"First of all, don't move. "

In the bedroom, Liuhu had changed into loose pajamas and was standing on the edge of the bed to accept the three chapters of the young man's covenant.

"Uh-huh. "

Six nodded his little head.

Xia Zhi raised a second finger at her: "Second, don't touch it." "


"Third, even if you wake up halfway, close your eyes and continue to sleep before dawn. "

"What if you want to pee?" the girl asked curiously.

"I'm going to go now. "

The girl covered her mouth, indicating that she was just asking

"Finally...... Don't call me Daddy. Xia Solstice raised his last finger and instructed earnestly.

"Oh......" Six nodded a little disappointed.

How do you feel like you're very reluctant to "four, five, seven" wishes.

Xia Zhi sighed slightly and said to her, "Come up." "

Liuxiao smiled happily again, jumped on the bed, and pounced on Xia Solstice with open arms.

Didn't I tell you not to move?

Feeling the girl hugging her body tightly, her pink cheeks rubbing against the soft touch on her face, Xia Zhi thought helplessly.

As he expected, Liuyu, who didn't even want to leave him half a step away from the toilet, was naturally reluctant to sleep alone at night, and said that he would sleep in the same room with him.

In order to let herself sleep peacefully and comfortably, Xia Zhi had to make an appointment with her for three chapters.

It's just that if she agrees with a girl with a mind similar to that of a newborn child, whether she can abide by it in the end is a little uncertain whether the summer solstice will be able to do so...... Anyway, that's the way it can be.

So,What is the use of assigning her that room before.,To 㡳?

Holding the girl's delicate body, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.


It turns out that even if the lack of memory has led to a certain degree of psychological regression, at least the girl is still well-behaved and obedient, and she has kept her agreement with herself all night, and she sleeps peacefully in his arms, and she has not made a fuss in the middle.

...... Or was she just sleeping deeply?


The girl who had just woken up rubbed her eyes and greeted Xia Solstice in a daze, "Good morning...... Summer Solstice Daddy ......"


I just finished praising her.

"Didn't you agree that you weren't allowed to call me that?" Xia Zhi asked.

Six shook his head in confusion: "Isn't that an agreement to be made in bed?"

Why does this sound so strange?

"It's in bed right now. The summer solstice reminded her.

The girl looked down at where she was, as if that was indeed the case...... I just woke up and accidentally forgot about it.

She looked nervous, worried that the boy would blame her for the incident.

Xia Zhi sighed helplessly and touched her little head: "Good morning, Liu, get up." "

Hearing this, the girl's face reappeared with a smile.

Taking care of a child is a tiring thing, and taking care of a child who doesn't know anything is even more tiring. Because of the different brain circuits, no one knows what she will do.

Took the girl to the bathroom, and it took a lot of effort to teach her how to wash with a toothbrush and a towel...... The main energy was spent on refusing her request for help, telling her that independent children were more likeable, so he finally got rid of her and came out to make breakfast.

And after breakfast, Xia Zhi was going to take her out for a walk.

It's not good to stay at home all the time...... Taking children out for a walk is also an important component of physical and mental health.

It's just that for the current Liuyu, it's a little inappropriate to date like before.

Xia Zhi thought like this, and was thinking about where to take her to "see the world", but when she heard a rustling sound behind her, she turned around and found that the girl had changed out of her pajamas


Are you a little too impatient?

"Go back to your room and change!" Xia Solstice pulled a few black lines down his head. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Six Blinked: "Huh, but I won't ......."

Then don't take it off so fast.


After spending a lot of effort to help the girl change into a new dress she bought when she was shopping before, and after helping her recomb her hair, Xia Zhi gently took her little hand0 .

"Remember, you can't run around when you're outside, and you can't get too far away from me. "

Before leaving, he once again made an appointment with the girl for three chapters.


Liuyu nodded his little head, hugged his arm tightly with both hands, and made a gesture with action: "I won't leave you!"

You don't have to hold it so tightly......

Feeling the strength of at least 3.6 Xia Ori in his arm, Xia Zhi thought helplessly.

That's the second thing he's going to tell the girl

"Don't talk to strangers, and try to avoid touching people if it's not necessary. He continued.

Not really, but what will hurt the girl, the main thing is to worry about other people.

No matter how immature her mind is, in essence, the girl is still an elf, and her strength is naturally much higher than that of ordinary people.

At the same time, it is precisely because she is not mentally mature enough now that she doesn't know how to control her strength well, and it won't be good if something accidentally happens.


Listening to the young man's solemn tone, Liu Yu also nodded again seriously: "I won't let anyone other than Xia Zhi touch me." "

It feels good 2.2 like there's something wrong, but forget it, so be it.

"Let's go. "

After helping her put on her shoes, Xia Zhi took her hand again and led her out of the house.

Liuyu looked up at him and asked curiously, "Where are we going?"

"Third, don't call me dad outside. "



Not far away, listening to the conversation between the two as they walked apart, the landlord who happened to pass by breathed a sigh of relief

I thought it was Lily's boyfriend who was having an affair...... Now it seems that they are father and daughter, so it will be fine

After a moment, she couldn't help but be stunned again

...... Uh, no, it seems worse, right?


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