The cold under the snow was not serious, and when I woke up the next morning, the symptoms were significantly reduced, and although there were still some signs of fever, it was much better than the situation when I was so weak that I couldn't even walk that night.

However, at the insistence of Xia Zhi, the girl still lay in bed for two days, during which housework such as cooking, washing dishes and washing clothes naturally fell on Xia Zhi.

Fortunately, the storm outside has never stopped, so he temporarily canceled his plan to go out, otherwise he really wouldn't have so much time to deal with these chores.

After the condition was completely healed under the snow, the lives of the two returned to the normal trajectory, but there are some differences compared to before, and the relationship between the two has changed significantly after these events.

Unconsciously, the one under the snow will no longer put down the table as before when he sleeps at night, and he will begin to care about the taste of the summer solstice when cooking, and occasionally invite him to come over to taste the taste and give suggestions, and when he sits on the sofa and reads a book, he will no longer deliberately sit away from the end of the summer solstice, sometimes he wants to take a break after reading a book, but when he wakes up, he finds that he is leaning next to the teenager who is also napping at some point...... These are all proofs that she has little defense against teenagers in her heart.

The relationship between the two has inadvertently narrowed a lot, which is well known to Xia Solstice and under the snow, but no one has said it.

For the summer solstice, this is a good thing, because after the girl began to care about his taste, the food became more and more delicious, and the originally boring days became no longer boring because of the daily chatting and bickering, if it weren't for the continuous heavy rain outside, he might really think that this kind of life was quite good.

Yes, the rain is still falling. To be precise, this rain has not stopped since that day, and it has a tendency to drown the whole world.

Fortunately, the patrol hill school park itself is located on a relatively high terrain.,Plus they live in the upper floors of the teaching building.,So it wasn't flooded for the time being.。

The only thing that is a little troublesome is that because of the continuous heavy rain, the water outside is so deep that it is almost able to submerge half of the people, and it is definitely impossible to continue to go out to explore supplies as before, but fortunately, a lot of food has been hoarded under the intention of the summer solstice before, and it is conservatively estimated that it is no problem for the two of them to last for a month, enough for them to support until the end of the dungeon.

A sense of sleepiness came to his heart, Xia Zhi yawned, tightened the Xia Liang quilt on his body, and shrank his body into the sofa. On the other side, the sweet-looking girl was sitting on the sofa, holding a book and reading quietly in the dripping rain, and occasionally there was a slight sound of turning pages, which also made the sleepiness of the summer solstice even stronger.

The soft and bright light illuminates the small room, the rain is pouring outside the window of the room, the whole world is gloomy, and the black canopy seems to be about to collapse, but the world in the room is extraordinarily quiet, filled with an indescribable quiet and warm atmosphere.

Although this kind of picture is warm, it is actually just a very ordinary scene in the past half a month, and there is nothing worth caring about, but today is a little different, because after today, the sixty-day deadline required by the main quest has arrived.

In other words, after today, this dream copy will be over.

The reward of the main quest one is to get 5 dream points without surviving one more day, and 60 days is 300 dream points, plus the additional rewards achieved by the main quest 2 and the whole main story, he can get a total of 1100 dream points at one time, which is not an exaggeration to say that he became rich overnight.

With so many points, can you do whatever you want in the next dungeon?

Xia Solstice couldn't help but think.

However, just as he was daydreaming, he suddenly heard an unusual humming sound outside the window.

The sound wasn't very noticeable in the rain outside, but as time went on, the hum began to grow clearer and clearer, and it sounded as if it was rapidly approaching this side.

He heard this unusual movement under the snow, put down the book in his hand and looked up at the window, and it was not long before he saw a small black dot under the gloomy clouds and between the rain.

"Helicopter?" she quickly recognized what the black dot was, and she was slightly startled.

Originally, because no one responded to the signal sent by the portable radio, Xue Xia had begun to gradually accept the fact that there were indeed no other living people in this world except herself and the summer solstice, but the appearance of this helicopter overturned her previous speculation and brought her new hope.

It just made her wonder that everyone knew that flying a plane in bad weather was a very dangerous thing, why did the unknown helicopter pilot choose to fly in such bad weather?

Could it be that something forced him to make such a choice?

A little uneasiness rose in his heart under the snow, and his body involuntarily leaned towards the location where the summer solstice was.

At the same time, the summer solstice side also received a game prompt to trigger a new side quest

[Side Mission: Rescue the Strange Driver].

[Reward: 300 Dream Points].

didn't pay attention to the task reward that can be described as rich, and Xia Zhi's eyes first fell on the two words of the task requirements:


Why Rescue?

Could it be ......

A bad feeling rose in his heart.

Sure enough, the next moment after the mission prompt appeared, I saw that the small black dot in the distance, which represented the helicopter, seemed to have suddenly malfunctioned, and began to sway from side to side in the wind and rain.

The initial shaking was not large, and it could be seen that the pilot was trying to control the stability of the fuselage, but flying in such a storm was already very difficult, not to mention that the helicopter itself seemed to have something wrong, and after holding on to flying for some distance, the helicopter eventually staggered and fell downwards like a drunk drunk.

And the place where it fell,It's the summer solstice and the snow at the moment where the patrol hill school park is!

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