What you see is not a familiar sight.

The flames danced wildly in sight, crackling and burning.

Everything around was drowned in flames, houses and trees burned in flames, the sky turned an apocalyptic orange-red, and the whole world turned into an abyss of fiery hell.

Kneeling in the middle of the raging flame heatwave, looking at everything familiar and strange around her, the girl's mind was full of confusion.

Is this a dream, or is it reality?

Why am I here?

I just ...... Not!

The girl couldn't help but cover her forehead, and the noise from the clash of memories gradually expanded in her thoughts, causing her a sharp headache.

Father...... Mom......?

Looking at the towns and streets burned in the fire in front of her, the girl's thoughts gradually became clear.

At the same time, she finally realized

Those ...... just now Not my own memory.

Or at least not the memory of the "kite origami" standing here.

The girl in that memory is both herself and not herself.

Those who are happy, happy, have the experience of redemption...... None of them belong to themselves......

Her happiness at this moment has long been deprived...... 123 "Origami? Origami!"

The voice of the outside world, which was finally blocked, came into my ears, and a voice of worrying concern was heard.

The girl looked up and saw a strange yet familiar young face

The boundaries of dreams seem to be blurred at this moment, and memory and reality seem to overlap

Looking at the figure in front of her who shouldn't have appeared here, her azure eyes widened slightly

This man is ......


Xia Zhi looked at the silver-haired girl who was rescued by himself from under the burned and collapsed house, although he was a little surprised that she would appear here, but this was obviously not the most important thing to care about right now.

Even just from her appearance, you can see that the girl's current state is very wrong.

The dull eyes, the tear-stained cheeks, the dry and chapped lips, the originally bright blue eyes are now extremely empty.

is different from the calm without any emotional fluctuations at the beginning, revealing a deep despair

At this moment, the girl's state is even worse than when she first met "her".

"Origami, Origami!"

Xia Solstice shook the girl's body, trying to shake her (aeaa's) consciousness...... Uh, recall.

Fortunately, the girl reacted to his voice, slowly raised her head, and looked at him in confusion

Then, as if she had seen something that touched her heart, her eyes, which were originally trembling and revealing hollowness, gradually regained their vigor and glowed with new light

“...... Are you here to save me?"


The girl's mind had never been so chaotic or clear.

She knew very well that the memories she had just seen, the experiences, the happiness she had did not belong to her.

With that memory, she embarked on another life that was different from herself, experienced pain, fell into despair, and finally got her own redemption.

I don't know exactly what this is, I don't know why there is another self, and I don't know why I was able to get this memory

However, none of this matters.

Origami looked at the boy in front of him in a daze

He saved his alter self

And now that he is in front of him again, does it mean

You ...... too.

She opened her lips slightly and asked in a dry, hoarse voice

“...... Are you here to save me?"

Listening to the girl's confused whisper, Xia Zhi was slightly stunned for a moment, puzzled by the abnormality she had shown since she saw her

However, looking at those blue eyes with anticipation and hope, he sighed slightly, temporarily suppressing those thoughts

"Yes. "

Xia Solstice bent down slightly, gently hugged the girl into his arms, stroked her back, and whispered comfort in her ear

"So...... It's okay, I'm here. "

got the teenager's affirmative answer, sad, aggrieved, happy, as if all the complex emotions that had been suppressed before came to my heart at this moment, blurring the girl's vision in front of me (read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Feeling this warmth that is the same as her memory, she hugged the young man's body tightly, as if she was greedy for the warmth that encompassed her

The dependence of the other self on him has also become the support that supports her about to fall into despair, the only sustenance and support she can find.

Her body trembled slightly, and she asked in a suppressed voice:

"Can I cry?"

"It's okay. "

Xia Zhi stroked her hair, so that her little head could rest against her chest, affirming and permitting:

"Cry if you want, it doesn't matter how much you want to cry here...... It's okay to vent all your emotions to me...... So, cry if you want to. "


Listening to the boy's words, the girl's small hands clutched his clothes tightly, and suppressed sobs began to appear between her slightly open lips

"Woo ......"


"Woo...... Woo-ah-ahh——!h

As if the emotion of the embankment had burst into her heart, tears could not stop flowing down the girl's cheeks, and soon the clothes on her chest were soaked. At this moment, she seems to have changed back to the original self in her memory, and entrusted all her inner feelings to this "first meeting" teenager.

Holding the little body trembling slightly in his arms, sobbing and choking, how did Xia Zhi feel that this scene was a little familiar?

...... Never mind.

He shook his head, not paying much attention to it for a moment, and returned his thoughts to the girl in his arms.

“...... It's okay. "

Xia Zhi gently stroked the girl's back, and whispered comfort in her ear according to the experience of comforting her sister when she cried in the past

"Don't worry, I'll take care of everything......"

Gradually, as if calming down from her emotions, the girl's crying quieted down


Her soft response came from her arms

"I'll ...... Leave everything to your ......"

All of it......

She thought to herself.

In exchange

“...... If you're really a god. "

She raised her head, her delicate face still had tears remaining, and she looked at the young man with reddish blue eyes, and asked with a hint of hope:

"I can ask you for ...... A wish?"


PS: Some Kavin, sorry for taking a leave of absence today only one chapter. As compensation,I'll upload two chapters about Xia Weaving in the work later.,It's an abridged version written before.,And a new avatar of Xia Weaving will be attached.,Interested partners can go and watch it~ As for the full version and the original picture,,It's still going to be in the old place.


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