After receiving the boy's response, Liuyu became happy, came to his side, and leaned his probe to peek at his face

"Summer solstice, are you looking at the stars?" she asked curiously.

...... How should I tell her that she was still thinking about her bath a moment ago?

Xia Zhi slightly deviated his gaze, and responded vaguely with a "uh-huh".

"Sure enough. "

A happy smile bloomed on the girl's face, and she looked back at the night sky full of stars overhead: "Liu'er also likes stars." "

It's no wonder, after all, she has the word "star" in her name.

In this regard, Liuyu shook his head slightly, "I just like the feeling of looking at the starry sky with someone I like like like this." "

In a way, this is a blank slate, right?

It's just that during the time she spent with the girl, she didn't hide her liking and affection for herself from the beginning, and there were "confessions" like this almost every day, which was commonplace for the summer solstice. also knows that the girl likes this in her heart, and the proportion of "family" should be a little more.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, took off his coat and draped it over the girl.

Compared to the time and space when I first came, it is now completely autumn, and the temperature at night has dropped a lot, and I still feel a little cold when I run to the windy rooftop wearing only a thin nightdress after taking a shower.

Grabbing the edge of the coat with his little hand, feeling the cold wind of the outside world being cut off by the warmth, Liuyu sweetly replied "thank you", and slightly pulled the coat on his body to wrap himself tighter.

After thinking about it, she asked curiously

"Do you know the stars on the summer solstice?"

"If you refer to a star, you know a few of them. Xia Solstice glanced at the starry sky above him and replied.

Hearing this, the girl seemed to be interested, and asked with great interest, "Which ones are they?"

"Not here. "Summer Solstice returns.


Liuqiao tilted his head slightly.

Seeing the puzzled look on the girl's face, Xia Zhi continued to explain: "I can't see it until morning. "


Liuqiu thought about it and quickly understood.

Isn't that one of them known except the sun?

It's no wonder that the summer solstice, knowledge such as astrology is generally classified in geographical classification in school, and he has never been very interested in liberal arts, and he doesn't dabble in much except for the necessary knowledge points.

Of course, the Big Dipper can probably be recognized by words, but it doesn't make much sense to identify it, after all, the starry sky itself is also created virtually.

And as the owner of the "Divine Tree" that created this starry sky, strictly speaking, he actually has the control of this starry sky

In other words, whatever star he wants to call, he should call it. But that's not interesting, forget it.

"It's a pity...... Liu'er doesn't know a lot, otherwise he can help introduce it. "

The girl looked sorry.

"If you don't know now, it's okay to learn slowly. "

Xia Zhi didn't care very much, and he didn't spoil her interest, and comforted her and said

"When you get to know each other better, it's good to introduce me one by one in the future. "

"Yes. "

Hearing this, Liuqiao also put his heart at ease, with a good-looking smile on his face, and said with a smile: "Then please wait for Liu'er on the summer solstice." "

"Well, I'll wait for you. Xia Zhi replied softly.

The words fell, and there was silence between the two again, except for the sound of the evening breeze on the rooftop.

After a long time, the girl's soft call was heard again in the breeze

"Summer Solstice ......"


Xia Solstice responded. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Can I be your wife?" the girl asked, turning back to him.

Ah, this is the first time.

"Don't you call me dad?" Xia Zhi asked.

"Is there a conflict between the identities of the daughter and the wife?" the girl asked, tilting her head slightly.


As far as common sense is concerned, these two words shouldn't be put together on this level at all, right?

Xia Zhi complained in his heart.

"I already understand my feelings for you......"

Not caring about the boy's reaction, Liuyu continued to speak softly

"Sister Hinata once told me that family affection is the sublimation of love...... But I felt, at least not for me. "

"A normal lover has love first, and then slowly develops into family affection...... But I'm the complete opposite, I became the family of the summer solstice first. "

"'I didn't admit it, did I?'"

Xia Zhi couldn't help but complain.

...... As far as the identity of "daughter" is concerned.

"But did Xia Solstice say that he wanted to be my family?" asked the girl, tilting her head slightly.

That's true......

Xia Zhi nodded, and then seemed to think of something, and was slightly stunned

"Developed from family affection...... But it doesn't stop at family affection. It is both the sublimation of love and another form of love. "

Not caring about his stunned look, Liuhu looked up at the starry sky above his head and said softly:

"Not satisfied with family, nor satisfied with simple lovers......"

She withdrew her gaze, looked back into the boy's eyes, and continued, "I want to be, for the summer solstice, a unique existence that has both. "

As a "daughter", she has a natural and inseparable family affection for teenagers. She wants to be a "wife", and she has a fiery love for the incorrigible teenager (Zhao Dehao) in her heart.

The combination of these two is the complete existence of her, named "Star Palace Six".

...... Of course, in fact, it doesn't matter if it's a "sister", but I heard that Xia Zhi already has a sister, and I don't know if he cares about such an attribute coincidence.


didn't complain about the girl's ethical thoughts and remarks that may be too early for the current human race, or that Xia Zhi's mind was not focused on this now

Looking at the girl's golden eyes that reflected his face, he seemed to realize something, and asked uncertainly

"Are you...... Six?"

“...... Well. "

In the face of his question, the girl did not deny it, smiled and nodded slightly

"Good evening, officer. "

She stared into the young man's eyes and whispered softly, "I'm back with Xin." "


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