After coming back this time, Xia Solstice deliberately stayed in this time and space for a while longer.

First, the last "business trip" was too long, and it was necessary to ease up.

The second is ......

His gaze was not far away, and he was standing in front of a target with a gun raised, and the silver-haired girl was intently aiming at the target in front of him.


With a slight pull of the finger gripping the trigger, the bullet was propelled out of the muzzle by air pressure, accurately hitting the bullseye with the highest score.

The girl breathed a sigh of relief, looked back at Xia Solstice and beckoned to him, a happy smile on her face.

...... It's also to spend more time with her.

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

For more than a month, I can basically say that I have been by her side, so that she can be more familiar with the world and try to communicate more with other people while reassuring her.

Maybe it was the effect of her last words, or maybe it was the result of her efforts during this time, the girl's mental illness has improved to a certain extent, and it seems that she is slowly coming out of the shadow before and gradually recovering her nature as a child of her age.

The only thing that hasn't changed much from before......

He breathed a sigh of relief as he couldn't wait to run back to him after taking the prize from his boss, raising his head to look at himself, as if looking forward to being complimented

It's still clinging to itself.

...... Anyway, it's going in a good direction, right?

Xia Zhi thought to himself, took the doll prize handed over by the girl, and touched her head

"Well done. "

As a bonus......

He thought for a moment, lowered his voice and said in a deep voice:

"Five-nine-seven" "Looks like it's time for you to get in touch with the real guys." "


Without waiting for the little origami to answer, the garden next to him showed a curious expression: "What the hell? Is it a gun?"

"It's more exciting than a gun. "

Xia Zhi patted her little head, handed the doll in her hand to Mio beside her, took the girl's little hand, and led them to another area of the amusement park.

...... So it means a roller coaster?

Looking at the familiar amusement facilities in front of him, Yuan Zi showed a sudden expression, but then a trace of doubt appeared in his eyes.

Generally speaking, roller coasters are just a very ordinary ride.

However, usually the roller coasters in amusement parks will stipulate that children under 1.4 meters tall cannot play.

After learning the news, the small origami at that time was still lost for a while.

This time, why did Brother Xia Zhi bring them back here again?

Could it be ......

Yuan Zi looked at the girl thoughtfully and nodded slightly

I see

"Origami sister, you've grown up. She said with relief.

Xia Zhi didn't quite understand what kind of brain circuit she was.

Although it is possible to make a girl become an adult overnight, I can indeed do it...... Refers to the ability to create a witch with a fake.

But there's another equally easy way to do it, just give Amnesty a phone call and they'll take care of the rest.

As it turns out, Amnesty's promise that "it will meet all your requests" is still counting. As an organization with absolute control over the four countries, this little thing is not difficult for them at all

...... The difficulty is a little lower, next time I look for them to try the sky battleship.

Xia Zhi pondered in his heart.

Of course, in case anything happens...... The main reason is to worry about psychological problems, and I still have to follow as a "guardian".

"This is a special treatment that Cong Yun and Yaye have never received~"

Of course they didn't, after all, they already met the play criteria.

The garden next to him blinked and thought.

Since she made an exception to sit on it, it was natural that this was her first roller coaster ride for Little Origami.

At first, it was a little novel, watching the teenager help him fasten his seat belt, and whispered back "thank you".

However, when the roller coaster slowly moved, she began to get nervous.

"That, summer solstice...... I...... Yikes!"

She looked back, as if to say something to the boy, but the roller coaster suddenly kicked in, turning the rest of her words into a short exclamation. The feeling of weightlessness and overweight alternated, and the spinning vertigo made her involuntarily clench on to something.

The sound of the wind, the car and the shouts filled the ears, and the picture in front of me was constantly spinning and churning, and it was completely impossible to distinguish the world upside down

The garden shouted and screamed in the back, and the little origami clung to the young man's clothes and hands, and his little face turned pale, for fear that if he let go, he would fall into the abyss.

Although with her current physique, even if she fell out, she didn't know much about it...... Putting aside the identity of elves and braves, she is just an ordinary little girl, and such amusement facilities are really too exciting for her at this age.

Until she got out of the car, the girl still hugged Xia Zhi's arm tightly and refused to let go, and she didn't know if she was really scared.

Originally, she was very interested, thinking that she should be able to adapt to this kind of project

...... Let's change the project later, right?

Xia Solstice thought to herself.

"Sir, please wait a moment. "

Just then, a man who looked like a staff member rushed up to stop them and handed them a stack of photos

"This is the photo I took for you in the process just now, are you satisfied with it?"

Summer Solstice remembered that some amusement parks would provide such services, but ......

"You have to charge money for this, right?"

He asked, tilting his head slightly.

I remember that one seems to be quite expensive.

"Today, the amusement park has launched a special offer, and the photo service is free. The staff said.

Well, it looks like it's the work of amnesty too.

Xia Solstice lowered her head and looked at those photos

Because many of the photos were taken during exercise, although they seem to have been screened, some of them are still a little blurry.

...... Speaking of which, this should be one of the few photos I took with others when I was playing outside, right?

"What do you think?" he asked, turning to the silver-haired girl beside him.


On the other side, looking at the picture of himself and the boy next to each other in the photo, the eyes of the little origami flickered slightly, slightly distracted, and I didn't know what I was thinking. It wasn't until she heard Xia Zhi's question that she came back to her senses.

"One more time. She raised her head, looked at Xia Solstice and said.


