"Gurgling ......"

The girl dipped half of her head in a tub filled with warm water, making a gurgling sound that left a series of bubbles on the surface of the water.

In normal times, she had already taken a shower last night, and she would not deliberately wash again in the morning.

Doctors have also said that once or twice is fine once in a while, but too much bathing for a long time will destroy the oil on the surface of the skin, which in turn will lead to more skin diseases.

So she didn't quite understand why, obviously she also knew about it, Sister Mio and Xia Zhi would basically take an extra bath every morning.

However, none of this has anything to do with the reason why she is taking a shower now, nor is it because her body is dirty

The reason why she chose to take a shower this morning is because she is not in a very good mood now.

The second is because......

The little origami looked at the slightly rippling water, and the air was filled with the same smell of shower gel as the boy's.

As I said before, in this country, it is normal for a family to share the water for bathing03 love.

It's just that in the past, the teenager was basically the last to take a bath, and he may also take care of his special situation, and he would put a pool of hot water on her every time.

However, this morning the situation was a little more special

When the girl entered, she saw a pool of still warm bath water

I also found out just now that Sister Mio hasn't taken a bath yet, so I think it should have been left for her.

It's not a big deal though


"Gurgling ......"

A bunch of bubbles appeared on the surface of the water again

The girl's cheeks flushed with a flush that I don't know if it had been soaked for too long, or if it was something else......


When the girl came out of the bathroom again, Xia Solstice noticed that she seemed to be in a strange state.

His cheeks were flushed, he looked absent-minded, and he would avoid his gaze when he met him.

Coupled with the familiar scent of shower gel on her body, Xia Solstice came to a conclusion from this

"Origami?" he called out to the girl passing by.

"Ahh......h Yes, what's the matter?" the girl stammered.

"Are you stunned?"

Xia Zhi stepped forward, gently touched her forehead with his hand, and asked, "Is there anything uncomfortable?"

Seeing that the young man had no unusual expression, the little origami breathed a sigh of relief.

But then, I felt a little lost

"I ...... It's okay. "

She looked away, dodged the boy's hand, and turned and ran back to her room.

“...... What's wrong with her?"

Xia Zhi turned to look at the silver-haired girl on the other side and asked.

"Maybe you're allergic to the summer solstice?"

Mio tilted her head slightly, suggesting a possible conjecture.

That's still so close to me every day.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart, thought about it, and then came to the door of the girl's room and knocked lightly.


"Hmm...... Huh?"

There was a muffled sound from inside the room.

"May I come in?"

Xia Solstice didn't care and continued to ask.

"Come in...... Wait, wait!"

Hearing this, the girl's voice immediately became panicked

After a series of strange noises, the door of the room finally opened, and the girl's figure reappeared, her cheeks looking a little red.

Xia Zhi glanced inside, no different from the last time he came. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Yes, what's the matter?" asked Origami, a little nervous.

"Nothing, I want to accompany you. "

Xia Zhi said, bending down slightly under the girl's surprised and shy eyes, and hugged her.

The girl let out a short exclamation of "ah", but did not make any struggle, and allowed herself to be carried to her bedside and sat down.

"Let me sneak some sleep with you, okay?" he asked, winking at the girl in his arms.

Summer solstice, didn't you sleep well yesterday night?

Although he had such doubts in his heart, looking at the young man's face that was close at hand, these doubts in his heart, including the unhappy emotions in his heart just now, all these unimportant things were left behind.

"Hmm...... Well. "

The little origami lying in the boy's arms nodded with a red face and agreed.


By the time the summer solstice woke up again, it was already noon.

He lowered his head and looked at the petite figure in his arms. The girl's eyes were lightly closed, her long eyelashes trembled slightly, and her cheeks were a faint crimson.

I don't know if she just woke up, or if she's been pretending to be asleep all the time.

Xia Zhi didn't poke her either, and after "waking her up", they went out of the room together, just at lunchtime.

After lunch, the girl quickly regained her mood and returned to her usual appearance.

"Summer Solstice, what have you done?"

Seeing that he comforted the girl so easily, Mio asked curiously.

"I just slept with her. "Summer Solstice returns.

To be precise, it was to stay with her for a while.

Although it seems that she has roughly returned to normal on the surface, Xia Zhi, who lives with her, knows in her heart that the girl's inner dependence on herself has never decreased.

Therefore, compared to other methods, when she is in a bad mood, staying with her for a while like she did at the beginning of the 740s should be the best way to make her happy, right?

In Huby's words, it replenishes the "summer solstice energy...... Although the object and the situation may be different, they should be more or less the same.

"Uh-huh, I understand. Mio nodded sympathetically, "When I sleep with me on the night of the summer solstice, I am also very happy." "

...... No, it's a little different from you.

Xia Zhi complained in his heart and shook his head.

Leaving Mio's matter aside for the time being, anyway, the summer solstice method is very effective, and the girl's mood has obviously returned to normal, and it can even be seen that it is much better than usual.

It's just that there seem to be a slight side effect.

After that, Xia Solstice could feel that the girl secretly glanced at her side nearly twice as often as usual, and even if she was playing a game in the living room, she could often feel the gaze that fell on her, and when she pursued it, she would immediately look away...... This makes Xia Solstice very uncomfortable even if he touches the fish.

Fortunately, the time of the day passed quickly, and the time when Kurumi Tokizaki agreed to start again yesterday night was about to arrive.

Looking at the sky outside the window that was about to darken, Xia Zhi thought in his heart.


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