
In the cat café with soft music, the white-brown cat lies on the ground and turns over, showing her fluffy belly to the teenager as if she were coquettish.

Unlike the kitten at home who doesn't know if it can be sold for 500 yen, many of the cats who come out to pick up customers in the cat café are more expensive breeds of cats.

For example, the one lying in front of the summer solstice scratching his head is a long-haired ragdoll cat known as the princess of cats.

Judging from her size, she should not even be a year old, so she can be said to be a veritable little princess.

It's not easy to come out to work at such a young age. Xia Solstice thought to himself, rubbing the cat's belly familiarly.

Maybe it's because he spent money, but he always feels that the cat under his hand feels much softer to the touch, and people can't put it down.

Seeing this, Kurumi Shizaki on the side couldn't help but show an envious expression.

"Do you want to touch it?"

Seeing this, Xia Zhi proposed to her and asked.

"This ...... Is that okay?"

There was a hint of anticipation in the girl's eyes, but she asked with some hesitation.

Xia Solstice didn't quite understand what was wrong with this, they were guests who had spent money, and these cats should serve them happily 647.

He rubbed it twice more with skillful techniques, and after the little princess was dizzy, he picked it up and put it in Shi Qi's arms.

"Meow ......"

The Ragdoll cat, who hadn't reacted yet, barked in confusion, and her cute and cute appearance made people's hearts soften.

Shizaki Kurumi carefully hugged the little cutie in his arms, and didn't dare to make any big moves for a while, afraid that the cat would escape from his arms after waking up.

On the other side, the summer solstice was much more casual, and he casually carried a passing British short blue cat, removed a cat strip and handed it to its mouth.

The blue cat, which felt that his body was rising in the air, was held in the arms of a stranger before he could react, and just wanted to struggle, he saw the cat strip that was handed to him, and after thinking about it, he didn't care so much, and stretched out his tongue and began to eat.

Seeing the movement here, the puppet on the opposite side seemed to be greedy, and wanted to break free from the girl's arms, and after finding that he couldn't get out of the arms, he had to raise his little head and "meow" at her pitifully.

Kurumi Tokizaki once again showed an embarrassed expression, but she couldn't free her hand, worried that as soon as she let go of her hand, the puppet she had managed to hold would run away immediately.

There was no way, she finally had to look at the boy for help.

This is the first time that Xia Zhi has seen a girl show such a look to herself, and she can't help but feel a sense of novelty.

After thinking about it, a smile appeared on his face, and he said meaningfully:

"Miss Kurumi Tokizaki...... I don't think you want to see this cute little princess hungry, do you?"

Kurumi Tokizaki: ......


Xia Zhi took a cat strip and handed it to the mouth of the ragdoll cat in the girl's arms.

Smelling the familiar smell of food, the cat immediately stretched out its pink little tongue and licked it with relish.

Seeing it eating so happily, Kurumi Shizaki couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Miss Mad Three, although she likes cats very much, she is not very good at dealing with these little ones. Xia Zhi said with a sigh while feeding the little puppet.

"People are the most vicious elves of time, it's normal to be unpopular, right?"

Taking advantage of the little puppet's indulgence in food, Kurumi Shizaki replied while gently stroking its long, soft fur with his hand

"On the contrary, Mr. Xia Zhi, who is so good at dealing with small animals, did surprise me at first. "

But then I thought about it, if I put those little girls in the category of "small animals", it seemed to make sense all of a sudden?

"......" (read violent novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Looking at the expression on the girl's face, Xia Zhi, who knew that she was definitely not thinking about her good words, wisely chose not to follow her words and said

"I've always been kind, haven't I?"

"Ahh "

When he came back to his senses, Kurumi narrowed his eyes slightly when he heard this, and then asked, "Is Mr. Xia Zhi referring to taking advantage of people's danger to force an ignorant girl to sign that shameful contract?"

Don't act like I've done something weird...... It's not a big deal, just let her learn a cat meow from herself like a cat.

...... And I don't want you to cash in now.

Xia Zhi thought to himself, and saw that the British short blue cat on the side didn't seem to be full, so he came forward to share, but was slapped back by the little puppet.

He is young and has a big temper.

He complained in his heart, but he didn't care that the two kittens on the other side were playing with each other, seeing that the little puppet was about to break free from his arms, the girl exclaimed quietly, and couldn't help but subconsciously lean forward to pick it up again. She didn't notice that her action happened to make her own chest hit the hand of the young man holding the cat strip in the distance.


Feeling the soft touch coming from his hand, Xia Zhi coughed lightly, took his hand back, and pretended that nothing had happened.

I think the girl who was in a hurry just now shouldn't have had time to find out, right?

He thought to himself, only to find that the sounds around him had somehow quieted down.

Xia Zhi raised his head suspiciously, but saw that the girl was looking at her, her fair and delicate cheeks with a hint of impercipable crimson,

On her chest, a yellowish-brown mark was left...... It looks a bit like the residue left over from the puppet's mouth.


Well, leave the "evidence of the crime".

For this "date" of the cat café, the girl deliberately changed the spirit dress back to the original black regular clothes, and the yellow-brown meat sludge of the cat strip looked particularly eye-catching against the black fabric.

“...... I'll wipe it for you?"

After thinking about it, Xia Zhi tried to come up with a remedy.

"Huh. "

The girl chuckled.

It doesn't look like that's going to work.


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