeing path along the coast, feeling the cool sea breeze blowing in his face, Liuqiao raised his head and looked at the slightly rippling sea under the moonlight in the distance, and his eyes flashed with an inexplicable light.

...... I accidentally bought too much

Glancing at the snacks in the arms of the girl next to her, Xia Zhi had a hesitant expression on her face.

Wouldn't it be nice to eat so much at night?

...... Never mind.

The elf's body, you shouldn't have to care about these little things, right?

He shook his head, looked up at the sea in the distance, and suddenly said:

"You know what?"

"In the past, I was only one person at the beginning, and then somehow, I was suddenly taken to a strange family. "

The six came back to their senses, and in her puzzled eyes, the young man continued

"But unlike you, the only family member in the family didn't like me very much...... At least that's what I thought at the time. "

Hearing the young man's soft voice, Liuqiu was slightly stunned. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Summer solstice...... Same as me?

"But that's not really me. Not paying attention to the girl's confused expression, Xia Zhi continued.

After all, at that time, my mind was mature enough not to feel lost and uneasy because I suddenly came to an unfamiliar family environment and faced an unfamiliar family member who didn't like me...... At most, I think it's a little troublesome.

However, Natsuori is different.

She was just an ordinary child.

"My sister was just like you at the beginning, worried that I would suddenly disappear and leave one day. Xia Zhi continued.

There is no blood connection, so they will be afraid to leave. Because they were strangers they didn't know before they met, they decided that they were definitely not the people they valued the most. The inner gains and losses are manifested in actions, that is, they dare not get too close to themselves, and they are unwilling to show their hearts, but they are particularly concerned about their every move in private.

...... At the time, I didn't realize this, and I really thought she didn't like herself.

This is the opposite of the six whoops who directly express their liking intentions.

0 for flowers0

But then, she stopped worrying about it. "

"Why?" asked Liuqiao curiously.

"Because she gradually understood that I would never leave her. "

Xia Solstice shook his head slightly, looking at the silver-white moonlight that turned into ripples as the waves rose and fell on the sea in the distance

"No matter what, I won't forget, no matter what I do, I won't hate it, and even if it's far away, my heart will be connected, so I'll never leave ......"

“...... Because, we are already such relatives. He continued to reply softly.

Although it was a legally regulated relationship at the beginning, there was no blood connection.

But blood ties are always just an excuse. What really maintains the relationship between relatives is never the genetic similarity that is less than 0.1 percent, but the accumulation of time and night between getting along little by little, which is different from other feelings, but does not need other things to prove a special feeling.

Therefore, since they are all excuses, whether it is blood or the relationship prescribed by law, it is the same in the eyes of the summer solstice.

The point is that he really sees Natsuori as his sister, and that's enough.

...... Although this family relationship has also deteriorated later.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart

Or, from Natsuori's point of view, isn't it actually "deterioration"?


On the other side, looking at the soft look on the boy's face as he talked about his sister...... Undoubtedly, that's an expression that only comes when you mention someone you really like.

At this moment, Liuhu seemed to see his own figure in him

He and I ...... It's the same. She thought to herself.

This should have been a very happy thing, but when she thought that the important relative that the young man said was a girl who had nothing to do with her, she felt very uncomfortable in her heart.

"Summer Solstice...... Do you love your family?" she asked, holding back the emotion in her heart.

"Of course I loved. Xia Zhi replied as a matter of course.

Receiving his answer, even more intense discomfort and uneasiness came to my heart again.

Relatives should cherish each other the most and should love each other the most...... It was supposed to be something she had been pursuing all along.

But why? She still felt so bad

Unconsciously took two steps back, Liujiao clutched his chest, and shook his head blankly: "I still, I can't understand." "

When Xia Zhi heard this, he turned his head back to look at the blonde girl beside him: "It's okay if you don't understand, you will have enough time to understand all this." "

After thinking about it, he continued, "Let's make another agreement." "

In Liu's bewildered eyes, he held out his hand to the girl, "I'll give you enough time to make sense of all this, until then...... Promise me not to do anything like this today, okay?"


Looking at the hand that the young man stretched out in front of him, Liuqiu's heart was full of confusion

Yourself, is it really understandable?

"Don't worry, I'll be waiting for you. "

Xia Zhi shook his head, comforted the girl's confused and uneasy mood, looked at her golden eyes and said softly: "Until then, I will always be by your side......"


“...... At the end of the day, give me another answer. "

... Ten....

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