A question mark popped up on Xia Zhi's head, and he didn't quite understand how she jumped here

...... By the way, weren't you scared just now?

"One more time!"

The girl looked at him firmly and repeated.

...... Well, since she's so insistent.


“...... Origami sister, very motivated. "

Looking at the roller coaster running in the distance, Yuan Zi couldn't help but sigh. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After sitting four or five times in a row, even she was a little tired, but the girl still looked like she was tired of it.

...... Sure enough, young people are more motivated?

Heck, such a statement accidentally says that you are old.

When the boy was not around, the garden habitually entertained himself in his heart, and then realized that there was another person beside him

She turned her head and looked at the silver-haired girl beside her, who got out of the car with her because she was worried that it would not be good to leave her alone.

Despite sitting here, the girl's eyes remained on the roller coaster, and it was obvious that she was looking at someone in the distance.

Sure enough, the most important thing in Sister Mio's heart is Brother Xia Zhi, right?

Sonoko thought to herself, and then realized something

...... Speaking of which, Sister Mio is Brother Xia Zhi's real girlfriend, right? Watching her boyfriend leave herself like this and play intimately with other girls

"Sister Mio, aren't you jealous?" Sonoko asked curiously.

"Why do you ask that?"

Hearing this, Mio retracted her gaze and looked at her, tilting her head slightly and asked.

"This ...... Learning experience?" Yuan Zi thought hesitantly, and replied uncertainly.

What do you learn this for...... If Xia Solstice was there, he would probably complain about her like this.

If it's Mio, I won't care much about this slot.

Or did it seem to her that the reason given by the girl was indeed reasonable?

"I mean...... Why didn't you ask until now?"

Mio continued to ask

"If you want to be jealous, I should have been jealous when you secretly dated Xia Solstice, right?"

Ah, it turned out that it had been discovered a long time ago.

The garden stuck out her little tongue embarrassedly, and there was a kind of weakness in the heart of being caught red-handed for doing bad things0 ..

"And those elves are ...... too"

Mio didn't pay much attention to her reaction, and her gaze fell back to the boy in the distance, and continued

Every time Xia Solstice goes back, he is dating them, and in terms of length alone, it can be much longer than the garden.

Not to mention that the relationship between them is much more excessive than that of the garden.

“...... If you want to say it, of course, there will still be a little, like this ......"

It's the same as what happened at the hot spring inn......

"But later, I came back with Xia Solstice to make amends~" Mio winked at her and said mysteriously.


The garden tilted its head in confusion.

"And ah......"

Seeing the girl's half-understood appearance, Mio, who had satisfied her occasional childish teasing psychology, retracted her gaze with satisfaction and continued to whisper

"Although there is no causal connection, there is a very wonderful spiritual connection between me and them, and it gives me a faint feeling as if they are me......"

Of course, this description is not very appropriate, and it should be said that it is a feeling of being a part of myself.

And Origami is the only one Mio Mio has really met so far, and it is also the only elf who has been in close contact with Kurumi when she deliberately kept a certain distance from her

Mio can feel the inseparable connection between herself and her

It's complicated, and if you have to say it, it's like ...... own children the same.

"In my heart, they are like our children, and I love them. "

Mio said this, answering the girl's initial question

"No mother would eat her daughter's vinegar, right?"

...... Truly.

Sonoko nodded approvingly...... On the other hand.

"Her eyes are blue, too. "

Although the hair color is slightly different, it is all silver. If you put it together, it does feel like a mother and daughter.

...... But then again, didn't Sister Mio just say that she was jealous this time?

There was a hint of confusion on the garden's face.

"That's an excuse. "

Mio hugged the boy in her arms and gently kicked her slender white legs, smiling

Even between boyfriends and girlfriends, you should find some reasons to keep the mood in place, occasionally show a little snack vinegar, and some appropriate little temper, which can also make your boyfriend love and like himself more...... It's all she learned from books

"You have to keep this matter secret for me, don't talk about it with Xia Solstice. She winked at the girl and whispered in her ear

"In exchange...... I'm not going to pursue the fact that you secretly dated Xia Solstice before. "

Oops, I've been caught with a 1.6 handle.

Yuan Zi looked away from his eyes weakly, and thought to himself with a slightly red face.

"What are you talking about?"

Xia Zhi, who came back with the girl, saw the picture of the two intimately sticking together, and asked curiously.

"Nothing. "

Mio shook her head, looked at them with a smile and asked:

"Do you want to continue?"

The little origami glanced at the photo taken this time, frowning slightly, and still seemed to be a little dissatisfied.

After thinking about it, the garden helped to give advice: "There will be photo services, in addition to roller coasters, there are also projects such as jumping machines." "

When the little origami heard this, it seemed that she was immediately interested, and looked up at the young man: "Let's go play with that, shall we?"

This one......

Xia Zhi showed a hesitant expression

But looking at the girl's expectant eyes, he still sighed slightly.

At least it's a different project

"It's good to be young......"

Looking at the backs of the two of them going away again, Yuanzi couldn't help but sigh again.

She couldn't help but think back to the past, the position next to the boy was either Sister Mio or herself, but now it was occupied by another girl

So...... Is this also a kind of NTR?

The girl couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

Although Mio's sister thinks she is a "mother", it shouldn't be counted according to this statement, but she is not.

In other words, I'm the only one who gets NTR?


Yuan Zi suddenly felt that he seemed to be able to understand the feeling of Mio's sister at the beginning......


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